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All Phone Calls - Same Price - No Discounts

Idaho State Prisons - Inmate Phone Calls

The rate are as follows:


Calls to any U.S. number: $0.14 per minute

International Calls: $0.80 per minute

Maximum call length is 30 minutes

The costs of calls from any Idaho state prison to any U.S. phone number are charged the same rate of $0.14 per minute. Having a local number is not necessary and will not reduce the cost of the call.

IDOC has contracted with CenturyLink to provide calling and account billing services to inmates.

Friends, family members, or attorneys can establish and fund prepaid calling accounts by phone or internet. Called parties can make payments directly to an inmate's calling account, or take advantage of a Prepaid Collect calling plan to accommodate calls to cell phones, unbillable accounts or accounts with credit issues.

Available Services

  • Inmate Debit account
    • Set up and funded through inmate trust accounts and commissary services. Inmates can use money in their inmate trust account to purchase debit calling time through the Inmate Telephone System.
  • Prepaid Collect account

    • Enables you to receive calls to your specific phone number from an inmate
    • Allows calls to connect to cell phones or internet phone services, which do not allow Traditional Collect billing
    • No monthly spending limits
    • Payments accepted: Credit/debit card (MasterCard and Visa logo) & Western Union. A maximum per-transaction limit will apply to credit/debit cards. To establish or manage an account:
      • Online:, ICSolutions is a CenturyLink subcontractor for prepaid collect accounts
        • By phone: 888-506-8407
        • Note: if you accept a call from a IDOC inmate and have not already established a Prepaid Collect account, you will receive one complimentary 60-second call and then be automatically routed to a customer service agent
  • Traditional Collect account

    • Calls will be billed on your monthly bill from your local phone company if your phone company offers this option and your phone account meets the following requirements: There must be a payment history of 6 months or more with no past due or service interruptions on the telephone number receiving the collect calls. The telephone company (or telephone provider) must have a signed agreement with the telephone contract provider allowing collect calls
    • There is no need to set up an account if your local phone company offers this option; an account will be set up for you automatically when you accept a collect call.
    • A 30-day spending limit of $35.00 will apply to Traditional Collect accounts.
      • Manage your account:
        • By phone: 888-664-7839
        • Direct bill account (Attorneys only)
        • Calls billed directly to attorneys only