Ask The Inmate

FDC-Lake Correctional Institution

Clermont FL, Lake County

FDC-Lancaster Correctional Institution

Trenton FL, Gilchrist County

FDC-Lawtey Correctional Institution

Lawtey FL, Bradford County

FDC-Liberty Correctional Institution

Bristol FL, Liberty County

FDC-Lowell CI Annex-Women

Ocala FL, Marion County

Hood River County Sheriff

Hood River OR, Hood River County

FDC-Madison Correctional Institution

Madison FL, Madison County

FDC-Marion Correctional Institution

Lowell FL, Marion County

FDC-Martin Correctional Institution

Indiantown FL, Martin County

Can I send a magazine subscription from Amazon as well as books? The ...

The magazines are limited because the prisons don't accept all titles. We have 1000s of "good" titles that we cannot offer because for the restrictions. Amazon is great for books, but only okay for magazines, you just need to know if it is prison-acceptable or it'll get sent back.

Am i able to call an inmate that doesn't have a phone account?

No, inmates cannot receive calls. Inmates may only make outbound calls to phone numbers on their approved calling list. They must have money on their account to connect the call. Inmates may also call you "collect", although this is the most expensive way to receive calls. Click here to...

I want to know if the inmate in Miami dade pretrial detention center ...

We do not have pre-trial orders or court dates. We would advise calling the Dade County Clerk of the Court for the latest word on his case.

How long will it take for an inmate to receive my postcard?

It's sent by regular mail posted from San Francisco. It normally takes 2-3 days to arrive at the facility mail room and the mail is handed out at mail call

When a prisoner has been transferred to a new facility, is there a pe...

Depending on where they are transferred an why will have a bearing on when they can make calls. If they are in federal and move to another federal prison, there is no Trulincs account. If it is from county to state or to federal, there will be about a one-week delay before the phone accounts can ...

My boyfriend is currently at the Wasco state prison & I currently...

Here is a link to all of the rules, schedules and approval process for the Wasco State Prison

Me and my husband got married almost 2 months ago he is in jail in Le...

Yes, but you might have to go through a short approval process beforehand, however, they will not deny a spouse visitation regardless of the felony status.

My brother is serving his time in Alaska with no family and little su...

Yes, probably. He will have to get the Probation Office in the county he wishes to transfer to in Virginia to coordinate the transfer of supervision over to them. It is a very common thing, however, the offender must have a suitable home to live in, a job and the ability to pay back any fees rela...

Where Is Jodi Arias now, it's been 10 years since the trial?

Jodi Arias is incarcerated in the Arizona State Prison Complex - Perryville, Lumpley-Unit, a maximum security prison for women. She has a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

My sweet fiance is in river city, is marriage possible while he's...

No, marriage is not permitted in the Hamilton County River City Correctional Center (RCCC). The average length of stay is less than a year. Marriage in jail is only for long-term commitments. Do your relationship a favor and wait until you can do this in a way that you'll always remember, why do ...
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