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Oklahoma State Prisons - Inmate Phone Calls

Oklahoma Department of Corrections: Phone Calls

Prison Phone Provider for setting up prepaid accounts: VAC/GlobalTel Link: Set up prepaid accounts online at

Calls from any OK state prison to any U.S. number are charged the same rate. A local number is not needed and will not reduce the cost of the calls.

*Rates subject to change.

From the OK DOC website:

Offender Phone System:

Question: Who is the current contractor with the State of Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC) for offender telephone services? Answer: Value Added Communications (VAC) was awarded the contract for an offender phone system with new rates effective January 1, 2012.

Question: If Value Added Communications (VAC) is the contractor for offender phones in the State of Oklahoma, why is Global Tel Link (GTL) still involved with the offender phone system? Answer: GTL purchased VAC in a stock acquisition that was effective August 1, 2011. VAC remains a legal operating entity under the GTL umbrella. However, the acquisition opens all VAC customers, to the entire portfolio of product and service offerings that GTL provides. Pursuant to the contract awarded by the State of Oklahoma, the VAC phone platform/software will be utilized for the DOC phone system. However, there will be some other elements of the system or service offerings utilized by the State of Oklahoma that carry the GTL name. For example, the automated phone messages heard by family and friends will announce that GTL is providing the service and the current GTL website will continue to be utilized by families and friends for phone system information, customer service, and pre-paid account information.

Question: Will the equipment be changed out at all locations? Answer: No. The current phone instruments will continue to be repaired and replaced as needed going forward with the new contract. The call processing equipment will be changed but this should be a transparent to both the offender and family and friends.

Question: Can I receive a collect call from an offender? Answer: Collect calls can be received from offenders if you utilize a local telephone company that will agree to bill you for the call. For example, AT&T is one company that will process collect call billing for customers who are in good standing. The phone company will charge the customer a per month billing fee for this service. The billing fee charged by the phone company is a fixed monthly fee, regardless of the number of calls made, and is not associated with the contract phone rates charged by VAC. When you receive a collect call you will be asked if you want to accept the call prior to being connected to the offender and you will be given the opportunity for positive call acceptance.

Question: Is there a limit on collect phone calls that can be made to a phone number? Answer: Yes. To limit bad debt there is a limit of $150 within a 90 day period for collect calls processed and billed by your local telephone company (e.g. AT&T).