Reviewed on: August 23,2016

my stepson in December,2012 was arrested in iowa for Count l & ll: delivery of a schedule II controlled substance (Meth) both class c felonies and count lll: delivery of Marijuana. On july 2013 he took a plea of having counts II & III dropped. plead guilty to the count I his prison sentence of 10 years fully suspended placed on probation for 3 years ewith random ua etc. and be placed for 180 days at a residential facility pay fines. he sucessfully completed his 180 days. was doing great until 2015. on november 2015 he went to move a friends car from street in town to our place and was arrested for driving without license, no insurance, Possesion of marijuana 2 offence, poss of Meth 2 offence, and taking/failure tio report contraband in jail(that charge he said he was searched 4 times 2 of them before they took him to jail and the other 2 at jail) he got chrged with that during he was in his cell in jail. on december of 2015 he was arrested for delivery of meth(in cerro gordo county) and he would been off probation on july 15,2016. he was told that his case going federal, so from dec 1,2015 to now he was in county jail. he is now being charged in federal with 1 count of Conspiracy to distribute (delivery) of meth 5 or more grams of pure Meth: US code 21 841(a), US code 21 841(b)(1)(B) and US code 21 846. his state charges(his floyd county charges for 11-4-2015, his cerro gordo charge to which he sold to an informant on oct 21,2015 including his probation Revoke still havent been dropped from what i see on the iowa courts website. when will the state charges be dropped being now his is going federal he was looking looking at 25-life in federal prison now 10-20years to which he apparently took some plea deal he told us 10-15 but his federal lawyer was asking 5-10 years due to health issues of his father who has seizures now suffering some memory loss and his little brother(12yrs old) has Wilson's Disease no cure for this disease for which his little brother is in stage 2 of the 4 stages of liver failure severe scarring to liver and his medication alone for this disease is $21,250 per month of 100 pills. he would help me at home with his dad like lifting him from floor when he has seizures, staying with his little brother when i run errands when his dad would be bed for being to drained from seizures and sleep. how much time will he actually do, will he be close to home like in oxford wisconsin, sandstone minnesota, yankton south dakota

Asked: July 25, 2016
Author: Nancy
Ask the inmate answer
We thank you for sharing your information, you've got a lot going on. The lawyer that is handling his plea agreement would know what the negotiation range is. On it's face, 25 to life seems high unless there is more to his criminal history than this. If he is considered a low-risk inmate, he could do time in the camp which is not hard time. It's just dealing with a lot of boredom. Good luck
Accepted Answer Date Created: July 26,2016

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