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Cimarron Correctional Visitation Center

Private Facility

Last Updated: February 23,2025

Visitation Hours

Visiting hours for Cimarron Correctional are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Please reach out to 918-225-3336, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the facility in Cushing. Please note that visitors will undergo a thorough search before entering the premises, and personal belongings, including cell phones, are strictly prohibited. Individuals under probation, parole, or community corrections supervision must obtain approval from their supervising officer and the superintendent before visiting, although such visits are not typically approved.

General Visitation Information

Cimarron Correctional Facility - Visitation

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Level 1 (Non-Contact by appt. only)
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. Level 2 -3
12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Levels 4

ONLY UAB's on ED and non-affiliated Hispanics visit this day along with Level 1's
**Hispanics Levels 1-4 assigned to BS, CN, CS, DN, DS Units

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. Level 2 -3
12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Levels 4

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. Level 2 -3
12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Levels 4

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (All Levels)
ONLY Irish on CN top run visit on this day

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ALPHA NORTH (Level 1 Non-Contact by appt. only)
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ALPHA NORTH (Levels 2-4)

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. - ALPHA SOUTH (Non-Contact by appt. only)

Saturday or Sunday (non-contact and by appt. only)
Level 1 - 1 hour.
Level 2 - 2 hours.
Level 3 - 3 hours.
Level 4 - 4 hours.

State Holidays – Holiday visits will be from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Visit according to level)
Veterans Day

The number of hours an offender may visit on the free visiting day will be in accordance with the offender's level. The schedule may be revised as determined necessary by the facility administration.

Cimarron Correctional Facility - CoreCivic - Visitation FAQs

Who can visit?
Spouse, family members accompanied by their spouses, friends, attorney, volunteers, and clergy who have been approved for visitation at this facility.

How do I get approved for visitation?
You can fill out a Visitor's Request Form (DOC 030118B) to apply for visitation along with a copy of your state issued photo ID or Driver's License. Your information will then be sent for an OSBI and FBI criminal records check. After approval from facility head the applicant may be added to offender's visitation list. It is required for visitors to have a Background Check no more than 3 years old on file.

How do minors get approved to visit?
Children under the age of 18 years may be approved to visit an offender when accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult who is authorized to visit the offender and has notarized permission from the legal guardian of the child. These children must be natural or adopted children of the offender they are visiting. All other minors must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian, who may be required to provide documentation, such as a birth certificate.

How long does the application process take?
The application process can take up to 10-20 working days or longer determined by the amount of applications being processed at one time.

How will I know if I've been approved?
It is the inmate's responsibility to notify prospective visitors if they have been approved or denied for a visit.

How long can I visit?
The length of visit depends on the custody level of the offender.

Where do I park when I arrive at the facility?
In the designated visitor's parking area.

Will I be searched?
Searches will include searches of all items brought into the facility, pat down searches upon entering, the use of x-ray machines to scan property, and the use of metal detection devices. Also, canine drug detection screening may be used to assist in searches.

What is the dress code for visitation?
Shorts, skorts, skirts, or dresses shorter than and/or with slits higher than the top of the kneecap or tight fitting; tube-tops, tank-tops, crop-tops, halter-tops, spaghetti-top blouses, sleeveless/transparent or mesh tops/blouses; leggings/biker's pants/body suits; spandex clothing (to include swimsuits); solid blue, chambray, khaki, green, yellow, orange, or periwinkle shirts; white T-shirts, tight fitting sweat suits; low-cut or cut-out designs on clothing; clothing bearing profanity, offensive wording, and pictures; headgear (excluding religious); clothing which exposes the midriff, extremely tight, off the shoulder, or which exposes any part of the breast. All visitors must wear appropriate underclothing for his/her gender and children above the age of 11 years must comply with the dress code unless they are restricted by handicap or medical reasons.

What type of identification do I need to be allowed into the facility?
All visitors over the age of 18 must have a form of state issued identification.

What items am I allowed to bring to visitation?
You may bring in $20.00 in unrolled quarters in a clear plastic bag (for vending machines), photo ID, and car keys. If you have a baby, you may bring in minimal supplies to last the duration of the visit.

Entering a Facility for Visitation
Visiting a correctional facility can feel intimidating, especially for the first-time visitor.
We have our own specific processes and rules, strict security measures, uniformed staff and words and terminology you may not be familiar with. Ultimately, those security features are in place to protect you and your loved one although we understand the potential for concern or confusion.
Our goal is for visitors to be comfortable, even impressed, by our facility environment during your visit. We simply ask that you help us maintain safety and security by following our important guidelines.
Contraband and Personal Items
When entering one of our facilities, typically, visitors are only permitted to bring in an ID and a small amount of cash ($10 or less) or a vending card for use at the facility’s vending machines during visitation. Please check with the facility prior to visitation for specific information on the use of vending cards or cash.
Proper identification must be a valid driver’s license or a government-issued ID. Some facilities require a birth certificate to be presented for children attending visitation, so check the requirement of the specific facility you are visiting.
For security reasons, visitors will not be allowed to take any personal items or gifts into the facility – including cell phones, wallets, purses, food, gifts, magazines or books.
Attempting to pass any of these unapproved items through security, even if accidentally, is illegal. Please leave all personal items in your vehicle. Some facilities offer lockers in the facility lobby for storing these items.
Additionally, attempting to introduce illegal contraband, such as cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, weapons and cell phones, to a facility inmate is considered a security threat and will result in immediate legal action.
While we understand that some of these rules may be inconvenient or difficult for our visitors, it is our responsibility to keep all of our inmates, staff and visitors safe. These strict safety procedures are very important and are just one of the many ways we maintain a safe and secure environment.
Visitation and Inmate Contact
There are different types of visitation, depending on the facility and the inmate’s classification – contact visitation, noncontact visitation and, occasionally, video visitation.
Most of our facilities have both contact and noncontact visitation. Appropriate contact with your loved one – such as hugging – varies. Our staff will help you understand the appropriate contact rules for your time with your loved one.
Typically contact visitation will be held in a large room with tables. Some facilities have a designated visitation room. Others may use educational rooms for visitation.
Noncontact visitation includes the use of individual booths with telephones for speaking with inmates.
Video Visitation
A small number of CoreCivic correctional facilities provide video visitation. Video visitation is especially useful for those inmates incarcerated in another state.
To participate in a video visitation session, the inmate must schedule a specific visitation time. CoreCivic will partner with a local church or other organization to provide the video visitation equipment and session for the visitor.
For specific information on video visitation, please contact the facility directly.
Preparing for Visitation

At CoreCivic, our dedicated team of corrections professionals goes to prison or jail every day. Uniforms, metal detectors, security measures, policies and procedures, closed doors and locked gates – it’s all second nature to us.
But if you’re not accustomed to correctional facility life, you may have some questions or concerns, maybe even nervousness, about what to expect if you are planning a visit.
Being well prepared for your visit to one of our correctional facilities can help alleviate the stress and anxiety that sometimes accompanies visitation.
From what to wear to what to leave behind, here are a few tips and instructions to help you prepare for your upcoming facility visit.
Visitation List and Approval
During the inmate orientation process, inmates will mail a visitation application form to the friends and family members who want to visit.
It is the inmate’s responsibility to mail the applications. Individuals who receive the application must complete the form and mail it back to the specific CoreCivic facility to initiate the approval process. All facility visitors must be approved through a background check prior to visiting an inmate.
Once the background checks are completed, the inmate is responsible for informing friends and family members that they are approved for visitation. Please ensure that, as a visitor, you have been approved before planning your visit.
Some CoreCivic facilities require that all visitations be scheduled in advance of the visitation appointment. Or there may be special requirements if an individual is in restricted housing. You may wish to contact the facility directly if you are unsure.
An inmate can change or update their list over time. If an inmate is transferred to another correctional facility, please check with the facility before visiting to ensure all records were transferred at the time of the move.
Passing Security
Every visitor who enters our correctional facilities must pass through our security measures before proceeding to a visitation area.
Visitors will be screened through a metal detector, much like what you would experience in an airport. However, our metal detector settings are much more sensitive than typical metal detectors. When preparing for your visit, please be sure to consider any metal on your clothing, including underwear and shoes.
Visitation Dress Code
Understandably, many of our visitors do not realize that what they are wearing can impact their ability to visit with their loved one.
Every facility has a strict dress code for visitors, and each facility’s dress code may vary, sometimes depending on the specific requirements of our government partner. Please review the specific dress code requirements for the facility you are visiting prior to your visit.
A few general guidelines that apply at every facility include:
Skirts and shorts must be knee-length or longer.
Only closed-toe shoes are permitted. No sandals or flip-flops.
No revealing or low cut shirts. No tank tops or halter tops.
No see-though or extremely tight clothing.
No strapless dresses. No swimsuits.
No gang or obscene messages or designs.
No hats or hoodies on shirts
No sunglasses or excessive jewelry.
Underwear must be worn at all times, but not visible.
Everyone must clear the metal detector.
Visiting from Out of State
If you must travel a great distance to visit your loved one, you want your limited visitation time to go smoothly. To help ensure you are prepared, we’ve assembled our most important advice for a successful visit.
Inmate Visitation Checklist
Before arriving at a correctional facility, think through the following checklist to ensure that you are prepared for visitation.
___ I am on my inmate’s approved visitation list.
___ I have returned my paperwork and passed the visitation background check.
___ I have my driver’s license or government ID.
___ I have planned my visit during the facility’s visitation hours.
___ I have packed facility dress code approved clothes and shoes.
___ I will clear the metal detector.
___ I have ensured that my car, purse and pockets are clear of any inappropriate items before entering the facility grounds.
___ I have checked to see if there are special visitation requirements, such as a scheduled appointment.