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WCC Visitation Center

State Prison

Last Updated: February 23,2025

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Visitation Hours

Visiting hours for WCC are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Please reach out to 907-260-7200, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the facility in Kenai. Please note that visitors will undergo a thorough search before entering the premises, and personal belongings, including cell phones, are strictly prohibited. Individuals under probation, parole, or community corrections supervision must obtain approval from their supervising officer and the superintendent before visiting, although such visits are not typically approved.

General Visitation Information

There are three separate visiting instructions for the Wildwood Correctional Complex

Wildwood Correctional Center

Wildwood Pretrial Facility

Wildwood Transitional Program


The Department may deny or restrict a person from visiting with a prisoner for the following reasons but are not limited to:

  • Security requirements;
  • Space availability;
  • Disruptive behavior;
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Health problems (Restrictions for a chronically mentally ill person Only apply if the persons behavior is disruptive, dangerous, or in Some way threatens the security of the institution);
  • Previous violation of visitation rules;
  • A court order precludes visitation during probation (this also applies during incarceration);
  • The visitor was released from a correctional facility within the Preceding 60 days, unless the Superintendent pre-approves the Visit. (This section does not apply to a prisoners family members or a person who was acquitted at trial or released because the State dismissed the charges);
  • Misrepresentation of identity or the purpose of the visit;
  • Violation of the visitor dress code
  • As a sanction imposed by a disciplinary committee. In that case, the department may limit or suspend contact visitation and limit secure visitation to immediate family members;
  • The visitor is a parolee for whom parole conditions prohibit contacting a prisoner; or
  • Any other reason that demonstrates that the visit is adverse to the orderly operation, security, or safety of the institution. (The reason must be documented as an individualized determination).
  • Persons under probation, parole, or other community correction Supervision must obtain their individual supervising officer and the Superintendents permission before visiting a prisoner.

It is strongly urged that all visitors come to the facility with only a minimum amount of items.NOTHINGis allowed into the visiting area with the exception ofan ID card, one key (locker Key or Car Key), One (1) plastic baby bottle, pacifier, receiving blanket, 1 diaper and wipes for infants.No food (including gum) or drink may be brought into the visiting area.


Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and theBirth certificate/Guardianship paperworkmust be presented when signing up for visitation.

Visitation by a minor who is the child of the prisoner may not be restricted unless parental rights to reasonable visitation have been terminated or otherwise limited, pursuant to divorce or a child in need of aid or other court order.

A Minor who is a family member of a prisoner must be accompanied by an adult who is either an immediate family member or is approved by the superintendent.

A Minor child that is not a family member must be accompanied by a parent of legal guardian.


Visitors must be properly dressed before checking in to visit an inmate. Any clothing or clothing articles that are considered inappropriate will not be permitted to be worn in the visitation area. Proper undergarments must be worn. Some clothing articles and accessories are prohibited. Wear clothing that is appropriate for a gathering of men, women, and young children. Wearing inappropriate clothing (such as provocative, transparent or revealing clothes) will result in your being denied visitation.


  • halter tops, tank tops, tops with spaghetti straps, or that expose the midriff or cleavage
  • bathing suits
  • see-through garments of any type including excessive lace
  • crop tops
  • low-cut blouses or dresses
  • Skin tight pants (Yoga pants, spandex material)
  • miniskirts (skirts may not exceed 2 inches above the knee)
  • backless tops
  • hats or caps (the exception is headgear worn for religious purposes e.g. Muslim caps, Rastafarian hats, Sikh Turbans, Jewish yarmulkes)
  • sleeveless garments
  • hooded clothing
  • Shorts (no more than 2 inches above the knee during the summer)
  • sunglasses
  • Any clothing that displays a gang affiliation or is attributable to gang culture. Additionally, clothing that is obscene, racist or displays sexual content is not allowed
  • Sweat suits, track suits, zipped jackets or shirts
  • Winter Gear (Oversized coats, snowsuits, scarves, Gloves, Earmuffs, oversized down vest)
  • dresses or skirts with a high-cut split in the back, front, or side
  • clothing that looks like inmate clothing (gold top and gold pants)
  • Boots over the knee. Shoes/boots must not have steel toecaps or sharp accessories (e.g. spikes, stiletto heels) Heels are to be no more than 3 inches.
  • No bare feet (This includes children)

Because many people are usually visiting, it is important visits are quiet, orderly, and dignified. Our aim at the Anchorage Correctional Complex is to provide a safe, secure and respectful environment for all prisoners, visitors and staff.

Violations of visiting privileges may result in disciplinary action against the inmate and appropriate administrative or legal actions against the visitor.

Visitation Rules

AK DOC - Rules by Type

Visitors are to follow instructions given by any officer or staff member. The earliest you can sign in for visiting is 10 minutes past the hour and the latest is 20 minutes past the hour.
All visitors must sign in and out. Adults will sign in children. All visitors must present photo ID (Drivers License/State ID) and be at least 18 years of age. Visitors under 18 must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. However, if the minor is a member of the prisoners immediate family, they may be accompanied by any adult family member.
If a prisoner is at an activity such as yard out, church, recreation, orientation or with an attorney, there will not be a visit.
You may only take your car key and ID into visiting. The only exception to this rule, is that if you are bringing in a baby you may take a pacifier and baby blanket. NO baby bottles will be allowed in the visiting room.
No visit will last longer than 1 hour and secure visits are not required to last the entire hour. Contact visits are required to last the entire hour due to security issues.
Visitors may be excluded for:
• Security requirements
• Space availability
• Disruptive conduct including unruly children
• Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• Health problems
• Refusal to submit to a search before or after a visit, including search of belongings
• Improper ID
• Previous violations of visiting rules
• Being in jail within the last 60 days or a felon on probation
A visiting schedule is posted. First priority to prisoners who have not had a visit that day.
There must be at least one hour between visits. Each prisoner may have a group of three visitors (not counting a small child held by an adult for the entire visit).
Persons having contact visits may embrace once at the beginning and again at the end of the visit. Petting and/or sexual contact is not permitted. Individuals must sit on separate chairs, but small children may sit on the relatives lap.
Exceptions to the visiting policy may be made only with the approval of the Superintendent.
• Visiting Dress Code
• Hats, coats, hooded clothing, and jackets are prohibited.
• Shirts must have sleeves, shoulders and midriffs must be covered.
• Clothing may not have obscene or provocative slogans, logos, or other objectionable writing.
• Shirts with buttons/clasps must be buttoned/fastened with the exception of the top (neck) button/clasp.
• Zippered shirts, jackets, sweaters, and coats are prohibited.
• Pants and/or skirts must extend below the knee.

Visitation is subject to rules which have been set by statewide policy (22 AAC 05.130). All rules must be followed at all times. Violation of the rules can result in the loss of visiting privileges. Please note that visitation is subject to cancellation or interruption at any time based on the security requirements of the facility. Specific rules regarding visitation are as follows:

  • All visitors are subject to a search by metal detector and/or pat search;
  • All visitors must show proof of identification with an acceptable photo ID card;
  • All family members under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian;
  • All visitors under the age of 18 and not a family member may request a special visit through the Superintendent and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian;
  • Persons on supervised probation, parole or other form of community supervision must obtain the permission of both the Superintendent and the supervising officer prior to visiting;
  • Visitors who are not family members and who have been released from an institution within the preceding 60 days are not allowed visitation without prior approval of the Superintendent;
  • Visitors and prisoners may not exchange any object except with the approval of the Superintendent or designee;
  • Visitors are responsible for keeping their children under control at all times – unruly, uncontrolled, and disruptive children will be cause for termination of the visit; and,
  • Only those persons who are actually visiting prisoners will be allowed in the building.
  • Any action which contributes a disturbance, as determined by the staff member supervising visitation, may result in termination of the visit;
  • Smoking within the facility is not permitted, and is subject to a $50 fine.
  • The prisoner and visitor for contact visits may “briefly” embrace at the beginning and end of the visiting period. However, no other form of physical contact is allowed;
  • Petting and/or other sexual activities are strictly prohibited;
  • The prisoner and visitor(s) MUST sit in separate chairs during visitation;
  • Small children may be allowed to sit on a relative prisoners lap at the discretion of the staff member supervising visitation;
  • Visitors and prisoners may not exchange any object during visiting. Approved gifts from visitors, however, will normally be limited to money;
  • Visitors with infants shall be required to leave the visiting area in order to nurse them.

Visitation Rules(Security)

AK DOC - Rules by Security

Are there restrictions on who can visit?
Yes. Please remember that visitation is a privilege, not a right. The staff of AMCC may limit your visits if they feel you may jeopardize the safety, security, or orderly administration of Anvil Mountain Correctional Center. Visitors under the influence of intoxicants or drugs will not be allowed to visit. Contact visitation must be requested by the inmate and authorized by the superintendent prior to the visit.
If I'm on parole or probation, can I visit?
Persons under probation, parole, or other community corrections supervision must obtain the permission of both their individual supervising officer and the superintendent prior to a visit. Such visitation is not normally approved. Visitors who have been released from a correctional facility within the preceding 60 days shall not be allowed visitation without approval of the superintendent.
What if I'm under 18 and want to visit?
If the visitor is under the age of 18 and is a family member of the inmate, they must be accompanied by an adult family member or guardian to include a member of the inmate's extended family. If the visitor is under the age of 18 and is not a family member of the inmate, the minor visitor must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Can I bring small children into the visiting area?
The visitor is responsible for keeping his or her children under control. They will not be permitted to run around or otherwise disrupt the orderly routine of visitations. Unruly, uncontrolled and disruptive children may be cause to terminate a visit and to deny future visits.
Can I breast feed/bottle feed my child in the visiting area?
Visitors with infants shall be required to leave the visiting area in order to nurse them. This applies to breast feeding and bottle feeding as well, since bottles and other baby supplies are not permitted in the visiting area.
Is there a dress code for visitors?
Yes. Please follow the guidelines below when visiting AMCC. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in denial of visitation privileges.
Dress Code for Visitors:
• A shirt and trousers for men, shirt, slacks, or a dress for women must be worn.
• Cutoffs, shorts, and beach-type clothing are not acceptable.
• Footwear must be worn at all times.
• Hats will not be worn in the visiting rooms.
Will I be searched before my visit?
Correctional Officers shall establish the identification of visitors. They may conduct a metal detector or pat search of all contact visitors. Should a pat search be necessary, visitors shall be searched by a staff member of the same sex. Visitors' belongings may be searched if deemed desirable for security reasons. If a visitor refuses to submit to a search, visitation may be denied.

Can I take personal belongings into the visiting area?
No. Personal effects cannot be carried into the visiting rooms.
Is there somewhere I can lock up my personal stuff while visiting?
Personal effects can be secured in lockers located in the reception area.
Can I bring gifts to an inmate?
Visitors and inmates may not exchange objects. Visitors can bring certain types of gifts to inmates, but all gifts will be given to officers, who will then give them to the inmates.
What type of gifts are OK to bring?
Approved gifts from visitors will normally be limited to money, magazines, newspapers and paperback books which will be turned over to the supervising officer for dispersal to the inmate. Introduction or attempted introduction of contraband shall be cause to terminate a visit and all such acts will be referred to the district attorney for prosecution.
Are there any reasons I might be denied visitation?
If any visitor creates a disturbance or the visit is not in the best interest of all concerned, the visit will be terminated. Future visits may be denied to those who violate the rules.
Reasons visitors may be excluded from visitation include, but are not limited to:
• The prisoner is subject to disciplinary sanctions
• Violation of the dress code
• Security requirements
• Space availability
• Disruptive behavior
• Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs

• Health problems, including chronic mental illness (if the person's behavior is dangerous or disruptive)
• Refusal to submit to an authorized search
• Being under the age of 18 and failing to meet criteria set out in this policy
• Previous violation of visitation rules or regulations
• Presently under the supervision of the Department of Corrections
• Misrepresentation of identity for purpose of visit
• Court order precludes visiting during probation
Just how much contact can I have during a contact visit?
Inmates and visitors are expected to conform their conduct as to be considerate of all present. An embrace, upon initial greeting and again prior to departure of the visit is allowed. Hand holding during the visit is also permissible. However, contact of a nature which would suggest sexual overtones to an observer is prohibited. An infant or small child may sit in either parent's lap.
Can I smoke during visits?
No. Alaska DOC facilities are all non-smoking.