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InmateAid receives letters and emails from members all the time. We post actual, unedited words from real people that have used InmateAid. We are sharing them on the site because we are proud of what people are saying. Share your thoughts, too.

  • Thank you for all the great service you do for all the families.......

    Terry L.
  • I just wanted to say thank you and these times are hard enough but your honesty made them a bit easier i truly appreciate you!!

    Julie M.
  • Hi, Thank you for your help and assistance with the phone service...it was super! Thank You...Jessica S.

    Jessica S.
  • I just want to tell you how awesome this website is you guys are the best....

    Donna J.
  • Thk U so much,your services are much faster and very dependable. My son was very surprised, I haven't tried the books or magazines, but so far...I'm very Pleased with your service, I have told family members this site. Again, thank you very much Renae H

    Renae H.
  • I just wanted to let you know since the address change all mail is getting to him! Yay! He said the photos are awesome quality too. Thank you for your patience and assistance I really do appreciate it.

    Mandy G.
  • Im so happy with this page... 100% great work .. my husband receives my pictures and letters .. thanks

    Priscilla V.
  • thank you for this site, there is nothing like it and we are so grateful, very happy with the ease of use - congratulations on a great idea...

    Sharon C.
  • HI: ) I recently sent my first letter to my son in law through inmate aid. It's always been hard gor me to get my letters to the post office, or the drop box outside my home because I wouldn't always have stamps on hand after writing the letters and in the mix of day to day life these unstamped letters would just get forgotten about and by the time I'd remember them the "content"in them was IRRELEVANT.To wrap this up I will say..Inmate aid is PERFECT for those who are juggling life on the go but are concerned about their loved ones in prison. I wish "I" would have thought of this idea. Id be $$$ paid ! And helping family

    Makeba H.