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ISCI Visitation Center

State Prison

Last Updated: February 23,2025

Visitation Hours

Southwest Idaho (South Boise Complex)

  • IMSI - Idaho Maximum Security Institution
  • ISCC - Idaho State Correctional Center
  • ISCI - Idaho State Correctional Institution
  • SICI - South Idaho Correctional Institution
  • TV-CRC - Treasure Valley Community Reentry Center
  • SBWCC - South Boise Women's Correctional Center
  • MVTC - Mountain View Transformation Center
  • EB-CRC - East Boise Community Reentry Center
  • Nampa-CRC - Nampa Community Reentry Center

North Idaho

  • NICI - North Idaho Correctional Institution (Cottonwood, Idaho)
  • ICIO - Idaho Correctional Institution Orofino (Orofino, Idaho)

East Idaho

  • PWCC - Pocatello Women's Correctional Center (Pocatello, Idaho)
  • SAWC - St. Anthony Work Camp (St. Anthony, Idaho)
  • IF-CRC - Idaho Falls Community Reentry Center

South Central Idaho

  • TF-CRC - Twin Falls Community Reentry Center

Out of State (Contract Facilities)

  • SCC - Saguaro Correctional Center

General Visitation Information

Please read and be familiar with the Visiting Rules for Residents and Visitors and complete the visiting application process before visiting the facility.

Visiting schedules are subject to change based on emergency situations.

Note: Visitors may enter the gatehouse during the designated entry times. Residents will normally be allowed to visit only on their assigned visiting days and times. All visiting schedules are subject to change based on emergency counts and other institutional considerations.

Medical Note: Residents assigned to a medical unit may visit with prior approval from the visiting supervisor during the regular hours listed above. If a resident is unable to leave his unit, the visit must be approved by the warden and scheduled in advance.

Visiting is NOT allowed during the reception and diagnostic process.

General Visiting Information

All potential visitors must complete a background check and submit a visiting application. There are different processes for visiting residents housed in Idaho and those housed out of state. Visiting Residents Housed in Idaho.

ONLINE Visiting Application

Idaho DOC Standard Operating Proceedure Document (20 pages)

Contraband: It is a crime to introduce contraband. Idaho Code 18-2510 states that a person commits a crime by knowingly introducing or possessing contraband in a correctional facility. Contraband includes but is not limited to tobacco, cell phone(s) or telecommunication equipment, controlled/illegal substances, firearms or dangerous weapons, ammunition/explosives, and escape tools or devices. Violations are punishable by imprisonment of up to 5 years and/or fine of up to $10,000.

WARNING:No paper money is allowed in visiting rooms. Visitors may bring coins in clear plastic bags or debit or credit cards, if applicable, to make vending machine purchases.

  • All potential visitors must complete a background check.
  • All potential visitors must complete a visiting application and submit it to the institution in which the resident is housed. Addresses for all IDOC facilities can be found on each facility's visiting hours/schedule page.
  • If the resident is new to the prison, visitors must wait until the resident has been classified before submitting the application so they will know which institution to send it to. Residents are NOT allowed visitors during the reception and diagnostic process. Visiting applications, visiting rules, and related forms are available for download on this page. In addition, residents can obtain and mail the forms to potential visitors.
  • Visiting room staff will notify residents when the application process and background check have been completed. The process normally takes two to four weeks. Residents are responsible to notify their prospective visitor of the decision.
  • Visiting hours/schedules can change because of weather and/or emergency situations. In addition, NICI has site-specific visiting rules due to its location and weather. Visitors may contact facility visiting staff at all facilities to confirm resident housing locations and corresponding visiting schedules or use our resident/client search tool.
  • Staff may search any item or any visitor entering the visiting area to enforce Idaho Code 18-2510. No outside food of any kind may be brought in to include gum and candy. The only exceptions are detailed in our Visiting Rules. No pictures of any kind are allowed, including those on keychain-sized electronic picture viewers. Also, no oils, religious oils, can openers, sunglasses or documents of any kind are allowed.

Visiting Residents Housed in Out-of-State Facilities