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Raj Rajaratnam’s Prison Experience Sounds Terrible, Except For The Manservant

Raj Rajaratnam, co-founder of Galleon Group reportedly called a "Fat Cat in Prison" by a prison snitch to irresponsible journalists

By Walter Pavlo - August 27, 2013 - Forbes

One expects the New York Post to put out half-backed stories of celebrities, but its recent article about insider trader Raj Rajaratnam is pure fiction. Accounts of Raj’s life behind bars were provided by a “prison insider” and given to the Post’s John Crudele who was unable to verify any of the contents of his article through credible sources (the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and Raj’s attorney, John Dowd provided no comment). Having taken his story to press, Crudele ended his article with a taunt to the BOP and Dowd, both who refused to contribute to the account, “So maybe now prison officials and Rajaratnam’s lawyers would like to discuss this. They have my number.” So the state of journalism today is print the story first, then seek comments to confirm its accuracy after the fact. Nice.

There is no Club Fed, but irresponsible media outlets just love fanning the fire … no matter how inaccurate.

The article is fiction. It portrays Raj’s life in the Federal Medical Center Devens as one of privilege, having his own “manservant”, chef, private toilet and balcony for sun bathing. None of it bears resemblance to reality. However, that did not stop other news sources from running with it. CNBC gave the story air time throughout the day talking about Raj’s “manservant” and his special treatment in prison … all unsubstantiated. Business Insider picked up the story, with attribution to the Post, with the headline, “Raj Rajaratnam’s Prison Experience Sounds Terrible, Except For The Manservant, Balcony, TV, Private Toilet…”. Sadly, the folks printing this trash call themselves “journalists,”, glad I’m not one of them.

Here are the facts. The Post claims Raj has a servant, named “Eddie”, who gets stuff for Raj and even cooks for him. First, people in prison pride themselves on cooking in the MICROWAVE! To avoid standing in long lines, men have people prepare some meals in a microwave … such elaborate items like macaroni and cheese, soup, nachos with Velvetta, popcorn … not likely on a Five-Star restaurant menu. Guys like Eddie typically have served very long prison terms, have no money, make no money in prison and have few family members out there to support them. Raj, who can certainly afford a $300/month spending limit at the commissary, can ask Eddie to cook some food, which Raj probably pays for. Raj can also throw him candy, or ice cream or a new pair of shoes, things Eddie could never afford on his own. Prisons do not cover the cost of soap, toothpaste, shampoo, razor blades (yes you can shave in prison) or deodorant. Without compassion and a sense of purpose, guys like Eddie would barely survive in prison.

Next claim; Raj has a private toilet. All inmates in federal prison camp have access to a private toilet. There is also a private shower; no big room full of burly men lathering up. In fact, public nudity, drying off outside of the private shower, is prohibited in prison.

Next claim; Raj is healthy. Prior to sentencing, Raj’s attorneys submitted that he suffered from diabetes and even filed more specific medical information that was never made public. Yet the Post gets its medical expertise from an unidentified jailhouse snitch who says Raj seems to get around fine. The medical facility where Raj is housed in Devens, MA is used for chronically and terminally ill inmates. The BOP does not let healthy inmates into the facility and would certainly transfer inmates who were “cured,” not that BOP medical facilities are noted for their contribution to healthcare. Further, Raj’s care, again according to the snitch, is impeding the care of other inmates who are even more sick. Ridiculous.

So let me make a prediction, based on some facts. I went to Jack Donson, a consultant for people facing federal prison and 23 year veteran of the BOP, to ask him what will happen to those named in the Raj story.

Services such as the ones “Eddie” performs are commonplace in prison and, while not sanctioned by the BOP, tolerated by prison staff according to Donson. “Many inmates help out other inmates by paying them to do things”, Donson told me, “It’s prison.” In a worst case scenario “Eddie”, will be identified as someone who is receiving payment for services, something not allowed in Federal Prison. He would then be placed in the SHU, Special Housing Unit, while an investigation takes place. The SHU is a disciplinary prison cell with other inmates where there are no private toilets and security is higher. After that, a determination will be made by the BOP who could take away “good-time” from Eddie, thus meaning he would stay in prison longer. He will also be transferred to another federal prison and will make his way through the infamous Con-Air transport system, arriving in another prison some months from now and many miles from his family … whatever family he has left. That would be worst case. Donson thinks differently, “I read the article and it seems embellished. I think the BOP will just look into it, ask a few questions and let it pass.”

The “jailhouse snitch” should be easy to find. The BOP would be eager to punish anyone who embarrasses the institution and discloses confidential information about an inmate in a medical facility. Most likely he communicated to the Post reporter via phone, which requires naming the person the inmate is calling, or via Corrlinks, the prison email system. Both are monitored and recorded by BOP staff. Even if the “jailhouse snitch” is not identified through those methods, do you think there is a shortage of snitches in prison? He too could be put in the SHU and transferred to another prison.

At a minimum, life will be disrupted in prison and those who have little, will have a little less.

Raj on the other hand, will go about his business and may find himself in line cooking his own microwave popcorn … until the next “manservant” comes along. What is sad is that Raj helping another inmate was written as if he were living some lavish lifestyle. Now that the article has been written, inmates who were involved will be punished for the minor offenses and the fallacy of Club Fed lives on.

Prison is a sad, difficult place to exist. The New York Post, along with the help of irresponsible mainstream media, just figured out a way to make it a little worse.
