All Phone Calls - Same Price - No Discounts
Colorado Department of Corrections: Phone Calls
Prison Phone Provider for setting up prepaid accounts:
VAC/GTL: Set up and fund prepaid account or fund call center debit account.
VAC/GTL is making changes to their collect call (V-Connect). Effective May 6, 2013 any party that wish to set up a NEW account to receive collect calls from an offenders must contact GTL-ConnectNetwork at 1-800-913-6097 or at All existing accounts that have balances will automatically be transferred to the new system on June 24, 2013. No disruption should affect offenders placing collect calls.
The cost of prepaid calls are about the same for local, in-state and out-of-state calls. Out-of-state calls will cost .25 more than local and in-state calls. A local number is not necessary.
Debit Inmate Phone Rates Effective 03-01-12 *Rates are subject to change
Surcharge per call $1.25
Rate per minute (any time) $0.10
Calls placed to a number in another state
Surcharge $1.50
Rate per minute (anytime) $0.10
Who are the carriers for the CDOC inmate phone calls?
VAC/GTL is making changes to their collect call (V-connect). Effective May 6, 2013, any part(ies) that are wishing to set up a NEW account to receive collect calls from an offender must contact Offender Connect at 1-800-913-6097 or All existing accounts that have balances will automatically be transferred to the new system on June 24, 2013. No disruption should affect offenders placing collect calls.
Can inmates receive incoming calls?
Emergency calls will be handled according to each facility's established procedures.
What is the maximum length of a CIPS call?
Twenty minutes.
Inmate Phone System
Colorado Inmate Phone System (CIPS) is the phone system used in Colorado correctional facilities.
CIPS Conversion Complete
The CIPS conversion to the new CDOC inmate phone vendor, Value Added Communications (VAC)/ Global Tele Link (GTL) is complete. All facilities include the private facilities, are now installed with the CDOC inmate phone system (CIPS) and the carrier for all calls is VAC/GTL. Along with the conversion, VAC/GTL is providing a feature called V-Connect. To set an account up to receive collect calls (V-Connect) please contact VAC/GTL at 1-800-786-8521 or you can go online to
For more information regarding CIPS please see AR 850-12.
Terms commonly used in CIPS:
Intra-lata: Calls placed to a number not local but in the same calling area.
Inter-lata: Calls placed to a number in another calling area, within the state.
Inter-state: Calls placed to a number in another state.