Fort Bend County Juvenile Detention Center

County Juvenile

Last Updated: February 23, 2025
122 Golfview Dr, Richmond, TX 77469
Fort Bend

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Ft Bend Co Juvenile Detention is for County Juvenile offenders have not been sentenced yet and are detained here until their case is heard.

All prisons and jails have Security or Custody levels depending on the inmate’s classification, sentence, and criminal history. Please review the rules and regulations for County juvenile - low facility.

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Satellite View of Fort Bend County Juvenile Detention Center

You can support your loved ones at Ft Bend Co Juvenile Detention on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 281-633-7400.

The Fort Bend County Juvenile Detention Center is a medium to low-security detention center located at 122 Golfview Dr Richmond, TX that is operated locally by the Juvenile Justice Department and holds youths awaiting the determination of punishment for the crimes of which they are accused. Most of the adolescents are here for less than two years.

The juvenile justice system differs from the adult system, focusing on rehabilitation and recognizing the developmental differences in juveniles. It aims to protect both the child and the public and helps juveniles become productive adults.

Juveniles are detained if they pose a threat, may miss court, or violate court orders. Parental involvement is crucial for effective supervision and rehabilitation.

Key differences in terminology include "taken into custody" instead of "arrest" and "supervision" instead of "probation." Referrals usually come from law enforcement, and an intake social worker decides the juvenile's placement. An inquiry can lead to dismissal, corrective action, or court involvement.

The process includes a plea hearing, possible evaluations, a pre-trial conference, a fact-finding hearing, and a dispositional hearing to determine the case's outcome. Parents may need to cover associated costs.

The Fort Bend County Detention Center is a secure environment for youth charged with an offense and pending a court hearing. The detention center is designed to provide a safe living environment and a full range of services for the juvenile to include: medical, educational, psychological, and recreational services.

The detention center is an 80 bed facility consisting of both individual rooms and dormitories. There are three dormitories holding 8 juveniles each, with one reserved for the Juvenile Leadership Academy. Juveniles who have been in detention for at least 2 weeks and who have demonstrated exemplary behavior may be placed in these dormitories.

The detention center offers a full range of services including educational, medical and psychological services along with recreational and spiritual programs. The normal day for a juvenile consists of physical training beginning at 6 AM, breakfast from 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM, review of rules and regulation from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM, school from 8:00 AM until 12:00 AM and from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM, with recreational programs after 3. The juvenile’s day can end from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm depending on their current behavioral level. The detention center employs 75 full time staff and 18 part-time staff with positions including Detention Officers, Supervisors, Nursing staff, Administrative Secretary, CSR personnel, Kitchen personnel, and an in house LCDC.

The Detention Center provides three single cell occupancy housing units. Of these three units one is designated for females and two units designated for males housing males from ages 10 through 15 years of age in one unit and 15 to 17 years of age

Juveniles are provided with three daily meals and an evening snack. They are also provided with all necessary clothing items and personal hygiene supplies.

These educational services are provided by the Lamar Independent School District. Juveniles are expected to attend and participate in all educational programs.

Counseling services in Post Adjudication Detention, which is provided by in-house services, include a psychological evaluation upon admission including a treatment plan for each child. Program activities include group counseling, weekly individual sessions and family sessions. Parents or guardians are expected to participate in the family sessions. Education is provided about life skills, healthy family functioning, adaptive coping strategies, HIV/Aids awareness and other programs with an emphasis on chemical dependency and substance abuse issues.

Detention Division
Kenneth Johnson, Division Director

122 Golfview Drive
Richmond, Texas 77469

281-633-7342 FAX

Inmate Locator

Juvenile facilities overseen by Fort Bend County do not publish the names of the offenders housed in their facility. As such, there is no public forum for this information.

Visitation Information

Fort Bend County Juvenile Detention Center - Visitation

Visitation schedules are given to parents at the time their child is admitted to the Detention Center.

Visitation is at least 15 minutes long. Only visitors listed on the “Authorized Visitation Sheet” will be permitted to visit a detained juvenile. Only the Juvenile Probation Officer can add visitors to the “Authorized Visitation Sheet.”

In order to be admitted for visitation, visitors must provide identification and go through the metal detector. All purses, bags, keys, and cellular phones should be left in the car or secured in a locker. Only personal items on the approved list will be allowed. Please check with the Detention Officer to make sure you are returned any non-approved items.

No food or snacks are allowed during visitation. Children must not be left unattended in the Probation Department waiting area.

The detention superintendent must approve any exceptions to this visitation schedule during normal business hours, Monday-Friday. The child’s attorney will be allowed to visit whenever necessary.

Wednesday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Please Note: The Last Group Will Be Admitted 15 Minutes Before The End Of Visitation. Level 5 Visits Are Held On Sunday from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

Call 281-633-7308 prior to visiting in order to verify your child's level.

Rules for Mail
A juvenile shall be allowed to send to and receive mail from their parents/ guardian/ custodian, attorney, and pastor. Any other person must be approved by the juvenile’s trial court. The envelope of all incoming mail shall have the name and return address of the sender.

Each juvenile shall be allowed to send two letters a week; letters to the juvenile’s attorney, clergy, and the court shall not be limited.

All incoming and outgoing mail shall be logged by the Detention secretary before distribution.

Approved incoming mail shall be opened in the presence of the juvenile and inspected for contraband. The letter must have the appropriate return address on the envelope and must be signed. The stamp on the envelope shall be removed. Any monies contained in the mail shall be added to the juvenile’s property inventory sheet and shall be returned to the juvenile upon release with a receipt provided.

If it is suspected that a letter is part of an attempt to formulate, devise or otherwise effectuate a plan to escape from the facility, or violate any state or federal law, the shift supervisor will request the permission of the juvenile to read the letter. If the juvenile does not consent to the reading of the letter, the shift supervisor shall forward the letter, supporting documentation, and reports to the Detention Superintendent. The Superintendent shall then obtain a search warrant to read the letter, if a search warrant is denied by a Judge, the letter shall be given to the juvenile only after letter has been inspected for contraband.

Any incoming mail from a person not on the approved mail list approved by the juvenile’s probation officer or juvenile’s court-ordered rules of probation or parole or against the facilities rules of separation, shall be returned unopened to sender. Any incoming mail that does not have the name and return address on the envelope shall be given to the juvenile’s parent/guardian/custodian. Any incoming mail from a person or persons on a list furnished by the parent, guardian or custodian of individuals who should not have contact with the juvenile will be immediately returned unopened to sender.

Any outgoing mail to an unapproved person shall be returned to the juvenile.

Any mail for a juvenile who has left the facility shall be forwarded to their Probation or Parole Officer for forwarding to the juvenile’s residence.

Withholding Mail
When mail is withheld from the juvenile, the reasons shall be documented and a copy placed in the juvenile’s file.

Mail may be opened by staff only in the presence of the juvenile with inspection limited to searching for contraband.

Phone Privileges
Each detainee is assigned a pin number during the intake process for telephone calls. This number must be used in order to access his/her approved telephone number. Approved telephone numbers are limited to parents or legal guardians.

Phone calls are made on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM. If you experience a problem with collect call blockages and pre-paying for a phone call this can be rectified by contacting Securus Correctional Billing Service 1-800-844-6591 or

  • Rules for Phone Calls:
  • A resident shall be allowed at least one (1) five (5) minute phone call every seven (7) calendar days. This may not be restricted or prohibited as a result of misbehavior or any violation of detention rules and procedures.

  • A resident shall be allowed at least one (1) five (5) minute phone call every seven (7) calendar days. This may not be restricted or prohibited as a result of misbehavior or any violation of detention rules and procedures.

  • A copy of the visitation/telephone policy shall be given to parents/guardians of juveniles in detention.

  • Incoming calls for juveniles shall not be accepted, with the exception of the juvenile’s attorney.

  • Reasonable and fair access to telephone communications shall be provided to the juveniles in detention with the following limitations:

    • The telephone numbers that a juvenile may call shall be limited to his/her attorney and those family members authorized to receive telephone calls.

    • The number of calls a juvenile may make a day shall be limited by his/her behavior level.

    • The times for making telephone calls shall be according to the center’s “daily schedule”. At no time shall a juvenile be allowed to make a telephone call “on-demand” except to his/her attorney.

    • The length of telephone conversations shall be limited by the juvenile’s behavior level except to his/her attorney.

    • If at any time it is detected that a juvenile has made a three-way or conference call, the juvenile shall immediately lose all further telephone privileges.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Fort Bend County Juvenile Detention Center - FAQs about Juvenile Detention Centers

  1. What is a juvenile detention center?
    A juvenile detention center is a secure facility designed to house minors who have been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime. Unlike adult jails, these centers focus on rehabilitation, education, and structured supervision. Youth housed in these facilities may be awaiting trial, serving short-term sentences, or completing mandated treatment programs aimed at reducing delinquent behavior.

  2. How does a juvenile detention center differ from an adult jail?
    Juvenile detention centers differ from adult jails in their approach to discipline, rehabilitation, and environment. They prioritize counseling, education, and structured activities over punitive measures. While adult jails emphasize punishment and security, juvenile facilities are designed to address the root causes of delinquent behavior, such as trauma, lack of parental guidance, or substance abuse issues.

  3. Who can be sent to a juvenile detention center?
    Juvenile detention centers house minors under 18 who have been arrested for criminal activity, ranging from status offenses (such as truancy or curfew violations) to serious felonies like robbery or assault. Some youth may also be placed in detention for violating probation, running away from court-mandated programs, or awaiting transfer to another facility.

  4. What types of offenses lead to juvenile detention?
    Youth may be detained for a variety of offenses, including property crimes (theft, vandalism), drug-related offenses, assault, gang activity, or firearm possession. In some cases, juveniles are detained for non-criminal behavior, such as repeatedly skipping school or running away from home. The severity of the offense, prior record, and risk level typically determine whether a juvenile is detained or placed in an alternative program.

  5. How long do juveniles stay in detention centers?
    The length of stay depends on the case. Some juveniles are held for a few days or weeks while awaiting trial, while others may serve months or years depending on their sentence. Youth placed in long-term detention typically participate in rehabilitation programs, educational courses, and mental health counseling. Courts may also mandate step-down programs, where youth transition into community-based supervision before full release.

  6. Are juvenile records sealed after release?
    In many states, juvenile records are sealed or expunged once the individual reaches adulthood, provided they meet certain conditions. However, serious offenses such as violent felonies or sex crimes may remain on record, potentially affecting future employment, housing, and educational opportunities. In some cases, a juvenile may petition the court to have their record expunged after demonstrating rehabilitation.

  7. Do juveniles in detention attend school?
    Yes, most juvenile detention centers provide on-site educational programs that allow youth to continue their schooling while in custody. These programs may include core academic subjects, GED preparation, and vocational training. Some facilities work with local school districts to ensure that credits earned in detention transfer back to public schools upon release.

  8. Can family members visit juveniles in detention?
    Yes, but visitation policies vary by facility. Families typically need to schedule visits in advance, follow strict security protocols, and comply with dress code regulations. Some detention centers offer video visitation or family counseling sessions to strengthen relationships before the juvenile is released. Regular contact with family members can significantly reduce recidivism and improve rehabilitation outcomes.

  9. Are juveniles allowed to make phone calls?
    Most juvenile detention centers allow monitored phone calls, though the frequency and duration depend on facility rules, the youth’s behavior, and their case status. In some cases, juveniles may call only pre-approved family members or legal representatives. Facilities may also restrict calls if an inmate violates behavioral rules.

  10. What rehabilitation programs are available?
    Programs often include substance abuse counseling, anger management, cognitive-behavioral therapy, vocational training, and life skills workshops. These services are intended to help juveniles develop positive coping mechanisms, make better decisions, and reintegrate into their communities upon release. Some centers also offer mentorship programs where at-risk youth receive guidance from former inmates or community leaders.

  11. Are juveniles placed in solitary confinement?
    While some facilities still use room confinement or restricted housing as disciplinary measures, prolonged solitary confinement for juveniles is widely discouraged due to its negative psychological effects. Many states have passed laws limiting or banning solitary confinement for minors, encouraging the use of alternative discipline methods such as behavioral interventions and conflict resolution programs.

  12. Can juveniles be transferred to adult prison?
    In some cases, juveniles may be tried as adults for severe offenses, such as murder, armed robbery, or sexual assault. If convicted, they can be transferred to adult prison upon turning 18. Some states allow judges to reconsider these transfers based on the juvenile’s rehabilitation progress, age, and psychological evaluations.

  13. What rights do juveniles have in detention?
    Juveniles have the right to education, medical care, legal representation, and protection from abuse. They are also entitled to due process, meaning they cannot be detained indefinitely without a hearing. Inmates must be provided with access to rehabilitative services and fair treatment under the law. Any allegations of abuse or mistreatment must be investigated by oversight agencies.

  14. How do juveniles reintegrate into society after detention?
    Many juvenile detention centers offer reentry programs, including mentorship, transitional housing, probation supervision, and vocational training. Youth are often connected with caseworkers, social services, and education programs to help them successfully reintegrate. Some facilities also arrange family reunification counseling to strengthen support systems at home.

  15. What happens if a juvenile violates probation after release?
    If a juvenile violates probation, consequences can range from increased supervision and mandatory counseling to community service or re-detention. In severe cases, the juvenile may be returned to detention or sent to a more restrictive program. Courts typically evaluate the circumstances of the violation, the individual’s progress, and any external factors before making a decision.

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