Madoff, Peter - Gets What He Expected - 10 Year...
Peter Madoff Gets What He Expected - 10 Years Prison - Forbes
Walter Pavlo - 12/20/2012
Peter Madoff Enters Federal Court Today (Photo by Rick Maiman)
Peter Madoff (67) decided to plead guilty on June 29th of this year for his role in the largest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history and today U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain put her stamp of approval on a 10 year prison term that had been recommended by the prosecution and agreed to by Peter Madoff. He also agreed to forfeit all of his assets up to $146 billion (guess he gets to keep anything above that). Madoff’s sentence represents only the second prison term handed down in the Madoff Ponzi scheme (Peter’s brother Bernie being the other at 150 years). Madoff’s accountant, David Friehling, is still awaiting sentencing along with others who have pleaded guilty.
The youngest of the three Madoff siblings (older sister Sondra was not associated with the firm), Peter was a graduate of CUNY- Queens and obtained his law degree from Fordham. In his sentencing memorandum he said that even though he was the Chief Compliance Officer of Madoff Securities and held other positions for decades, he was swindled by his elder brother, having no idea that he was sitting on top of a Ponzi scheme. So let’s just say that he was a bad compliance officer … for a very long time.
Peter stated in court papers that he was always looking up to big brother Bernie, which was not that hard to believe since so many people had a high opinion of the guy for so many years. I think that I speak for many when I say that Peter could still admire his brother but he certainly had to know that something was missing at Madoff Securities. trade receipts for instance. In addition to monitoring trading activity, Peter was responsible for monitoring the compliance program for the firm …. “Looks good!” At its height, Peter would have been responsible in 2008 for compliance on over 4,000 accounts totaling $65 billion at Madoff Securities. However, Peter said that he was stunned to learn of the fraud in December 2008 when Bernie confessed to him about the scheme, but that did not stop him from working with his brother to divvy up $300 million to friends and family after being informed of the Ponzi scheme. The planned distribution was never made, but the intent was clear…”let’s keep what’s left in the family.”
Peter never knew a life of working for a legitimate firm and it showed in his sentencing memorandum. In it he (his lawyer) wrote that, “Not withstanding his admitted wrongdoing, in some respects this case constitutes a personal tragedy for an otherwise decent and compassionate man.” This just does not add up for Peter because here’s a list of the “few” indiscretions that he admitted to (without knowing about the Ponzi scheme):
1) Acknowledged that he engaged in money transfers meant to avoid taxes (includes money received for country club dues, cars leases, meals, travel, and life insurance payments)
2) Had his wife on payroll for a job she never did (begs the question of where the wife is in all of this)
3) Engaged in promissory notes (loans) from brother Bernie that were never meant to be repaid
4) Falsified books and records of an investment adviser
5) Provided large sums of money to his children with the intent of shielding them from taxes through the use of bogus promissory notes
6) Made false filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission
7) Committed mail and wire fraud
In other words, since Peter Madoff only knew a professional life of working with a con-man, brother Bernie, he had no idea of how to conduct any type of legitimate business and at the same time believed his life to be one of a “decent” man. For anyone who has read my blog over the years, you know I tend to try to give every defendant the benefit of the doubt that they did have some good trait …. but for Peter, he seems to be a lost soul. That is a tragedy because he will never know who he could have been.
Peter asked to serve his time in Otisville Prison Camp (north of NYC), which is where Ponzi Schemer Kenneth Starr is serving his 90 month prison term. I’m sure they’ll have much to talk about as they walk the prison yard.[/entity]
Peter Madoff will be released in January 2021. If he lives through the experience (Peter is a Bladder Cancer Survivor), he will be 75 years old when he next returns to New York.