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The Holidays in Federal Prison

by Walter Pavlo, Contributor  -  January 10, 2013

With so many Wall Streeters either in prison or heading to prison, I thought I would give a recap of what the holidays are like in federal prison camps. Believe it or not, prisons do try to make the holidays a bit more special than the normal grind (work, read, workout, read some more).

As one might imagine, the minds of inmates are filled with memories of Christmas or Hanukkah meals with family and friends …. not with bunk mates who are doing time for bank fraud and cooking methamphetamine. However, one makes a life out of what one is given. So here’s a look at the life of an inmate in federal prison during the holidays (in their own words).

From an inmate incarcerated in a prison in the Eastern U.S. (anonymity for the sake of everyone who may wish to get in on the meal plan of federal prison):

“Thanksgiving had the traditional meal which was served at lunch time. It was turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pie, etc and in ample quantities. Also, just like on the outside, during Federal Holidays there are no work assignments on the Camp (Yes, there are vacation days in prison).”

“On each holiday, there is a morning 8:00-11:00 visit session, and a 12:00-3:00 visit session, depending on your registration number (even gets one side and odd gets the other). It was great being able to spend six hours of the day with my wife on Christmas. For Christmas, the Thursday before, all inmates were given a “goodie bag” for lack of a better term, filled with candies, cookies and a small carton of Egg Nog. It was given out in the afternoon, and each housing unit was called separately to receive their bag, where you had to present your ID as well.” (wouldn’t want anyone getting two goodie bags).

“On Christmas Day there was a holiday meal served, consisting of a Cornish Game Hen (whole), vegetables, dessert, etc. which was also very satisfying. ”

“Overall, the atmosphere at the Camp is mixed. As one would expect, most inmates probably feel the distance from family and friends most over the holiday; thus, in a way you can feel a layer of “melancholy” for lack of a better word, through the camp. For some inmates, most likely including myself, where it is their last Christmas away from family, there was some expression of optimism during this season, by looking forward to the next.”

So the meals are noticeably better over the holidays, which helps lift the morale a little. But what about the families who give up their holidays to head to visit someone in prison. Family members from all over the country put aside their normal family gatherings to trek across the country to spend the holidays in a cheap hotel (most prisons are in small towns), a prison visitation room, and eat a meal from a vending machine. Some prisons allow local church groups into the visitation room to sing Christmas carols in the background to add to the holiday spirit … sounds depressing, and familiar.

There is no other time of year when an inmate understands the damage their actions have caused their family members. If they are lucky, they have visitors. If they are unlucky, they spend the holidays alone and make due with a phone call home where everyone exchanges wishes of a day when they will all be together.

The holidays are depressing for many, but for inmates and their families a Cornish Hen does little to lift ones spirits. Who says prison camps are country clubs?
