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FPC Alderson Visitation Center

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Last Updated: March 24,2025

General Visitation Information

Alderson Minimum - Visiting Hours

  • Monday 8:15 am - 3:15 pm
  • Friday 11:30 am - 6:30 pm
  • Saturday 8:15 am - 3:15 pm
  • Sunday 8:15 am - 3:15 pm
  • Holidays 8:15 am - 3:15 pm

Visiting Information

Regular Visitors: Ordinarily, within the first five (5) working days after arrival, inmates will be allowed to establish a visiting list.

Members of the Immediate Family: All adult members of the inmate's immediate family will normally be placed on the approved list of visitors upon the inmate's request. Immediate family includes: father, mother, step-parents, brothers, sisters, spouse, or anyone that has served as a parent, such as a legal guardian, foster parents, grandparents (established in the inmate's pre-sentence report). For individuals with a different family name to be considered for visiting, documentation should be submitted to the Unit Team. The Unit Team member will verify the visitor’s status as immediate family prior to the initial visit.

The mother of an inmate’s child(ren), but not legally married to the inmate, will be considered for visits in order to accompany the minor child(ren).

Persons with Criminal Records: The existence of a criminal record does preclude visits. Consideration will be given to the nature, extent and recentness of the criminal record, as weighed against the value of the relationship. Each case will be requested through the Unit Team and approved by the Associate Warden of Operations and Programs.

Children under Sixteen: Children under the age of 16 may not visit unless accompanied by an approved adult visitor. Children shall be kept under direct supervision of a responsible adult. There are no designated areas for children. Exceptions in unusual circumstances may be made by special approval of the Warden.

Special Visits: Special visits can be authorized by the Associate Warden, through a recommendation by the Unit Manager, normally under extraordinary circumstances. Special visits, for the purpose of this supplement are defined as an inmate request to visit on other than their normal day.

Inmates will submit special visit requests in advance of the visiting date. Once approved by the Associate Warden, a Unit Team member will provide copies of the written visit authorization to the Front Lobby and Visiting Room Officers, and will enter the visit authorization information into the computer visiting program.

The written visit authorization memorandum will state the following details: date of the visit, specific names of visitors, and the reason for granting the special visit. During non-visiting days, a Unit Team member will provide supervision for the special visit.

Other relatives and friends will be those individuals with whom the inmate had an association with prior to incarceration. Exceptions to the prior relationship rule may be made, particularly for inmates without other Visitors, when it is shown that the proposed visitor is reliable and poses no threat to the security or good order of the institution. This association must be determined by the inmate’s unit team to be a positive relationship. These relatives and friends will be added to the visiting list only after a favorable background check. The approval must be made by the inmate’s Unit Manager. The inmate will be notified of approval or disapproval so that he can notify the proposed visitor.

Entrance Procedures: Visitors will be allowed into the facility’s parking area 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the visitation hours. After the visitation hours are completed, all visitors must leave the facility. Visitors found loitering in the parking area during non-visiting hours will be instructed to leave the facility. All visitors will be required to park and secure their vehicles in the designated parking spaces provided for visitors. Individuals who are not visiting will not be permitted to remain in their vehicles or in the parking area except to pick up or discharge passengers.

All visitors will be instructed to complete the “Notification to Visitors” form, which affirms that no contraband is in their possession. The Notification to Visitors forms will be maintained for one year.

Visitors must have proof of their identity prior to the visit. Staff shall verify the identity of each visitor through a valid, unexpired photo identification card issued by a Local, State or Federal Government agency, (for example: driver’s license, passport, resident card), prior to admission of the visitor to the Visiting Room. The Operations Lieutenant and the Institution Duty Officer will be responsible for handling all denials of visiting privileges.

Visitors for the Camp will proceed to the Camp Visiting Room, where they will report directly to the Camp Visiting OIC for processing.

Visitor Searches: In order to deter the introduction of contraband into the facility, all visitors entering the facility must be willing to submit to searches including, but not limited to, pat searches, drug detection screening, metal detection screening, vehicle searches and searches of personal property.

Dress Code for Visitors: Inmates are responsible for informing their prospective visitors of the dress attire permitted in the visiting room.
Visitors are expected to wear clothing which is neither provocative nor enticing to the extent that a disruption to the orderly running of the institution could ensue.

Clothing which is similar to and resembles the style or color of that issued to inmates (for example, dark green trousers with plain white or dark green shirt at the FPC) is not allowed to be worn inside the Visiting Room. Clothing which is sexually suggestive or revealing is prohibited. No bare feet will be allowed except for infants.

1) Prohibited Attire:
a. Shorts of any kind (except for small children under age of 10
b. Transparent garments of any kind
c. Sleeveless blouses or shirts, must cover entire shoulder
d. Bathing suits
e. Mini Skirts
f. Crop tops
g. Sun dresses
h. Halter tops
i. Backless tops
j. Hats, caps, scarfs
k. Wrap around skirts, shirts or dresses
l. Spandex pants, skirts or tights, Leotards
m. Sweat pants/sweat shirts
n. Shirts or jeans with holes
o. Low cut blouses/dresses
p. Hooded shirts, jackets or sweaters
q. Skirts/dresses above knee level
r. Open toe Shoes, 3” max spike heel
s. Flip-flop style beach shoes

2) Authorized items:
a. Clear plastic bag no larger than 12x12
b. Money (Up to $25 in denominations not larger than $5.00)
c. Valid Photo identification
d. Essential medication (limited to the amount needed during the visiting period) Officer will have knowledge of medication in the visiting room.
e. One overgarment (coat, jacket, sweater)
f. One (1) car key
g. Feminine Hygiene items (one tampon, one pad)

3) Authorized items for infants and/or children:
a. Four (4) Diapers
b. One (1) package of baby wipes in clear plastic bag
c. One (1) change of infant clothing
d. Two (2) clear baby bottles with contents
e. Two (2) small jars of unopened baby food
f. One (1) receiving blanket
g. One (1) see-through drinking cup
NOTE: Only the amount of articles for children necessary for the duration of the visit will be allowed. Excessive amounts will be not be allowed.

4) Visiting Room - Prohibited items:
a. Tobacco products
b. Handbags
c. Strollers, baby carriers
d. Newspapers
e. Baby diaper bags
f. Magazines
g. Toys
h. Electronic Equipment
i. Pocket knives
j. Handcuff keys
k. Chewing Gum
l. Wallets
m. Cell phones of any kind

5) Visitors are not allowed to bring any items in to give to inmates.

Staff will contact the Operations Lieutenant or the current Duty Officer prior to denying a visitor entry into the institution based on their attire. Visitors with excess money or personal items which are not authorized, will be asked to remove them from the institution.

There are a limited number of lockers reserved for use by visitors who do not have vehicles on the premises. Items too large to fit into lockers must be removed from the institution. When utilizing the lockers, visitors will be given a key; and they will keep it until they are ready to depart the institution. At no time will any staff retain any type of visitor’s property.

L. Inmates Entering the Visiting Room: Inmates entering the Visiting Room will be dressed in institution-issued trousers, shirts, and boots. One commissary purchased long-sleeve undergarment, i.e., long-john, t-shirt is allowed to be worn under institution clothing during visiting. No tennis shoes are permitted. Commissary ordered boots provided they are black in color are authorized. Medical shoes will be authorized only with valid medical documentation.

1) Authorized items for inmates in Visiting Room:
a. One comb
b. One handkerchief
c. One wedding band (no stones)
d. One religious medallion (no stones), with chain
e. Prescription eyeglasses

All items taken into the Visiting Room will be inspected and inventoried, and the same items must leave the Visiting Room with the inmate. Visiting Room Officers will complete Attachment 2 (Shakedown Room Inmate Log form) of this supplement.

With prior approval, inmates will be allowed to bring legal materials into the Visiting Room for legal visits. This material will be inspected by the Visiting Room Officer for contraband; however, the contents will not be read.

M. Inmate and Visitor Conduct Within the Visiting Room: The inmate has the final responsibility to ensure all visits are conducted in a quiet and dignified manner. Inmates and their visitors are responsible for the behavior of their children. Any visit not conducted in an appropriate manner will be terminated. In the event that a visit must be terminated, the visiting room officer may terminate visits that are not conducted in the appropriate manner. Prior to terminating a visit, Visiting Room Officers must consult with the Institution Duty Officer or Operations Lieutenant.

The Associate Warden, Institution Duty Officer, or the Captain should be consulted in questionable cases. If a visit is terminated, Visiting Room staff will prepare a memorandum to the Unit Manager, through the Operations Lieutenant; with a copy forwarded to the Captain, explaining the circumstances.

Embracing and kissing by inmate family members will be permitted only at the initial greeting and at the conclusion of the visiting period. Limited physical contact reduces the opportunity for contraband to be introduced into the institution. No individuals will be allowed to sit on another person’s lap, with the exception of infants. No Straddling.

Visiting Room Officers should be aware of any articles exchanged between the inmate and the visitor. If there is any reasonable basis to suspect that an exchange of unauthorized materials is taking place, which constitutes a violation of the law or regulations, the Visiting Room Officer will examine the item. The Operations Lieutenant will be notified immediately whenever there is a reason to suspect contraband is being exchanged. A memorandum will be submitted to the SIS Office describing the event.

Any effort to violate visiting regulations will result in disciplinary action for the inmate. Disciplinary action may include denial of future visits; and criminal prosecution may be initiated against the visitor and the inmate.

The Operations Lieutenant and/or Institution Duty Officer may terminate visits for the following reasons:
• disruptive or improper conduct by the visitor or inmate,
• suspected introduction of contraband by visitor,
• failure to supervise children visiting, or inmate/visitor’s continued failure to comply with visiting regulations

N. Computer Visiting Program: To ensure proper tracking of FPC inmates, visiting records will be entered into the institution’s Computer Visiting Program. This program includes the following data: visiting lists, visitation history, visitation points, inmate information, visitors’ information, special comments or instructions and other records. It also generates a wide variety of visitation related reports.

The Front Lobby Officer will enter the visitor’s information into the program, and the Visiting Room OIC at the FPC. After ensuring that the individual is approved to visit and visitation points are available and deducted, the visitor will be logged into the system. The time of arrival and departure of both inmates and visitors will be logged in. Upon completion of the visitation period, the Visiting Room OIC will generate a report which includes the names of both inmates and visitors, visitation period times, and the total amount of visits. The daily visitation report will be forwarded to the Captain for records maintenance.

In the event that the computer system or Visiting Program become inoperative, the visitation processing will be conducted by utilizing the visiting lists maintained in applicable visitors’ processing area. Unit Team staff are responsible for maintaining and updating the visiting lists. Visiting lists are organized in alphabetical order and maintained in designated folders per housing units. The files containing the visiting lists must be stored in a secured area because the contents include sensitive information. The FPC visiting lists are stored in a secured cabinet at the Camp Visiting Officer’s station.

The Officer will ensure that the visitor is listed on the visiting list prior to allowing access into the Visiting Room. If the visiting list is missing or the visitor’s information cannot be verified, Unit Team will be contacted to attempt to get the information. If Unit Team is not available or the visitor’s information cannot be verified, the Duty Officer and/or Operations Lieutenant will be contacted for further instructions.

The daily visitation report will be generated by manually counting the amount of inmates, adult visitors and children recorded on the Notification to Visitor form. The total amount of each category and total amount of visitors will be forwarded to the Captain’s Office via memorandum. The results of the daily visitation report will be entered on the applicable log book.

Visitation Rules

Federal Minimum - Rules by Type

FEDERAL PRISON CAMP VISITING ROOM SPECIFIC PROCEDURES: Visiting will be based on a point system. On the first day of each month, all FPC inmates will be credited nine (9) points. The FPC Visiting Room is comprised of an interior visiting area and a patio area. Assigned seating is not enforced. Both the interior area and patio will be opened during the entire visitation period. There is a designated playground for children in the patio area; however, children must be supervised by the visitor at all times.

A. Visitor Processing: Visitors for the FPC will report directly to the Camp Visiting Room, where they will be processed by the Camp Visiting OIC. The Officer will ensure that visitors complete the Notification To Visitor forms and sign the appropriate Visitors Log. The Camp Visiting Officer will log the visitor’s information into the computer visiting program. All minors must be accompanied by an adult visitor at the time of processing upon arrival and during the duration of the visit. Minors must be constantly supervised by the respective adult visitor, and may not be left in the care of inmates nor exit the visiting room without adult supervision.

B. Visitor Searches: In order to deter the introduction of contraband into the secured perimeter of the institution, all visitors requesting access to the facility must be willing to submit to searches including, but not limited to, pat searches, drug detection screening, metal detection screening, vehicle searches and searches of personal property. Any visitor that refuses to submit to any screening procedure or searches will be denied access into the institution. The Operations Lieutenant or Duty Officer will be notified prior to denying access to a visitor.

C. Visitors Departing the Visiting Room: Upon completion of the visiting period, inmates and visitors will report to the Visiting Room Officer to be re-identified. The Camp OIC will ensure that visitors sign out on the Visitors Log. Once a visitor leaves the visiting room, re-entry will not be permitted for the day. Individuals not authorized to visit will not be permitted to loiter at the visiting room’s entrance or adjacent areas. Communication or contact of inmates and visitors through the gates or fence line will not be permitted.

D. Inmates Entering the Visiting Room: Inmate Attire: Inmates entering the Visiting Room will be dressed in an institutional issued uniform which includes green trousers, green shirt, belt and footwear. A white shirt or gray sweater worn underneath the uniform shirt is optional. No jackets will be allowed to be worn during the visiting period. Inmate shoes issued to inmates by the institution or approved shoes purchased through the commissary are the only authorized footwear. No tennis shoes are permitted. Inmate Processing: Upon notification from the Camp Visiting OIC, inmates will report to the Visiting Room. No inmates are allowed to loiter outside the Visiting Room inmate entrance area or adjacent gates without notification for visiting. The Camp Visiting Room Officer will allow the inmate access to the Visiting Room for processing through the shakedown room. Inmates will be identified via the commissary card. All authorized items taken into the Visiting Room will be inspected, and the same items must leave the Visiting Room with the inmate, unless otherwise authorized. Unauthorized items will not be allowed or retained by the Officer.

Inmates will be pat searched prior to entering the visiting area. With prior written approval, inmates will be allowed to bring legal materials into the Visiting Room for Legal Visits: This material will be inspected by the Visiting Room Officer for contraband; however, the contents will not be read.

E. Inmates Departing the Visiting Room: Upon the completion of the visitation period, inmates will report to the Officer’s station to be identified. At the shakedown room, the Camp Visiting #2 Officer will conduct a pat search on all inmates exiting. Once an inmate leaves the visiting room, re-entry will not be permitted for the day.

F. Inmate Conduct During Visitation Period: Inmates are permitted to leave their seating areas for the following purposes:
• to use the inmate restroom
• to accompany visitor to the vending machines
• to go to the photo area (1 inmate at a time), and
• upon completion of his visit Inmates are not allowed to socialize with individuals other than their approved visitors.

The inmate restroom will be opened at all times. Inmates are forbidden from using the visitors’ rest rooms.

G. Patio Area: The patio area will be opened during the full visitation period. Table umbrellas are available to be used on the outside patio area during daytime visiting days only (weekends and federal holidays). Inmates or visitors will have the choice to sit on the patio or indoors. In the event that inmates and/or visitors engage in any behavior that violates the visiting regulations, the officers may assign sitting arrangements for close monitoring of the visit(s) upon authorization by the Operations Lieutenant. The patio gates are not to be used for entry or exit of the Visiting Room at any time during visitation periods.

Inmate and Visitor Conduct Within the Visiting Room: The inmate has the final responsibility to ensure all visits are conducted in a quiet and dignified manner. Inmates and their visitors are responsible for the behavior of their children. Any visit not conducted in an appropriate manner will be terminated. In the event that a visit must be terminated, the visiting room officer may terminate visits that are not conducted in the appropriate manner. Prior to terminating a visit, Visiting Room Officers must consult with the Institution Duty Officer or Operations Lieutenant.

The Associate Warden, Institution Duty Officer, or the Captain should be consulted in questionable cases. If a visit is terminated, Visiting Room staff will prepare a memorandum to the Unit Manager, through the Operations Lieutenant; with a copy forwarded to the Captain, explaining the circumstances.

Embracing and kissing by inmate family members will be permitted only at the initial greeting and at the conclusion of the visiting period. Limited physical contact reduces the opportunity for contraband to be introduced into the institution. No individuals will be allowed to sit on another person’s lap, with the exception of infants. No Straddling.

Visiting Room Officers should be aware of any articles exchanged between the inmate and the visitor. If there is any reasonable basis to suspect that an exchange of unauthorized materials is taking place, which constitutes a violation of the law or regulations, the Visiting Room Officer will examine the item. The Operations Lieutenant will be notified immediately whenever there is a reason to suspect contraband is being exchanged. A memorandum will be submitted to the SIS Office describing the event.

Any effort to violate visiting regulations will result in disciplinary action for the inmate. Disciplinary action may include denial of future visits; and criminal prosecution may be initiated against the visitor and the inmate.

The Operations Lieutenant and/or Institution Duty Officer may terminate visits for the following reasons:
• disruptive or improper conduct by the visitor or inmate,
• suspected introduction of contraband by visitor,
• failure to supervise children visiting, or inmate/visitor’s continued failure to comply with visiting regulations

Visitation Rules(Security)

Federal Minimum - Rules by Security

Federal Correctional Institution Alderson, WV Visiting Regulations


The following is an outline of the regulations and procedures governing visiting with inmates at the Federal Prison Camp. It is the philosophy of this institution that inmate contact (visits) with family and other persons will help an offender to plan a more realistic future for his return to society. Basic Regulations. All visitors will enter the institution at the front entrance. Each visitor must provide a valid photo identification card, (e.g., State ID, Driver's License, Passport) before being allowed to visit. Any person(s) not permitted to visit may not remain in the institution or parking lot. Approved visitors will not be allowed to go to and from their vehicles unless it is to return an item which was refused entry. When you have parked your car, make sure it is locked and the windows are closed. Each inmate is provided with an unlimited amount of visiting time during regular visiting hours with those persons on his approved visiting list unless circumstances warrant otherwise. Inmates assigned to the Special Housing Unit are allowed only a two-hour visit. When overcrowding occurs the Institution Supplement will be referred to. Inmates will be allowed a total of five (5) adult visitors and three (3) small children (under 3 years of age). Children older than 3 years and/or using a Visiting Room chair, will be counted towards the adult limit. The Institution Duty Officer and the Operations Lieutenant has the right to terminate any visit due to improper conduct on the part of the inmate or his visitor(s). Visitors will not be allowed to bring in or give anything to an inmate. Visitors are to refer and abide to the authorized items and attire list. Inmates are not allowed to receive food from outside sources. Visitors are not allowed to bring in food items or tobacco products. There are vending machines in the visiting room from which food snacks can be purchased. Concerns regarding the vending machines should be directed to the business office, or by calling the posted phone number on the machine. Individuals with medical problems which require them to carry medication into the visiting room must inform the Front Lobby Officer of their condition and receive permission to carry the medication into the visiting room.

Visitor Dress Requirements: Visitors are expected to wear clothing which is neither provocative nor enticing to the extent that a disruption to the orderly running of the institution could ensue. Clothing which is sexually suggestive or revealing is prohibited. No bare feet will be allowed except for infants. Clothing similar to that issued to inmates is not allowed (i.e., dark green trousers with plain white or dark green shirt at the FPC).

Prohibited Attire:
a. Shorts of any kind (except for small children under age of 10
b. Transparent garments of any kind
c. Sleeveless blouses or shirts, must cover entire shoulder
d. Bathing suits
e. Mini Skirts
f. Crop tops
g. Sun dresses
h. Halter tops
i. Backless tops
j. Hats, caps, scarfs
k. Wrap around skirts, shirts or dresses
l. Spandex pants, skirts or tights, Leotards, Leggings
m. Sweat pants/sweat shirts
n. Shirts or jeans with holes
o. Low cut blouses/dresses
p. Hooded shirts, jackets or sweaters
q. Skirts/dresses above knee level
r. Open toe Shoes, 3” max spike heel
s. Flip-flop style beach shoes

2) Authorized items:
a. Clear plastic bag no larger than 12x12
b. Money (Up to $25 in denominations not larger than $5.00)
c. Valid Photo identification
d. Essential medication (limited to the amount needed during the visiting period) Officer will have knowledge of medication in the visiting room.
e. One overgarment (coat, jacket, sweater)
f. One (1) car key g. Feminine Hygiene items, 1 tampon, 1 pad

3) Authorized items for infants and/or children:
a. Four (4) Diapers
b. One (1) package of baby wipes in clear plastic bag
c. One (1) change of infant clothing
d. Two (2) clear baby bottles with contents
e. Two (2) small jars of unopened baby food
f. One (1) receiving blanket
g. One (1) see-through drinking cup

4) Visiting Room - Prohibited items:
a. Tobacco products Attachment 1,
b. Handbags
c. Strollers, baby carriers
d. Newspapers
e. Baby diaper bags
f. Magazines
g. Toys
h. Electronic Equipment
i. Pocket knives
j. Handcuff keys
k. Chewing Gum
l. Wallets
m. Cell phones of any kind
Visiting Room Conduct. A short embrace and kiss at the beginning of the visit and when it has terminated is the only physical contact which will be allowed. Any excessive display of affection between inmate and visitor will not be permitted and could result in termination of the visit. Children under the age of 16 will not be allowed entry into the institution to visit unless they are accompanied by an adult visitor. Adult visitors will be responsible for the conduct of children under their supervision. This includes keeping them within the authorized visiting areas. Visitors may be denied entry by the Operations Lieutenant or Institution Duty Officer for non-compliance. Excessively provocative attire is a reason to deny and/or preclude visiting. Any effort to violate the visiting policies of the institution may result in disciplinary action against the inmate; which may include the denial of future visits. If warranted, criminal prosecution may be initiated against the visitor, the inmate, or both.

NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS: CONSENT TO SEARCH Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) staff may search you and your belongings (bags, boxes, vehicles, containers in vehicles, jackets, coats, etc.) before you enter, or while you are on or inside, Bureau grounds or facilities. Consent to Search Implied. By entering or attempting to enter Bureau grounds or facilities, you consent to being searched in accordance with Bureau policy and Federal Regulations in volume 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 511. If you refuse to be searched, you may be prohibited from entering Bureau grounds or facilities. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS: PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES AND OBJECTS You are prohibited from engaging in prohibited activities or possessing prohibited objects on Bureau grounds, or in Bureau facilities, without the knowledge and consent of the warden. Violators may be detained or arrested for possible criminal prosecution, either by Bureau staff, or local or Federal law enforcement authorities. Prohibited Activities include any activities that could jeopardize the Bureau’s ability to ensure the safety, security, and orderly operation of Bureau facilities, and protect the public, including, but not limited to, violations of Titles 18 and 21 of the United States Code, Federal regulations, or Bureau policies. Prohibited Objects include, but are not limited to, weapons, explosives, drugs, intoxicants, currency, cameras of any type, recording equipment, telephones, radios, pagers, electronic devices, and any other objects that violate criminal laws or are prohibited by Federal regulations or Bureau policies.

NOTICE. All persons entering this Federal property are subject to a search of their person and belongings (bags, boxes, vehicles, containers in vehicles, jackets, coats, etc.).

NOTICE: Firearms and other dangerous weapons are prohibited in this Federal facility. Violators may be criminally prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. § 930.

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Visitation Form, click to download.