RSW (Rappahannock Shenandoah Warren) Regional Jail

Regional Facility

Last Updated: February 23, 2025
Winchester Rd, Rte 340/522, Front Royal, VA 22630
Mailing Address
PO Box 1319, Front Royal, VA 22630

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RSW Regional Jail is for Regional Facility offenders have not been sentenced yet and are detained here until their case is heard.

All prisons and jails have Security or Custody levels depending on the inmate’s classification, sentence, and criminal history. Please review the rules and regulations for Regional Detention - low facility.

The phone carrier is PayTel, to see their rates and best-calling plans for your inmate to call you.

If you are unsure of your inmate's location, you can search and locate your inmate by typing in their last name, first name or first initial, and/or the offender ID number to get their accurate information immediately Registered Offenders

Satellite View of RSW (Rappahannock Shenandoah Warren) Regional Jail

You can support your loved ones at RSW Regional Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 540-622-6097.

The RSW Regional Jail is a locally operated low to medium-security regional detention center situated at Winchester Rd, Rte 340/522 in Front Royal, VA. This facility houses inmates from multiple surrounding counties that do not have a holding facility or jail, in addition to local detainees. Individuals awaiting trial or sentencing, as well as those serving shorter sentences, typically serve less than five years. RSW Regional Jail accommodates detainees brought in by the Warren County Sheriff's Office, the Virginia DOC, Front Royal Police Department, and other nearby law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Marshal’s Service.

New detainees arrive frequently and may be released on bail, under pretrial supervision, or on their recognizance with a commitment to appear in court. Those who remain in custody receive essential amenities, including secure accommodations, meals, and access to necessary services. To review recent arrest records for Virginia, you can access public records here.

The new RSW Regional Jail serves the counties of Warren, Rappahannock, and Shenandoah, and will initially have the capacity for 375 inmates. The jail contains cells and dormitories to house inmates. It also has support space which includes food service, laundry, intake and release, medical services, recreation and education, central storage, visitation, magistrate, administration, and staff services. An initial staffing plan for the 375-bed jail has approximately 149 employees in the building each day covering shifts for the 24-hour facility.

Mail - General and Legal Correspondence

Inmates can receive personal and legal correspondence while at RSW. There is no restriction on the amount an inmate can send or receive. All mail must have the following; the inmate’s first and last name, the senders first and last name with a return address. All mail will be inspected for contraband.

The following items are not authorized and will not be accepted;
 Substances on the envelope or letter (white out, glue, glitter, stickers, lipstick, liquid stains)
 Greeting cards (handmade or purchased), or post cards.
 Stamps, blank stationary, or stamped envelopes
 Plastic cards or book marks
 Gang related material or photos
 Cash or Checks
 Money orders (unless addressed directly to "Inmate Accounts Clerk")
 Photos of nude or partially clothed persons
 Items glued, stapled, or taped to letters or envelopes
 Magazine pages, newspaper clippings, book pages (original or copies)
 More than five (5) photos in an envelope, photos larger than 4”X 6” or polaroid type
 Bank statements, credit card information, or personal identification
 Packages not pre-approved by the Captain of Security
 Bulk mail
 Markers, pens, crayons, or pencils included in the envelope
 Personal subscriptions (to include: magazines, books, newspapers, newsletters, etc.)
 Brochures, flyers, or coupons.

Illegal items discovered in the inmate’s incoming mail will be seized. Any item sent to an inmate that is not accepted at RSW and is not illegal will be returned to the sender. If a letter has an unauthorized item or items enclosed that are considered contraband, the entire envelope will be returned to sender.

Inmates may purchase telephone time through their commissary account.

Inmate Locator

To utilize the Inmate Search page on InmateAid, begin by selecting the relevant prison facility in Virginia. This allows you to view the current list of inmates housed at RSW (Rappahannock Shenandoah Warren) Regional Jail.

The second section features the InmateAid Inmate Search tool, providing a user-generated database of inmates. You can access this resource to utilize any of InmateAid's services. If you require assistance in creating an inmate profile to maintain communication, please contact us at, and we'll gladly help you locate your loved one.

As a last resort, you might have to pay for that information if we do not have it. The Arrest Record Search will cost you a small amount, but their data is the freshest available and for that reason, they charge to access it.

Visitation Information

RSW (Rappahannock Shenandoah Warren) Regional Jail - Visitation

The visitation schedule is based on the inmate’s last name.

Visitors must show up and check in 30 minutes prior to the start of the visitation time.

Monday 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Saturday 9:00am - 11:00am

Tuesday 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Saturday 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Wednesday 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Sunday 9:00am - 11:00am

Thursday 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Sunday 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Friday No Visitations

Vistitor Guidelines

1. The RSW Regional Jail Visitation Form MUST be completed in full for each individual the inmate wants to have added to their visitation list.

2. Inmates may only have up to six (6) adults on their list at a time.

a. All visitors, regardless of the distance traveled are subject to the same visitation rules and regulations.

b. EXTENDED one-hour visits are subject to pre-approval; if the visitor/s has traveled more than 150 miles. (this shall be confirmed) This must be arranged with the Captain of Security, Mon-Fri during normal business hours. i. In order to verify the distance the visitor must present a valid state issued ID with current address over 150 miles away. Be advised: extended visits are subject to availability time/space on day of visit.

3. Generally, inmates will receive two 30 minutes visits per week. One weekday and one weekend visit.

4. All visitors listed on the Inmate Visitation Form must be approved and cleared before being allowed to visit.

5. Each inmate is responsible for notifying his/her family and friends; a. If they are approved or denied for visitation privileges. b. If their visiting privileges have been suspended or terminated. i. If the visit has been suspended or terminated, the visit will not be granted under any circumstances. c. Of the appropriate attire for visitation regardless of the distance traveled or the reason for the visit. d. That non-compliance will result in the visit being denied and will not result in a make-up visit. e. Visitation will not be granted if the visitor came at the wrong time/day.

6. A maximum of two adult visitors are allowed to check in to visit an inmate during one visitation day Only one adult visitor is allowed in the visitation booth at a time. The two adult visitors are responsible for changing out at a desired time, however, the total visit will remain 30 minutes. b. Any child under the age of 18 is not required to check in, however, they must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times. The adult accompanying a child must provide proper documentation to verify they are the child’s parent or guardian. (birth certificate, court documentation) i. A maximum of two children under the age of 18 will be allowed in the visit booth at a time and must be accompanied by their parent or guardian at all times. (total number of people allowed in booth would be one parent/guardian and two children)

7. It is unlawful for anyone to bring or attempt to bring contraband into a correctional facility. a. Anyone bringing contraband into RSW Regional Jail shall be charged with a crime under that Virginia Code Section.

8. Visits may be cancelled for the safety and security of the facility. a. These visits will not be re-scheduled.

9. Visitors to RSW Regional Jail must turn their vehicles off, remove the keys, wind up windows completely and lock doors of their vehicles at all times. (Even when only at the facility for a few moments.) a. All visitors shall park in the appropriate parking areas.

10. Visitors shall not bring any food or drinks into the building.

11. Visitors will not bring cell phones or any other electronic devices into the building. If a visitor is caught in possession of a cell phone, whether in use or not and whether in person or later discovered on camera, may have their visitation privilege revoked for 90 days at the discretion of the Superintendent.

12. State law forbids visitors from communicating with inmates from the parking area and if found in violation, either the inmate, visitor or BOTH could be criminally charged.

13. All visitors to RSW Regional Jail must conduct themselves in a respectful manner during visits.

14. No one under 18 years of age will be permitted to visit an inmate unless they are accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. Parents or legal guardians must provide documentation to verify this. (birth certificate or court documentation)

15. Formerly incarcerated RSW inmates are authorized to visit inmates after 90 days have passed since their release and after they approved using the same procedures as other visitors.

16. Visitors must maintain control of their children (Children must remain within arm’s reach of their parent/guardian at all times.) or their visit may be terminated. a. Adults with children that are disruptive to other visitors may have their visit terminated and be asked to leave.

17. Visitation may be terminated at any time by jail staff and will not be rescheduled.

18. A visitor’s or inmate’s violation of any RSW rules while waiting for, during or at the conclusion of a visit could result in suspension up to termination of visits for the remainder of the inmate’s present incarceration or permanently from the facility.

19. Visits in progress can be terminated for misconduct by the inmate or visitor.

20. Any visitor(s) found to have violated these procedures may have their visitation rights revoked and a trespassing notice may be put into effect.

21. Visitors conducting themselves in any disruptive behavior or who are suspected of being intoxicated or under the influence will not be permitted to visit and the proper authorities shall be notified.

22. All visitation are subject to unforeseen lock-downs, security problems, or other situations which may postpone, delay, shorten, suspended, or cancel visitation.

23. All persons visiting inmates or the jail facilities are subject to warrant checks and subject to being searched.

24. Individuals having a court order stating no contact with an inmate will be denied a visit.

25. If the person you visited seems depressed, is making suicidal statements, or has been given disappointing news, please contact 540-622-8628 and ask to speak with the Shift Supervisor.

Visitation Schedule Limitations on the length and frequency of visits are imposed to avoid overcrowding or the inequitable allocation of visiting time.

NOTE: Inmates assigned to Disciplinary Segregation are subject to loss of visitation privileges for a period of time.

Searches and Inspections Any person coming onto the property of or within RSW Regional Jail shall be subject to inspection as necessary to ensure facility security, including prevention of the introduction of contraband. Inspections may include a search of the visitor’s person, personal property when there is reasonable suspicion to believe the visitor is attempting to introduce or remove contraband or unauthorized items or substances into, or out of the jail facility. See Code of Virginia 18.2-474 & 18.2-474.1 Deliver of articles, drugs, firearms, explosives, etc. to prisoners or committed persons. “Contraband” means items which are prohibited by criminal law, RSW Regional Jail rules and/or regulations. They are items which an inmate or visitor has no authority to possess; or property which is in excess of what is authorized.

Required Forms of Identification - All adult visitors will be required to produce photo identification (ID) and verification of his/her date of birth. All documents must be original or certified copies.

One of the following is required and must be valid/current;

  • State driver’s license
  • State issued ID card
  • Federal, state, local government ID card (any state)
  • Military ID
  • Passport
  • U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services
  • Visa Border Crossing ID Card
    • Birth certificate or court documentation will be required to verify parent or guardianship of any accompanying child under the age of 18

NOTE: If the visitor’s ID is questionable or not acceptable, further verification shall be required. For example; birth certificate, pictured credit card, or other official ID. Children under the age of 18 may be required to provide an ID such as birth certificate or student ID if the child’s age is questionable due to physical maturity of the child. Student ID will ONLY be acceptable ID for children under the age of 18.

Visitation Dress Code - RSW Regional Jail established a visitation dress code to promote a positive atmosphere for visitation and to conduct an orderly, safe, and secure facility. Visitors are encouraged to exercise good judgement in selecting appropriate articles of clothing for a large gathering of men, women, and young children. Attire Restrictions Wearing inappropriate clothing (such as provocative or revealing clothes) may result in a visitor being denied visitation. There are restrictions on what all professional/personal visitors may wear to the facility.

A. The dress code will be strictly enforced. This includes those that traveled long distances and children.

B. Dress conservatively and modestly.

C. Do not wear clothing that resembles inmate clothing; a. Orange, green, white, or red jumpsuits

D. Visitors (adult and children) shall not wear any clothing which is revealing, provocative, or that will interrupt the normal flow of business.

E. No out-of-season clothing such as winter coats in warm summer months that may hide contraband.

F. Capris, skirts, and skorts may be worn, however, they must extend below the knee.

G. Shorts are permitted, however they must extend to at least mid-thigh.

H. Tank tops, halter tops, or tube tops are not allowed to be worn in the facility.

I. No low-cut blouses or dresses, leotards, spandex, or miniskirts, crop tops or bathing suits will be allowed.

J. Underclothing/undergarments shall not be visible at any time.

K. Shirts and blouses shall not show cleavage, shoulders, or armpits. These areas must be covered at all times.

L. No tight fitting clothing.

M. No clothing revealing the middle of the torso.

N. Clothing shall not be excessively baggy. Clothing will be pulled up on the body while in the facility.

O. No clothing with pictures, phrases, or words of an inflammatory nature.

P. No see-through or backless attire will be allowed.

Q. Clothing with tears, rips, or holes that are deemed inappropriate will not be allowed.

R. No attire that is disruptive, unsafe, unhealthy, or offensive to the visitation process will be permitted.

S. Visitors must wear undergarments.

T. Visitors must not wear any item that cannot be removed and will not clear a metal detector.

U. Visitors will be turned away if their clothing is deemed inappropriate by the Shift Supervisor. Any inmate or visitor caught exposing themselves or making any inappropriate gestures shall have their visitation privileges revoked immediately and terminated indefinitely and may face criminal charges.

Prohibited Items - Visitors may be directed through a metal detector or scanned by a handheld metal detector prior to entering the facility. Jail staff in the lobby will ensure prohibited items are not carried into the building.

A. Possession and/or use of a cell phone, audio/video/photo recording devices, wireless communication devices, or their components are prohibited within the building. Anyone caught in possession of a cellphone, regardless of whether it is in use or not, will be asked to leave and may have their visitation privilege revoked for a period of 90 days at the discretion of the Superintendent.

B. Authorization to take pictures/photographs inside RSW Regional Jail must come explicitly from the Superintendent or his designee. Any person with such unauthorized device is subject to criminal prosecution and will have their visitation privilege revoked.

C. Limited lockers are available for storage of personal items, however, it is recommended all personal belongings be left secured in visitor vehicles. a. The staff will not store any items for visitors and will not be responsible for items left during visitation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

RSW (Rappahannock Shenandoah Warren) Regional Jail - FAQs

  1. What counties does this regional detention center serve?
    This facility houses inmates from multiple surrounding counties that do not have their own jails, in addition to local detainees.

  2. What is the capacity of this regional detention center?
    The facility's maximum inmate population varies based on its design, staffing, and classification requirements.

  3. Who operates the detention center?
    The center is typically operated by a county sheriff’s office or a regional law enforcement board, with oversight from state correctional authorities.

  4. What types of inmates are housed here?
    The facility houses pretrial detainees, individuals serving short-term sentences, and inmates awaiting transfer to state or federal correctional institutions.

  5. Are inmates segregated by gender and classification?
    Yes, inmates are housed based on security level, classification status, and gender to ensure safety and compliance with correctional standards.

Visitation & Communication

  1. How do I schedule a visit with an inmate?
    Visitation is typically first-come, first-served or requires advance registration, depending on facility rules. Check with the detention center for specific policies.

  2. What forms of identification are required for visitation?
    Visitors must provide a valid government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, passport, military ID, or consular card.

  3. Are video visitations available?
    Many regional facilities offer on-site or remote video visitation through contracted service providers.

  4. What items am I allowed to bring into the visitation area?
    Only ID, keys, and a small wallet are typically allowed. Personal belongings, including cell phones, bags, and purses, must be secured outside the visitation area.

  5. How can inmates make phone calls?
    Inmates can make outgoing calls via a prepaid account or collect calls using a contracted phone service provider. Incoming calls are not allowed.

Mail & Commissary

  1. Can I send letters, books, or photos to an inmate?
    Yes, handwritten letters and approved photographs are generally allowed. Books must be sent directly from the publisher or an approved retailer in most cases, please check with the facility 540-622-6097 before ordering as some Regional Jails have ceased this privilege.

  2. Are care packages allowed?
    Some facilities permit commissary care packages through an approved vendor, but outside food, hygiene items, or unauthorized packages are prohibited.

  3. How do I send money to an inmate?
    Funds can be added to an inmate’s account via online deposits, lobby kiosks, money orders, or third-party services such as JailATM or Access Corrections.

Security & Conduct

  1. What happens if a visitor violates facility rules?
    Violations, such as attempting to bring contraband or disruptive behavior, can result in visitation suspension, arrest, or criminal charges.

  2. Are former inmates allowed to visit?
    Many regional detention centers prohibit former inmates from visiting for a set period (e.g., 30 days to 6 months after release).

  3. Can an inmate request a transfer to another facility?
    Transfers are determined by security needs, space availability, and legal requirements, and cannot be requested by the inmate or their family.

  4. What is the procedure for reporting concerns about an inmate’s welfare?
    Concerns regarding inmate safety, medical needs, or mistreatment should be reported directly to jail administration or the facility's designated grievance officer.

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