Reviewed on: February 19,2016

How much more time will my inmate have to do before a parole hearing?

My inmate is in TDCJ and had been at the same unit(Gist) for over a year, he is currently in his 3rd parole review and was recently moved to a different unit (Pack). I was wondering why they would move him and if it was an indication he could be getting paroled. He got 3 yrs and will have served 2 as of the 22nd of this month, he was in county for 7 months.

Asked: February 18, 2016
Author: Denise
Ask the inmate answer
Inmates in the TDCJ must serve 85% of their sentence. A 36 month sentence means that he will have to do 30.6 months. If he has done 24 already he is near the door. Normally the time spent in county counts as time off this sentence. We wonder if the sentence was different that you heard or if there are concurrent charges. Inmate movement from unit to unit is not unusual. It might be for something good or something bad, don't read too much into it. If you want to send us their name and TDCJ number we will be happy to check on his out-date
Accepted Answer Date Created: February 19,2016

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