Reading posts from others is not going to put your mind at ease. This facility is for short-time inmates. Generally speaking, when inmates get close to the door, there is a lot less nonsense going on. No inmate wants to jeopardize their release date by doing stupid things.
The facilities are all non-smoking but getting cigarettes in prison is not hard. They are expensive but smoking goes on, he just has to be careful not to end up in the SHU.
You know your husband, if he is the type to keep to himself and not get involved in conflict and can focus on getting out, he will be fine there. here is a list of things available to keep him busy and give him the best chance to get out as soon as possible with a little better foundation than when he went in.
Academic Programs:Adult Basic EducationGeneral Educational Development (GED)Volunteer Literacy ProgramSubstance Abuse Programs:Pre-Treatment Motivation ProgramIntensive OutpatientChaplaincy Services:Alcoholics AnonymousBridge BuildersChapel Library ProgramFaith-Based DormitoryKairos Week-endsNarcotics AnonymousPrison Fellowship QuarterlyPurpose Driven LifeReligious EducationWay Home Bridge BuildersWorship ServicesInstitutional Betterment Programs:100-hour Transition Program5000 Role ModelsActive and Passive SportsAnger & Stress ManagementChildren of InmatesChoice ProgramCriminomEssuba ProgramFresh Start Smoking CessationLaw Library ProgramLibrary ProgramLifer's GroupSmall BusinessThinking for a ChangeToastmaster Gavel ClubWaste Water TreatmentWellness EducationYoga
Accepted Answer Date Created: February 04,2015