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Larned Juvenile Correctional Visitation Center

State - CLOSED

Last Updated: March 24,2025

Visitation Hours

Visiting hours for Larned Juvenile Correctional are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Please reach out to 620-285-0300, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the facility in Larned. Please note that visitors will undergo a thorough search before entering the premises, and personal belongings, including cell phones, are strictly prohibited. Individuals under probation, parole, or community corrections supervision must obtain approval from their supervising officer and the superintendent before visiting, although such visits are not typically approved.

General Visitation Information

General Information

1. Entering For Visitation: Visitor traffic on the facility perimeter road is prohibited. Park vehicle in designated visitors parking area in North parking areas. Vehicle windows and doors must be completely closed and locked during visitation. Proceed to the Visitors Reception Desk located inside the Administration Building. Await further instructions for check-in-procedures. Visitors shall not be permitted in the visiting room until fully processed. *Medical Warning: MICROWAVES IN USE
2. Exiting the Facility: To exit the facility, you proceed back through the same door you entered upon arrival. Once you have left the facility you will not be permitted to re-enter.
3. Reception: Before you are allowed to visit, you will be asked to produce a valid picture I.D. Any valid state or government issued photo ID is acceptable i.e. drivers license, passport etc. . A birth certificate shall be utilised for minors each time they are to visit. All visitors are required to fill out a Visitors Registration Form. (Full Completion of this Form is Required Each Time You Visit) Any person refusing to complete this form shall not be allowed to enter the facility. All persons entering must pass a metal detector screening. Any person(s) refusing to comply with any part of the check-in process shall be denied entry into the facility. You will be allowed (3) attempts to pass the metal detector. If you fail to pass on the third attempt you will not be allowed to enter the facility unless you have a medical device and a doctors note approving the device. In these cases, you will be pat searched in the area of detection. All medical devices that do not allow a person to pass through the metal detector shall require the person to present a medical approval from a doctor and a full pat search from a same sex security staff member.
4. Lockers: Visitors must leave purses, wallets, keys, make-up of any kind (to include lip balm) candy/lozenges, photographs etc., in lockers located in the reception area. Electronic devices (i.e. pager, cameras, phones, or internet capable watches) are not allowed into the facility and must be secured in the visitors automobile when possible. Cell phones shall be shut off and secured in a locker ONLY in the event you have been dropped off in order contact your ride at the conclusion of your visit. EDCF assumes no responsibility for any lost or stolen items. All loose items in your pockets shall be placed in a locker with the exception of coins and tokens.
5. Personal Property and/or Money: Under no circumstances will personal property and/or money be accepted or exchanged during visitation with staff or offenders.
6. Inmate Deposits: As specified in IMPP 04-103 Inmate Trust Funds, all deposits to inmate accounts are required to be completed electronically through a vendor(s) contracted by the department to conduct such transactions. Please contact the visitation clerk for the location of the KIOSKS.
7. Seating: Tables are not to be moved from their original position. Do not remove unused chairs from the table without permission from staff. Offenders must sit across the table from their visitor, unless the number of visitors deems it necessary to be seated next to the offenders. If visitors are seated next to an offender the personal contact rules still apply with the addition that placement of ones arm across the back of the chair next to you in not permitted. All persons shall keep the legs of the chair flat on the floor at all times. Feet or any miscellaneous items (diaper bags, jackets etc.) are not permitted to be placed in any unused chair. No sitting on the table top regardless of age. In the event that there is more than three visitors at one table, a maximum of two additional chairs can be requested and placed at one or both ends of the table. Offenders shall be responsible for removing all items from the table top that was used during their visitation period prior to them exiting the visitation area.
8. Hospice Visitation: Any inmate that is on the Hospice care list that has taken a turn for the worse may have the UTM or CCII of infirmary get approval from the DWP for visits during the week and weekend. If an inmate is not expected to live through the next couple of days the UTM will contact the family member and set up a hospice vigil visitation schedule. During a Vigil visitation the family member(s) are allowed to arrive at 8 a.m. and stay until count time at 3:30 p.m. and then return at approximately 4:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. If medical staff feels that death is imminent then at the discretion of the shift supervisors they may be allowed to re-enter the facility after formal count has cleared.
9. Infirmary Visitation: Visitation for inmates housed in the infirmary shall occur in the visitation room unless the inmate is bedridden or on specific medications. There will not be any all-day visits approved for non-hospice inmates in the infirmary. Visits can take place in the dayroom area of the infirmary. There will not be any visitation for administrative segregation inmates in the infirmary area. Visitation privileges shall be determined by the incentive level assigned to each inmate in the following manner: Intake Level / Level 0- Inmates assigned to the Intake Level shall be limited to visits from attorneys, clergy, and law enforcement. Level I - Inmates assigned to Level I shall be limited to visits from attorneys, clergy, law enforcement, a primary visitor, and immediate family members. Levels II & III - Inmates assigned to Levels II and III shall be allowed visits from any approved visitors per the provisions of this IMPP. Only level III offenders are allowed to take photographs during visitation.

Responsibility of Children:
If a visitor brings in a child of whom they do not have lawful / residential custody the following needs to be filled out which states: I, Full Name of Parent/Guardian give permission for Visitor Full Name to bring Childs full name to the El Dorado Correctional Facility to visit Inmate Full Name. The document must be notarized and given to the visitation officers along with a birth certificate EVERY time the minor is brought in. The birth certificate / is the only document needed when the biological mother or residential custodian brings the minor into the facility. Proof of guardianship is also necessary. Diaper bags: The contents of diaper bags shall be limited to: (6) diapers (3) plastic (see through) bottles (1) clear dispenser/baggie of wet wipes (1) change of clothes for the infant (1) infant blanket no larger than a standard receiving blanket (1) pacifier (1) baby/toddler food in factory sealed (plastic) containers only. * Dry formula may be placed in bottle before entering the visitation area. Open formula containers shall not be permitted in the visitation area. *All contents of the diaper bag are subject to search. Breastfeeding: Mothers shall be allowed to breastfeed a child while visiting and the feeding may take place in the visiting room. Handicap Assistance: If you are handicapped and need assistance with a wheelchair, notify a staff member, who will ensure that proper assistance is obtained. If I Am an Ex-Employee (Includes Contract Personnel of EDCF) Can I Visit an Inmate at the Institution? KAR 44-7-104 totally restricts visitation for a period of two (2) years following departmental employment. After 2 years have elapsed you may be considered for visiting privileges. Final approval rests with the Warden.

Why Would My Visiting Privileges be Suspended? A visit may be denied or terminated under the following circumstances by the unit team manager or in the unit team managers absence, by the highest ranking security officer on duty: 1. Visitors under the influence of drugs or alcohol 2. Insufficient space is available 3. Refusal of visitor(s) to submit to search procedures per IMPP 12-11 4. Refusal or failure to produce sufficient identification or the falsifying of information by the visitor 5. Violation of facility visiting rules by visitor or inmate 6. Failure to properly supervise children 7. Excessive physical contact by the visitor and inmate. Contact visits are limited to an embrace or kiss briefly at the beginning and at the end of the visit 8. Reasons necessary to preserve the security of the facility and reasonable order in the visiting area 9. Visitors who were found in possession of a cell phone, narcotics, and or tobacco products during the searching procedures. Please note: Visitors can be searched to prevent the introduction of any item considered to be contraband if taken into or from a facility. This includes but not limited to cell phones, narcotics, tobacco, tobacco-related items and alcohol products. What If I am a Victim of the Inmate but I Would Like to Visit the Inmate? This does not mean that you will not be allowed to visit. If you are a victim of the inmate, you must indicate this on your visiting application, the officer of Victim Services (OVS) will contact you for more information. If you have question about this process, please call OCS toll free at (866) 404-6732. What happens in the Event of an Emergency? This facility has protocols, based on the nature, of most emergency situations. An officer will brief you on the event and direct you to the nearest safe zone. If I am on Probation or Parole, will I be allowed to Visit? If you are on probation or parole and have an immediate family member incarcerated at EDCF (i.e. brother, son, father), you will be allowed to visit only after one year of successful probation or parole and receive permission from your probation or parole officer and the Warden at EDCF. This request will be initiated by you through your probation or parole officer.

Who May Visit?
It is policy of the facility not to allow any person under the age of member of the inmate, i.e. sibling, step-sibling, child, step-child, grandchild, or spouse. All persons under the age of eighteen (18) who are members of the immediate family; except for a spouse, may not visit unless they are accompanied by a parent, legal guardian vesting the person with authority to transport and supervise the minor child on the premises of this facility for the purpose of visiting an inmate. Nieces, nephews and cousins are not considered immediate family. *Visitors may arrive no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled visitation sessions to allow for processing. Visitors must arrive before 10:00am and 1:30 pm, after which you will not be able to visit. All visits shall be permitted on a space available basis.

Administrative Segregation (Control Units):
A. All segregation inmates located in A, B and C cell houses will have only video visitation privileges on Saturday, Sunday and recognized holidays. In video visitation, a visitor will visit with the inmate from a video visitation booth located in the EDCF Visitation area. The Segregation inmates will be located in the cell house in a video booth. The visit is conducted by video monitor and phone receiver. Visits shall be scheduled by the inmates visitor calling the visitation clerk between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays), at least 48 hours in advance. Visits shall be scheduled during the week of the actual visit. Visits shall be scheduled for one-hour blocks, which may be extended another hour pending prior approval and space availability. The visits begin at 8:00 am and end at 1:40 pm. Inmate visitors may schedule a one-hour block on both Saturday and Sunday.
B. Limited seating will prevent all-day visits for general population inmates unless previously approved. Inmates will be responsible to contact the Unit Team Manager/Counselor to arrange these special all-day visits. The UTM will review all special requests for approval or disapproval. All requests must be turned in by Wednesday at noon. There is a maximum of 12 all day visits on Saturday and 12 all day visit on Sunday each week at this facility. There are no all-day visits scheduled on any holiday. The Unit Team staff will need the following information from the inmate: Names of all persons that will visit, what time they will arrive, and the date of the visit. All day visits may be approved on a case-by-case basis subject to distance traveled, available seating, frequency of visits and inmate behavior. Inmates, who receive disciplinary conviction KAR 44-12-312 Illicit drug use, shall be placed on 180-day non-contact visitation.

What is Permitted in the Visiting Area? Laying or sitting on the floor unless playing with minor children in the play area, or sitting on the table tops shall not be permitted. Personal toys and games shall not be permitted. A small clear coin purse is permissible with twenty ($20) dollars in coins and/or fifty ($50) in tokens per inmate visit. No paper money (or pennies). Inmates shall not handle coins OR tokens. Vending machines and microwaves are to be used only by visitors. Is There Someone At EDCF Who Will Watch My Children While Visiting? NO. Parents and guardians are responsible for the supervision and behavior of their children. Your visit may be terminated if there is any disruptive, unsafe, or inappropriate behavior exhibited from children while at EDCF. Persons of any age or pets shall not be left unattended in automobiles. If I Bring someone with me who is Not Going to Visit, is There a Place She/he Can Wait For Me? There is no waiting area, do not bring someone who cannot visit if the are intending to wait for you at the facility. No one is permitted to sit in a vehicle in the parking lot to wait. Anyone who is not visiting shall be required to exit the facility grounds. I Understand Each Inmate is allowed to Have 20 Visitors on His List. Can All Visitors Come to Visit at the Same Time? Due to space constraints the number of visitors shall be held to a reasonable number (up to 5). The visiting officer may terminate visits due to space limitations. The limit for persons in the non-contact or video visiting booth shall be three (3). An inmate is entitled to one visit each Saturday, Sunday and approved holidays. Once a visit is established subsequent visitors will not be allowed entrance. Visitors will be allowed on a first come, first serve basis. All visitors participating in the visit must be processed simultaneously. Visitation of More Than One (1) Inmate: Unless you are a relative and have more than one immediate family member incarcerated at this facility, multiple visits are not permitted. Visiting Program Sponsors and clergymen are exempt from this regulation when approval is received in advance from facility staff.

Visitation of More Than One (1) Inmate: Unless you are a relative and have more than one immediate family member incarcerated at this facility, multiple visits are not permitted. Visiting Program Sponsors and clergymen are exempt from this regulation when approval is received in advance from facility staff. Private Visiting: A private visiting area shall be provided for consultation by attorneys and clergy, or other persons having a statutory right of privileged communication to permit confidential conversations. Arrangements for this type of visit may be made during normal working hours by contacting the facility attorney or chaplain 24 hours prior to requested day of visit. There are special requirements for this type of visits which will be explained by the person of contact. Personal Contact: Embracing and kissing at the beginning and end of each visit is permitted for the first and last minute. The visit will be terminated for other contact that is considered to be in poor taste. Handholding / contact from the elbow to wrist is the only permissible contact during the visit. Any contact above elbow (to include neck and chest area of visitor or inmate) is considered excessive touching. There is to be no interaction between an inmate and a visitor that is not on that inmates approved visitor list. Moving from table to table is not allowed by visitors or inmates. Inmates and their visitors shall not be allowed to have physical contact with another inmates visitors (i.e. hand-shaking, holding a child of another inmate / visitor, embracing or kissing another inmates visitor, etc.). Movement to the restrooms, security station and childrens play area is permitted. No visitor, regardless of age, is allowed to sit on an offenders lap.