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Please review the following information before scheduling a visit: New Haven CC Visiting Policies (eff. 06/01/2021)
Visiting Schedule - New Haven CC (eff. 09/15/2022)
Only one In-Person Visit per week is allowed. One Video Visit per week is also allowed. Both In-Person and Video Visits must be pre-scheduled and a visiting Request Form must be completed. Please complete the following form to schedule a visit: Visit Request Form
Visitors must be on the approved, active visiting list. A visit is not scheduled until you receive confirmation from the facility.
Any individual who attempts to visit a facility without a prescheduled visiting confirmation will not be accommodated. A maximum of three (3) authorized adult visitors may participate in the Video Visit and must be included on the Video Request form. Any minor who is domiciled in the household will not count toward the number of visitors in the Video Visit. A Video Visit shall be forfeited if the visit does not begin within five (5) minutes of the scheduled time. Proper attire is required for all visits
For all general visiting information refer to