NYC DOC - Rikers Island - Robert N. Davoren Complex (RNDC)

City Juvenile

Last Updated: March 24, 2025
NYC DOC 11-11 Hazen St, East Elmhurst, NY 11370

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Rikers Island - Davoren is for City Juvenile offenders have not been sentenced yet and are detained here until their case is heard.

All prisons and jails have Security or Custody levels depending on the inmate’s classification, sentence, and criminal history. Please review the rules and regulations for City juvenile - medium facility.

The phone carrier is Securus Tech®, to see their rates and best-calling plans for your inmate to call you.

If you are unsure of your inmate's location, you can search and locate your inmate by typing in their last name, first name or first initial, and/or the offender ID number to get their accurate information immediately Registered Offenders

Satellite View of NYC DOC - Rikers Island - Robert N. Davoren Complex (RNDC)

You can support your loved ones at Rikers Island - Davoren on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 718-546-6920.

The NYC DOC - Rikers Island - Robert N. Davoren Complex (RNDC) is within the jurisdiction of the East Elmhurst Department of Juvenile Justice located at NYC DOC 11-11 Hazen St, East Elmhurst, NY. The facility provides supervision of youth in a safe, secure and humane environment. Youth services include education, mental health, substance abuse, and health care. Medical and mental health are contracted services. Educational services are funded by the New York Department of Education through local school districts.

A typical day in secure detention would involve hygiene, meals, school, structured physical and educational activities, and court appearances as scheduled. The average length of stay in secure state detention is approximately 60 days.

The RNDC was opened in 1972, the facility houses - in separate quarters - adolescent male detainees (ages 16-18) and adult male detainees in modular dormitories, sprung structures and cells. The jail was formally dedicated the Robert N. Davoren Center in May 2006 in honor of the former Chief of Department.

The Rikers Island complex, which consists of ten jails, holds local offenders who are awaiting trial and cannot afford, obtain, or were not given bail from a judge; those serving sentences of one year or less; and those temporarily placed there pending transfer to another facility. Rikers Island is therefore not a prison, which typically holds offenders serving longer-term sentences. It is home to ten of the New York City Department of Corrections' fifteen facilities and can accommodate up to 15,000 prisoners.

Inmate Calls - As of May 2, 2019, all inmate calls are free. Inmates are now entitled to 21 minutes of free phone privileges every three hours. Individual calls can last up to 15 minutes each, and even dangerous prisoners locked up in solitary confinement get a single, daily call of up to 15 minutes.

Inmate Handbook - This handbook has information about many of the programs and services available to you, including educational services, family events, the grievance process, law libraries, medical and mental health services, reentry services, and religious services. You can learn more about all of the programs and services available to you in the programs office. To go to the programs office, ask your housing area officer for an interview slip, fill out the slip, and return it to the officer. Additionally, the handbook provides answers to frequently asked questions, including how family and friends can deposit money into your account, how often you can use the phone, what property you may have, how many visits you may have, what to do if you have a disability, how to access services, and how to address various concerns.
Inmate Rulebook
The inmate rulebook contains the rules that you must follow and describes the process if you violate these rules. The rules fall into several general categories:
  • Do not start fires
  • Do not attempt to escape
  • Do not fight or assault anyone
  • Do not possess contraband, including weapons, drugs, tobacco, electronics, and other non-permissible items,
  • Do not lead or participate in riots, demonstrations, barricades, or hostage situations
  • Do not gamble
  • Do not bribe or extort anyone
  • Do not tamper with security devices
  • Do not tamper with documents
  • Do not damage city property
  • Do not disrupt programs or otherwise conduct yourself in a disorderly manner
  • Provide identification when asked
  • Do not give false statements
Follow all instructions from staff If you violate any of these rules, you will be served with a notice of infraction and will receive a due process hearing. At the hearing, you may present a defense before an adjudication captain. The adjudication captain will find you guilty or not and, if you are found guilty, will determine what the sanction will be. Sanctions include surcharges, reprimands, and sentences to punitive segregation time.

Inmate Locator

Juvenile facilities overseen by the City of East Elmhurst do not publish the names of the offenders housed in their facility. As such, there is no public forum for this information.

Visitation Information

NYC DOC - Rikers Island - Robert N. Davoren Complex (RNDC) - Visitation

Visit an Inmate

  • Visitors will be subject to passive canine searches when arriving to the Rikers Island Visit Control Building or the Borough facilities, or any other facility including the Hospital Prison Wards.
  • All visitors 16 years of age and older must present valid current identification that contains a photograph and signature. Acceptable forms of identification for all visitors are listed below.
  • Children under the age of 16 who are accompanied by an adult over 18 are not required to present any identification at all.
  • A 16-year-old or 17-year old with valid identification may accompany a child under the age of 16 if he or she is the parent of that child and the inmate being visited is also the parent of the same child. In this case, the 16- or 17-year-old must produce a birth certificate for the child under the age of 16.

Acceptable Forms of Identification - From any state or territory in the U.S.:

  • Current driver’s license
  • Valid Employment ID card with photo AND most recent employment paycheck/stub
  • DMV Non-driver license identification card

Other Acceptable Forms of Identification

  • Resident alien or permanent resident card issued by the U.S. Department of Justice
  • Passport (from any country)
  • NYS benefits identification card (Medicaid/food stamp photo ID)
  • U.S. Armed Services identification
  • Consulate-issued or diplomatic identification
  • IDNYC card

If you have any questions while at a facility, please ask a Correction Officer or Supervisor
Visit Schedule - Last year, nearly 100,000 New Yorkers were remanded to the New York City Department of Correction and on an average day, about 13,500 people are detained in our facilities. Most of them stay here on Rikers Island, where we also host as many as 1,500 visitors daily. We recognize how important it is for inmates and their families and friends to maintain contact with one another. We want your visits to be as pleasant as possible, so we are working to speed up the visit process, strengthen security, improve the Central Control Visit Building and provide information to help you plan your visits.
Our mission at every location is to ensure the humane care, custody and control of everyone who is in a New York City jail and to support them in their preparation for release. We offer a variety of programs and services in each of our facilities and partner with other city agencies and non-governmental organizations to sustain their successful transition back into our community.
We are committed to the safety and well-being of all New Yorkers and urge you to encourage those who you visit to take advantage of these opportunities. Enjoy your visit!
New York City Department of Correction
Visit Schedule - The visit schedule is based on the first letter of inmates' last names. Visitors should check the visitation schedule to be sure their friend or family member is eligible for a visit on a specific day.
Registration and Visit Hours
There are no visits on Mondays and Tuesdays
Wednesday and Thursday
Registration hours for all facilities on Rikers Island as well as for the Brooklyn Detention Complex in downtown Brooklyn, the Manhattan Detention Complex in downtown Manhattan and the Vernon C. Bain Center in the Bronx on Wednesdays and Thursdays are from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Visits are permitted from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., but visitors must register by 8:00 p.m.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Registration hours for the above facilities on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Visits will begin no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m., but visitors must register by 2:00 p.m. (Please note: the start of visiting hours can be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.)
Number of Visits and Visitors
Inmates are permitted to visit with up to three (3) visitors at the same time, with the maximum number to be determined by conditions set forth in each facility, availability of space and volume of visitors/inmates. Detainees may receive visits three (3) times per week. Sentenced inmates may receive visits two (2) times per week. All inmates are limited to one (1) visit session per visit day, regardless of the number of visitors in that session.
Visitors' Dress Code - To provide for the safety and security of Department staff, inmates and visitors and to maintain a family-friendly environment, visitors must wear appropriate clothing to visit inmates. Overly suggestive clothing and clothing in which contraband and non-permissible items can be hidden are not permitted. When meeting with an inmate, visitors may only wear a single layer of clothing (except those visitors required to wear a cover-up garment) and NO ACCESSORIES.
Visitors WILL NOT be permitted onto the visit floor of jail if they are wearing any of the following:

  • Clothing with holes or rips that are located more than three inches above the knee
  • Hooded garments
  • Hats and head coverings (excluding religious head coverings)
  • Clothing identifying a specific gang by name or logo
  • Clothing that makes explicit reference to obscene language, drugs, sex or violence
  • Swimming attire
  • See-through garments
  • Uniforms
  • Jewelry (excluding a wedding ring and one religious medal no more than two inches in diameter hung on chain of one quarter-inch or less in diameter and no longer than 24 inches
  • Tops, including dresses, which expose the chest, stomach or back
  • Shorts, skirts or dresses the hem of which is more than three inches above the knee
  • Spandex leggings unless covered by tops, shorts, skirts or dresses the hem of which is no more than three inches above the knee
  • Outer garments including coats, shawls, ponchos, jackets, vests, gloves, or over-boots or overshoes (outer boots or shoes that slip over other shoes)
  • Visitors must wear undergarments.

Visitors whose attire violates the dress code will be permitted a contact visit if they agree to wear a cover-up garment provided by the Department. Visitors who refuse to wear a cover-up garment provided by the Department will be denied a visit.

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Frequently Asked Questions

NYC DOC - Rikers Island - Robert N. Davoren Complex (RNDC) - FAQs about Juvenile Detention Centers

  1. What is a juvenile detention center?
    A juvenile detention center is a secure facility designed to house minors who have been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime. Unlike adult jails, these centers focus on rehabilitation, education, and structured supervision. Youth housed in these facilities may be awaiting trial, serving short-term sentences, or completing mandated treatment programs aimed at reducing delinquent behavior.

  2. How does a juvenile detention center differ from an adult jail?
    Juvenile detention centers differ from adult jails in their approach to discipline, rehabilitation, and environment. They prioritize counseling, education, and structured activities over punitive measures. While adult jails emphasize punishment and security, juvenile facilities are designed to address the root causes of delinquent behavior, such as trauma, lack of parental guidance, or substance abuse issues.

  3. Who can be sent to a juvenile detention center?
    Juvenile detention centers house minors under 18 who have been arrested for criminal activity, ranging from status offenses (such as truancy or curfew violations) to serious felonies like robbery or assault. Some youth may also be placed in detention for violating probation, running away from court-mandated programs, or awaiting transfer to another facility.

  4. What types of offenses lead to juvenile detention?
    Youth may be detained for a variety of offenses, including property crimes (theft, vandalism), drug-related offenses, assault, gang activity, or firearm possession. In some cases, juveniles are detained for non-criminal behavior, such as repeatedly skipping school or running away from home. The severity of the offense, prior record, and risk level typically determine whether a juvenile is detained or placed in an alternative program.

  5. How long do juveniles stay in detention centers?
    The length of stay depends on the case. Some juveniles are held for a few days or weeks while awaiting trial, while others may serve months or years depending on their sentence. Youth placed in long-term detention typically participate in rehabilitation programs, educational courses, and mental health counseling. Courts may also mandate step-down programs, where youth transition into community-based supervision before full release.

  6. Are juvenile records sealed after release?
    In many states, juvenile records are sealed or expunged once the individual reaches adulthood, provided they meet certain conditions. However, serious offenses such as violent felonies or sex crimes may remain on record, potentially affecting future employment, housing, and educational opportunities. In some cases, a juvenile may petition the court to have their record expunged after demonstrating rehabilitation.

  7. Do juveniles in detention attend school?
    Yes, most juvenile detention centers provide on-site educational programs that allow youth to continue their schooling while in custody. These programs may include core academic subjects, GED preparation, and vocational training. Some facilities work with local school districts to ensure that credits earned in detention transfer back to public schools upon release.

  8. Can family members visit juveniles in detention?
    Yes, but visitation policies vary by facility. Families typically need to schedule visits in advance, follow strict security protocols, and comply with dress code regulations. Some detention centers offer video visitation or family counseling sessions to strengthen relationships before the juvenile is released. Regular contact with family members can significantly reduce recidivism and improve rehabilitation outcomes.

  9. Are juveniles allowed to make phone calls?
    Most juvenile detention centers allow monitored phone calls, though the frequency and duration depend on facility rules, the youth’s behavior, and their case status. In some cases, juveniles may call only pre-approved family members or legal representatives. Facilities may also restrict calls if an inmate violates behavioral rules.

  10. What rehabilitation programs are available?
    Programs often include substance abuse counseling, anger management, cognitive-behavioral therapy, vocational training, and life skills workshops. These services are intended to help juveniles develop positive coping mechanisms, make better decisions, and reintegrate into their communities upon release. Some centers also offer mentorship programs where at-risk youth receive guidance from former inmates or community leaders.

  11. Are juveniles placed in solitary confinement?
    While some facilities still use room confinement or restricted housing as disciplinary measures, prolonged solitary confinement for juveniles is widely discouraged due to its negative psychological effects. Many states have passed laws limiting or banning solitary confinement for minors, encouraging the use of alternative discipline methods such as behavioral interventions and conflict resolution programs.

  12. Can juveniles be transferred to adult prison?
    In some cases, juveniles may be tried as adults for severe offenses, such as murder, armed robbery, or sexual assault. If convicted, they can be transferred to adult prison upon turning 18. Some states allow judges to reconsider these transfers based on the juvenile’s rehabilitation progress, age, and psychological evaluations.

  13. What rights do juveniles have in detention?
    Juveniles have the right to education, medical care, legal representation, and protection from abuse. They are also entitled to due process, meaning they cannot be detained indefinitely without a hearing. Inmates must be provided with access to rehabilitative services and fair treatment under the law. Any allegations of abuse or mistreatment must be investigated by oversight agencies.

  14. How do juveniles reintegrate into society after detention?
    Many juvenile detention centers offer reentry programs, including mentorship, transitional housing, probation supervision, and vocational training. Youth are often connected with caseworkers, social services, and education programs to help them successfully reintegrate. Some facilities also arrange family reunification counseling to strengthen support systems at home.

  15. What happens if a juvenile violates probation after release?
    If a juvenile violates probation, consequences can range from increased supervision and mandatory counseling to community service or re-detention. In severe cases, the juvenile may be returned to detention or sent to a more restrictive program. Courts typically evaluate the circumstances of the violation, the individual’s progress, and any external factors before making a decision.

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