Reviewed on: April 07,2016

What are the rules for Probation in Colorado?

How can I find out the rules I have to abide by when my son comes to live with me after being released from prison? i.e., no alcohol in the house (?), etc. Also, resources for seeking employment as a convicted felon in CO. Thanks.

Asked: April 05, 2016
Author: Linda
Ask the inmate answer
STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SUPERVISION under Colorado law, here are the most common: THE COSTS OF PROBATION SUPERVISION – paying a monthly payment for the costs of supervision. Paying any FINES AND COURT COSTS imposed by the court; Paying RESTITUTION to the alleged victim; REPORTING to Your Probation Office NOT POSSESSING ANY WEAPON OR FIREARM unless expressly authorized by the court; Not CHANGING YOUR RESIDENCE OR EMPLOYMENT OR LEAVING THE COUNTY OF YOUR RESIDENCE WITHOUT YOUR PROBATION OFFICER’S PERMISSION; NO NEW VIOLATIONS OF LAW NO USE OF NTOXICANTS OR THE POSSESSION OF ANY NARCOTIC OR DRUG UNLESS PRESCRIBED BY YOUR PHYSICIAN, nor may you go to any location where dangerous substances, drugs or intoxicants are unlawfully used, sold or dispensed. NO ASSOCIATION WITH ANY CO-DEFENDANT during the period of probation. MAY NOT ASSOCIATE WITH ANY PERSON ENGAGE IN ANY CRIMINAL CONDUCT; OBTAIN LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT and may be compelled to tell your employer of your probation. MUST ALLOW AN OFFICER TO COME INTO YOUR HOME OR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT. PAY FOR AND SUBMIT TO RANDOM CHEMICAL TESTING FOR DRUGS OR ALCOHOL requested by your probation officer or the staff of a treatment center. ENTRY OF THE MANDATORY PROTECTION ORDER that you may not harass, molest, intimidate, retaliate against, or tamper with the victim of or any prosecution witnesses to the crime…
Accepted Answer Date Created: April 07,2016

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