Rite of Passage - Robert E. DeNier is classified as a Private Facility facility located in Durango , CO. It has a strengthened perimeter fence, rows of triple razor wire on double fencing and electronic detection systems to ensure inmates stay within the confined areas within the facility. Each cell is either one or two-man units. The medium classification means that the inmates are supervised 24/7 with controlled movements. Medium security prisons house more serious offenders, but inmates can also be sent to serve time in a lower security facility for things like good behavior at the end of a sentence. To help inmates prepare themselves to rejoin the wider community offers a wide range of work and treatment programs.
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Rite of Passage - Robert E. DeNier is detention facility owned by private prison company to handle the intake, and housing of offenders for the La Plata County Sheriff, the State of Colorado, Bureau of Prisons, the US Marshal Service and Immigration (ICE). This regional operation is structured to implement superior quality controls to the standards set by the jurisdiction whose inmates are being held. The correctional facility offers a full complement of high-quality services, including secure custody services, academic and vocational programming, secure transportation service, correctional health, and mental health care.
The main benefit of the contracting of prisons to private operators is that it can save money. The end goal is to house prisoners in an attempt to rehabilitate them or remove them from the streets. The corporation's end goal is to profit from anything they deal in. In order to make money as a private prison, they receive a stipend from the government.