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All visitors must be approved in advance by the inmate/residents Unit Team. Inmate/resident will submit their request for visitors on the visiting list request form. The unit staff will notify the inmate/resident when the prospective visitor has gained final approval or been refused. Authorized visitors are individuals (family, friends, and associates) that have an established relationship with the inmate/resident prior to confinement and the relationship can be verified. No more than four (4) visitors per inmate/resident, excluding children will be allowed.
Special visits may be arranged through Unit Staff for attorneys, paralegal, consular visits, clergy, former or prospective employers, sponsors, parole advisors, or law enforcement officials, with the review and approval of the Assistant Warden or designee. Members of the clergy who wish to visit with an inmate/resident on a professional basis must make a request to the Warden/Facility Administrator or designee prior to the visit. How do I get approved for visitation? The inmate will request from his unit staff the required visit forms that will be sent to you. Once the inmate receives the information from you via mail he will give it to his unit staff for verification of the information.