Prison Book Program

c/o Lucy Parsons Bookstore 1306 Hancock Street, Suite 100 Quincy, MA 0216 617-423-3298 Make reading materials available to prisoners. Send for books or to donate books. Resource...

GED® Testing Service

GED® Testing Service - District of Columbia 1155 Connecticut Ave NW - 4th Floor Washington, DC 20036 GED® Testing Service - Minnesota 5715 West Old Shakopee Road Bloomington, MN 55437 Testing questions: 1-...

Amnesty International USA

5 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 212-807-8400 212-627-1451 fax We combine high-level legislative work, media outreach and grassroots mobilization to shape and promote legislation and poli...

Hepatitis Prison Coalition

4603 Aurora Avenue Nort Seattle, WA 98103 The Hepatitis Prison Coalition brings together organizations and individuals interested in raising awareness and providing support to prisoners who are suffering fro...

Prisoner Solidarity

PO Box 4337 Canton, OH 44707 The Internet site serves as a catalyst for communication between prisoners and people on "the outside." It publ...

American Friends Service Committee

1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-241-7000 AFSC is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Our work is...

Stop Prison Abuse

PO Box 3841 Albany, NY 12203 917-656-8046 It is a common belief that the U.S. prison system has standards in place which protect prisoners against abuse. The current system (the A...

Reentry Central

Box 411 New Haven, CT 06513 203-468-6589 203-304-8079 Fax Dr. Sandra Martin, Executive Director A national non-profit organization providing services and ...