Reviewed on: May 03,2016

Do inmates in a halfway house get a furlough?

do inmates in a halfway house get furlough

Asked: April 22, 2016
Author: InmateAID
Ask the inmate answer
Generally, it is easier to get a furlough from the halfway house than from the prison itself. halfway house is a transitional time where the inmate is given small time periods to go home and be with their family, find a job or go to religious services. A furlough is an authorized absence from an institution by an inmate who is not under escort of a staff member, a US Marshal, other federal or state agent. Furloughs are a privilege, not a right, and are only granted when clearly in the public interest and for the furtherance of a legitimate correctional goal. Ordinarily, inmates with a history of violence and inmates with enhancements in their pre-sentence reports for weapons possession will not be granted social furloughs. The Bureau has a social furlough program for inmates who have community custody and are two years or less from their anticipated release date and are medically able to participate in the furlough. An inmate who meets the eligibility requirements may submit an application for furlough to unit staff for approval. Furloughs may be granted for the following reasons: Visits to dying immediate family (parent, wife, child, brother, sister) Attendance at funeral of immediate family (same as above) Obtaining medical services not otherwise available. Contacting prospective employers. Establishing or re-establishing family or community ties. Participating in selected educational, social, civic, religious, and recreational activities which will facilitate release transition. Any other significant reason consistent with the public interest.
Accepted Answer Date Created: April 23,2016

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