Kerik, Bernard - Gets Hit With Four Years in Pr...

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Bernie Kerik Gets Hit With Four Years In Prison

Business Insider -  Feb. 18, 2010

(AP) A federal judge didn't cut former New York City police Commissioner Bernard Kerik any slack today.

Judge Stephen Robinson sentenced Kerik to four years in prison for eight felonies. Robinson says the fact that Kerik would use 9/11 for personal gain, in Robinson's words, "is a dark place in the soul for me."

Kerik, who was nominated for Homeland Security chief, admitted in November that he lied to the White House, filed false taxes and committed other crimes.

Kerik said in court that while being considered to head the Department of Homeland Security, he falsely denied that he had any financial dealings with anyone doing business with New York City. He said he also lied when he claimed he had specifically refused payments that were offered.

Before he was sentenced, Kerik asked to be returned to his wife and children as soon as possible. But Robinson says he went beyond federal sentencing guidelines because they couldn't account for certain factors.

Federal guidelines indicated Kerik's sentence should be between 27 and 33 months in prison.