Reviewed on: October 07,2015

Is the violence as bad as you see on t.v.

Asked: August 06, 2015
Author: Cindy
Ask the inmate answer
TV exaggerates the things that happen in prison. Think of prison as a small village with a group of people that have to live there for a while. Somehow, some way, the people figure out how to co-exist. Inmates have a "hustle", a way to get little extras. Some cut hair, some do laundry or clean other's cells. Some cook and sell their food. But there is gambling and contraband peddling. If your inamte gets caught up in that and fail to pay their bill, fights will occur.  Also, just like any willage, two people can get into an argument and have  afight break out. It is not rampant and it is not epidemic but it happens just like it can happen on the street. For those that fight, the punishment and consequences are not good. They will lose privileges and maybe even get moved to a rpison with even more strict rules and segregations. If your inmate is street-wise, they will know how to navigate situations and stay out of conflict.
Accepted Answer Date Created: August 07,2015

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