The Federal Bureau of Prisons offers sex offender treatment to offenders with a history of sexual offending and who volunteer for treatment. The Bureau provides two levels of treatment intensity: residential and non-residential. Eligibility for participation in a treatment program depends on an offender’s evaluated risk of future sexual offending. Institutions offering this treatment often have a higher proportion of sex offenders in their offender population. This higher concentration of sex offenders within an institution helps offenders feel more comfortable acknowledging their concerns and seeking treatment.
Residential Sex Offender Treatment Program
Residential treatment involves high intensity programming for a period of 12 to 18 months. The Bureau provides this program at USP Marion in Illinois and at FMC Devens in Massachusetts. Participants benefit from a therapeutic community on a residential housing unit where they work to reduce their risk of future offending. Offenders receive treatment five days per week. This treatment targets offenders with an elevated risk of reoffending.
Non-residential Sex Offender Treatment Program
Non-Residential treatment consists of outpatient groups meeting 2-3 times per week for several hours. Program completion takes 9-12 months. The Bureau offers this moderate intensity program at several institutions, listed below. Participants learn basic skills and concepts to help them understand their past offenses and to reduce risk of future offending. This treatment is offered to offenders evaluated to have low to moderate risk of reoffending.
Voluntary Treatment - Offenders interested in sex offender treatment may request additional information from their institution’s Psychology Services Department. Psychology staff can further explain the programs and assist volunteers in requesting treatment. Offenders typically participate in sex offender treatment in the final three years of their incarceration.
Other locations where sex offender treatment programs are offered:
FMC Carswell, FCI Elkton, FCI Englewood, FCI Marianna, FCI Petersburg Medium, FCI Seagoville and FCI Tucson
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