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Cook County Jail (CCDOC) - Cermak Hospital Visitation Center

State Hospital

Last Updated: March 24,2025

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Visitation Hours

Visiting hours for Cook County Jail (CCDOC) - Cermak Hospital are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Please reach out to 773-674-7100, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the facility in Chicago. Please note that visitors will undergo a thorough search before entering the premises, and personal belongings, including cell phones, are strictly prohibited. Individuals under probation, parole, or community corrections supervision must obtain approval from their supervising officer and the superintendent before visiting, although such visits are not typically approved.

General Visitation Information

Cook County Jail (CCDOC) - Cermak Hospital - Visitation

Visiting an inmate

The Cook County Department of Corrections encourages regular visits from family and friends. Shortened staffing levels or building lockdowns can limit inmate visitation times.

An inmate’s housing location will help you find visitation locations, days and times.

Finding an inmate’s housing location

To find an inmate’s housing location call 773-674-5245 or click here to visit the inmate locator online.

The first characters in the inmate housing location list the division where the inmate is assigned (e.g. DIV2, DIV08).

The second set of characters in the inmate’s housing location are the detainee’s tier or living unit (e.g. 2B or Q1). Look for the tier on the schedule, and the day of the week and hours where the tier is listed.


8:00am – 1:30pm
2N, 2S, 2E

3:30pm – 8:30pm
3N, 3W, 3S (males only)

Monday 3:30pm – 8:30pm
2W, 3E, 3S (females only) Tuesday 3:30pm – 8:30pm
2N, 2E, 2S, 3N, 3W, 3S (Males Only) Wednesday No Visits Thursday No Visits Friday No Visits Saturday 3:30pm – 8:30pm
2W, 3E, 3S (females only)

Once the application is received, a background check will be conducted to determine if the applicant is approved for visiting privileges. Applicants must call the Visitor Information Center at (773) 674-5225 or email:doc.visitation@cookcountyil.govto inquire about the status of their applications. Please allow three (3) business days after submitting an application to inquire about the status.

Entrance Directions: Visitation for Cermak Hospital must enter in the Main Gate, located at 27th and California, just south of the Criminal Courts Buildings.

Please be advised that the Cook County Department of Corrections (CCDOC) has instituted a new visitation policy. Any individuals wishing to visit an inmate MUST complete and submit a Visitor Application to the CCDOC. Visitor Applications may be obtained and submitted at the following locations:
• Divisional lobby where the inmate is being housed
• Entrance of any Cook County courthouse
The application MUST be filled out completely and it is strongly encouraged to submit applications using the official Sheriff’s website. Minors 17 years of age or under DO NOT need to fill out an application; however they MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian who has been approved according to the new visitation policy at the time of the visit. Also, if the minor is high school age, a current state or school photo ID must be presented. Up to three children can be accompanied by one adult. If you have already submitted an application for an individual inmate, you DO NOT need to reapply. You will have to submit a new application if the inmate was discharged and then re-incarcerated.
Once the application is received, a background check will be conducted to determine if the applicant is approved for visiting privileges. Applicants must call the Visitor Information Center at (773) 674-8225 or email: doc.visitation@cookcountyil.gov to inquire about the status of their applications. Please allow seven (7) business days after submitting an application to inquire about the status.

Applicants will be DENIED visiting privileges based on the criteria below. If you have been DENIED approval for the reasons noted in points 3 and 4 below, you may reapply, but only if your mandatory waiting period has expired.
1. The applicant provided invalid, inaccurate or unverifiable information on the Visitor Application.
2. The applicant is a minor 17 years of age or under.
3. The applicant is:
4. Is within the first year of parole/probation.
5. On house arrest.
6. On bond, has an open criminal case, excluding misdemeanor traffic cases.
7. The applicant was discharged from CCDOC, Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) or any other verified correctional facility within the last 60 days.
8. The applicant has an outstanding warrant, including ICE detainers or has failed to maintain accurate registration records as required by law (e.g., Sex Offender registry, Violent Offender registry, etc.).
9. The applicant has a protective order placed on the inmate they are requesting to visit.
10. Any safety or security reasons as determined by a CCSO supervisor.
11. Visitors are required to follow Cook County Department of Corrections visitor rules and regulations at ALL times while on facility grounds. Failure to do so may result in the termination or denial of future visits.

To apply for visitation, search for the inmate that you wish to visit below. If you wish to visit more than one inmate, you must submit an application for each inmate. All applicants will be subject to a background check.
Q: What are the hours of operation for the Visitor Information Center (VIC) hotline?
A: Monday-Friday, 10:00am – 9:00pm

Q: If an inmate is transferred from one Division to another, do I need to complete another application?
A: No. Only one application is necessary to visit an inmate regardless if he/she is transferred. You will have to complete a new application when an inmate has been discharged and re-incarcerated.
Q: Do I need to complete a new application for every inmate I visit?
A: Yes. A new application must be generated for each inmate you wish to visit.
Q: Do I need to apply if I am from out of town?
A: Yes. Visitors who travel 150 or more miles away from 2600 S. California Chicago shall be considered an out of town visitor. All out of town visitors shall follow the visitor application process in order to get approval for visiting privileges. Approved out of town visitors may be allowed a one-time courtesy visit during normal visiting hours and days. Any visit after your courtesy visit MUST be on the inmates regularly scheduled visiting days.
Q: Do I need to complete an application for my under age child to visit?
A: No. Only persons over the age of 17 must complete an application. Visitors 17 years old and under must be accompanied by an approved visitor who is visiting the same inmate.
Q: Where do I go on line to apply?
A: Apply by searching for the inmate above. A "Register online" link is provided to the right of the inmate's photo.
Q: How do I know if I'm approved to visit?
A: Applications will be processed within 7 business days of the date they were submitted. Please call the VIC at 773-674-8225 after the 7 business days to inquire if you have been approved. We also ask that you please call the VIC to inquire about your application prior to coming in to visit or email doc.visitation@cookcountyil.gov.
Q: How often can I visit?
A: After you have been approved, you will be allowed to visit once per week during one of the inmate’s scheduled visiting days and times
Q: What can I bring with me into the Department of Corrections?
A: To avoid inconveniences, delays in visits, or security problems, all visitors are encouraged to bring only those items you absolutely need, such as your keys and identification. A list of contraband is :
All visitors and their belongings entering the CCDOC are subject to a search. Visitors are strictly prohibited from bringing in contraband into the CCDOC. Contraband items include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Any item deemed to be a safety or security risk by the CCDOC.
• Alcohol
• Electronics
• Newspapers/Magazines/Books
• Food
• Pocket Knives
• Cameras
• Lighters
• Syringes
• Cell Phones
• Matches
• Tobacco Products
• Drinks
• Music Players
• Tools
• Drugs
• Nail
• Clippers
• Weapons
Visitors may also be charged criminally with “Bringing Contraband into a Penal Institution”, 720 ILCS 5/31A-1.1. as follows:
• Bringing into or possessing alcohol liquor in a penal institution is a Class 4 felony.
• Bringing into or possessing cannabis in a penal institution is a Class 3 felony.
• Bringing into or possessing any amount of a controlled substance classified in Schedules III, IV or V of the Illinois Controlled Substance Act in a penal institution is a Class 2 felony.
• Bringing into or possessing any amount of a controlled substance classified in Schedules I or II of Article II of the Illinois Controlled Substance Act in a penal institution is a Class 1 felony.
• Bringing into or possessing a hypodermic syringe in a penal institution is a Class 1 felony.
• Bringing into or possessing a weapon, tool to defeat security mechanisms, cutting tool, or electronic contraband into a penal institution is a Class 1 felony.
• Bringing into or possessing a firearm, firearm ammunition, or explosive in a penal institution is a Class X felony.