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MTU Visitation Center

State Prison

Last Updated: March 24,2025

Visitation Hours

Michigan DOC - Visiting Hours

General Visitation Information

MTU In-Person Visiting Schedule by Housing Unit
Visiting Day Visiting Start Time Visiting End Time
Thursday 3:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M.
Thursday 5:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M.
All Other Housing Units
Visiting Day Visiting Start Time Visiting End Time
Monday and Friday 3:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M.
Monday and Friday 5:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M.
Saturday and Sunday 8:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M.
Saturday and Sunday 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M.
Saturday and Sunday 3:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M.
Saturday and Sunday 5:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M.

Updated: 06/06/23


Prisoners in Correctional Facilities Administration (CFA) facilities including the Detroit Reentry Center may receive visits from family members and members of the public, subject to restrictions to maintain order and security.


A. Emancipated Minor - A minor who is married, on active duty with the armed forces of the United States, or for whom a court has issued an order of emancipation.
B. Immediate Family Member - A grandparent, parent, stepparent, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, child, step-child, grandchild, sibling (this includes minor sibling), step-brother, step-sister (this includes minor step-brother and step-sister), half-brother, and half-sister (this includes minor half-brother and half-sister). An aunt and uncle may be included if adequate verification is provided that they served as a surrogate parent.
C. Qualified Clergy - Leaders of a religious organization or entity such as a church, mosque or synagogue, or persons who have been granted clergy status by a recognized religion and have ecclesiastical endorsement from a religious authority. This does not include anyone who is self-ordained or designated as clergy by a prisoner.


D. Prisoners are required to wear state-issued shirts/blouses, trousers, and shoes on a visit.
E. This policy does not apply to prisoners in the Special Alternative Incarceration Program (SAI). Visits for prisoners in SAI shall be as set forth in PD 05.01.142 “Special Alternative Incarceration Program.


F. CFA shall maintain a computerized visitor tracking system to track and control the prisoner visiting process, including identifying persons approved to visit and on visit restrictions. The CFA Deputy Director shall establish standards for its use.
G. Each facility shall maintain a manual visitor tracking system to be used if the computerized system is inoperable.


H. Except as set forth in Paragraphs N and O, a prisoner shall only be allowed to visit with those persons who have been approved for placement on the prisoners approved Visitor List. The prisoner shall complete a Visitor List (CAJ-334) identifying those immediate family members and not more than ten others from whom s/he would like to receive visits. The prisoner shall submit the completed form to designated housing unit staff. Only those persons identified on the prisoners list shall be considered for approval to visit. The prisoner shall be allowed to add or delete names of immediate family members from the list at any time. The prisoner shall be allowed to add or delete other names only once every six months.
I. The MDOC Visiting Application (CAJ-103) shall be made readily available to prisoners and proposed visitors at each facility and shall be available on the Departments website. Each person named on the Visitor List who wants to visit the prisoner must complete the MDOC Visiting Application and submit it to the facility where the prisoner is housed. The form must be received sufficiently prior to the visit to allow for necessary review, approval, and placement on the prisoners approved Visitor List by facility staff.
J. Upon receipt of a properly completed Visitor List and MDOC Visiting Application, facility staff shall determine if the proposed visitor is eligible for placement on the prisoners approved Visitor List. This includes attempting to confirm the relationship of those identified by a prisoner as being immediate family members by reviewing the prisoners file. If there is inadequate documentation in the file to confirm the relationship, the prisoner or family member shall be required to provide the documentation necessary to adequately confirm the relationship.
K. A proposed visitor shall be approved for placement on the prisoners approved Visitor List if all of the following criteria are met:

1. The proposed visitor is not subject to a current visitor restriction.
2. The proposed visitor is not a former prisoner in any jurisdiction. However, a prisoner or former prisoner who is an immediate family member may be placed on the prisoners approved Visitor List with prior approval of the Warden of the facility where the visit will occur.
3. The proposed visitor is not on parole or probation in any jurisdiction as a result of a felony conviction. However, a parolee or probationer who is an immediate family member may be placed on the prisoners approved Visitor List with prior approval of the Warden of the facility where the visit will occur and written approval of the supervising field agent.
4. The person is 18 years of age or older, an emancipated minor, or the child, step-child, grandchild, sibling (this includes minor sibling), step-brother, step-sister (this includes minor step-brother and step-sister), half-brother, and half-sister (this includes minor half-brother and half-sister). However, a minor shall not be approved for placement on the prisoners approved Visitor List under any of the following circumstances:
a. The Department is notified that there is a court order prohibiting visits between the child and prisoner;
b. The Department is notified that the parental rights of the prisoner for the child have been terminated;
c. The prisoner has been convicted of child abuse/neglect, criminal sexual conduct, or any other assaultive or violent behavior against the child or sibling of the child unless an exception has been granted by the Director upon request of the Warden. The Warden will be notified in writing if an exception is granted.
5. The proposed visitor is not on another prisoners approved Visitor List except as an immediate family member. In other words, a visitor may be on the list of all prisoners who are immediate family members, but only on the list of one prisoner who is not an immediate family member.
6. If the proposed visitor is a Department employee, s/he may visit only as set forth in the Employee Handbook.
7. If the proposed visitor is a volunteer, s/he may visit only as set forth in PD 03.02.105 "Volunteer Services and Programs."

L. Notwithstanding Paragraph K, the Warden may deny placement of anyone on a prisoners approved Visitor List for the safety or security of the facility, protection of the public, previous violations of visiting room rules by the proposed visitor, or for other reasonable cause as determined by the Warden. Wardens shall advise the appropriate Assistant Deputy Director (ADD) in writing whenever a person is denied placement on a prisoners approved visitors list pursuant to this paragraph and shall include the basis for the denial.
M. A proposed visitor who is denied placement on a prisoners approved Visitor List shall be provided with a copy of the denied MDOC Visiting Application, which shall include the reason for the denial. The prisoner also shall be advised in writing of the reason for the denial. A proposed visitor may submit a written request for reconsideration of a denial to the Warden. A proposed visitor who is approved for placement on a prisoners approved Visitor List who included a self-addressed stamped envelope with his/her MDOC Visiting Application also shall be provided a copy of the approved MDOC Visiting Application.
N. The Warden may allow a special one-time visit between a prisoner and a person (adult or minor) who is not on the prisoners approved Visitor List if the Warden determines that it is in the best interest of the prisoner and is not a threat to the good order and security of the facility. A visitor may be allowed only one such visit with a prisoner. Subsequent visits with the same prisoner by that visitor shall require placement on the prisoners approved Visitor List in accordance with this policy.
O. The following persons shall be allowed to visit a prisoner without being on the prisoners approved Visitor List, except if the person is related to the prisoner by blood or marriage, is on probation or parole in any jurisdiction as a result of a felony conviction, or is a prisoner:

1. Qualified clergy.
2. A volunteer in an outreach program that is sponsored by an external religious organization.
3. An attorney, or representative acting on the attorneys behalf, on official business with the prisoner.
4. An official representative of the legislative, judicial, or executive branch of government, or a consulate general, on official business with the prisoner.
5. A Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), or Friend of the Court employee who is facilitating a visit between the prisoners child and the prisoner.
a. This includes a privately run agency working under contract with DHHS if there is evidence in writing by DHHS.
b. DHHS staff are expected to visit on weekdays during normal facility visiting hours. However, exceptions may be granted by the Warden. Such visits shall not be counted as one of the prisoners regular visits, but shall be recorded in the Visitor Tracking System.

P. The individuals listed in Paragraph O (4) may visit outside of standard visiting hours with prior approval of the Warden or designee. The individuals listed in Paragraph O (1) and (3) may visit outside of standard visiting hours with prior approval of the Warden or designee if extenuating circumstances exist. The following examples of extenuating circumstances are intended to identify the type of situations which may warrant approval for a visit during non-standard visiting hours. These examples do not constitute an exhaustive or all-inclusive list:
1. For attorneys, an imposed deadline such as a filing deadline or a hearing date, which does not allow sufficient time for the attorney to visit the prisoner on a designated visiting day. Circumstances shall be taken into account on a case-by-case basis.
2. For clergy, the death of an immediate family member of the prisoner.
Q. At multi-level facilities accommodations shall be made for attorneys to visit their clients at any custody level during the facilitys scheduled visiting hours (e.g., if an attorneys client is Level IV and the attorney arrives during the visiting hours scheduled for Level II prisoners, accommodation shall be made for the visit to take place, rather than require the attorney to return during the hours scheduled for Level IV prisoners).


R. A person approved for placement on a prisoners approved Visitor List shall be removed from the approved Visitor List if s/he sends a written request to the facility at which the prisoner is located. The listed person shall be removed from the prisoners approved Visitor List within five business days after receipt of the request. The prisoner and the listed person shall be notified in writing that the listed person was removed from the prisoners approved Visitor List at his/her request.
S. A person approved for placement on a prisoners approved Visitor List shall be removed from the list if the Department receives reliable information that the visitor is no longer eligible for placement on the prisoners approved Visitor List. Both the prisoner and the visitor shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the removal. The prisoner may appeal the removal through the prisoner grievance process. The visitor may submit a written request for reconsideration to the Warden.


T. Except as set forth in Paragraph U, all visitors shall be required to present a valid pictured driver license, state identification card, military identification card, passport, or other government-issued identification card for identification verification prior to each visit. Visitors who are Amish must provide valid identification as required by the CFA Deputy Director.
U. An original or a certified true copy of a birth certificate, certificate of adoption, or a court order establishing paternity shall be required for identification verification prior to each visit for a visitor under the age of 18 who does not have valid pictured identification to present. The Warden, however, may allow a female prisoner to visit with her child born during her incarceration prior to the receipt of the childs birth certificate.
V. In addition to the identification required in Paragraph T, an attorney shall be required to present his/her state bar card, and a representative acting on the attorneys behalf also shall be required to present a letter on official letterhead from the attorney or law firm, to qualify for a visit pursuant to Paragraph O.
W. In addition to the identification required in Paragraph T, a member of the clergy may be required to provide written verification of his/her clergy status upon request of the Warden or designee to qualify for a visit pursuant to Paragraph O.


X. The CFA Deputy Director shall establish Department-wide standards for visiting room operation which are consistent with this policy and which shall be enforced at all facilities. The standards shall identify general visiting information that each facility shall make available to visitors in writing in both English and Spanish versions. The standards also shall, at a minimum, address the following:

1. Visiting hours.
2. Number of visits allowed.
3. Number of visitors allowed per visit.
4. Proper attire and conduct of visitors and prisoners during a visit.
5. Property which visitors and prisoners are allowed to bring to a visit.

Y. During contact visits, physical contact between prisoners and visitors is prohibited except for one kiss and one embrace between a prisoner and each of his/her visitors at the beginning and end of each visit and when a picture is being taken. In addition, a prisoner and his/her visitor are permitted to have their arms around the shoulders of one another and may hold hands. A prisoner who is a parent or grandparent also may appropriately touch and hold his/her child or grandchild if the infant is under two years old and bottle feed the infant while visiting. Corporal punishment of any type is prohibited and shall result in an immediate termination of the visit.
Z. A prisoner shall be allowed to visit only with his/her own visitors. Cross visitation or visiting with another prisoners visitor(s) is prohibited. Except for a brief greeting at the start or end of a visit, conversations with other prisoners or other prisoners visitors are prohibited.
AA. Prisoners and visitors, including children two years of age or older, shall be assigned a specific seat or table in the visiting area.
BB. Prisoners and visitors shall be closely monitored at all times to ensure that contraband is not passed and that inappropriate behavior does not occur. This may include assigning a prisoner a seat or table in the area closest to the officers station to permit continuous monitoring if the prisoner presents a special concern, including if the prisoner is visiting with a child and has a history of criminal sexual conduct or other assaultive or violent offense against a child. However, custodial supervision and control shall be as unobtrusive as possible consistent with custody and security controls. All visitors shall be treated courteously and assisted promptly.
CC. Prisoners and visitors shall be searched in accordance with PD 04.04.110 "Search and Arrest in Correctional Facilities.


DD. A prisoner who is hospitalized may receive visitors who meet the requirements of this policy only if the prisoner is critically ill, as verified by the attending physician, and with prior approval of the Warden or Deputy Warden of the facility providing custody coverage. The Warden or Deputy Warden shall consult with the Warden or Deputy Warden of the facility at which the prisoner is permanently housed before deciding whether to approve the visit. Approval shall be granted for visits to conduct official business with an attorney or his/her representative and with qualified clergy of the prisoners designated religion or whom the prisoner specifically requests to see, subject to Paragraph O.
EE. Approved visits shall be scheduled by the Warden or Deputy Warden of the facility providing custody coverage at the convenience of staff, prisoners, and visitors, and for a length of time as determined by the Warden. Custodial staff shall be present at all times during the visit.


FF. Except at RGC, prisoners who are housed in a security Level V facility or housing unit, temporary segregation, punitive segregation (detention), or are classified to administrative segregation shall be limited to non-contact visits, except that a contact visit shall be allowed with an attorney upon request of the attorney subject to Paragraphs O and HH.
GG. The Warden shall limit a prisoner of any security level to non-contact visits for a period of 30 days if the prisoner is found guilty of a Class I misconduct violation of substance abuse for behavior that occurred on or after August 27, 2003, except that a contact visit shall be allowed with an attorney upon request of the attorney subject to Paragraphs O and HH.
HH. The Warden may limit a prisoner of any security level to non-contact visits under the following circumstances:
1. When visiting an immediate family member or an attorney who is subject to a visitor restriction.
2. When a search of a visitor cannot be conducted due to the presence of a cast, prosthetic device, oxygen tank, or any medically required device.
3. When the prisoner is being monitored for suicidal behavior and non-contact visiting is determined by the Warden, after consultation with appropriate health services staff, to be necessary to ensure the prisoners physical safety.
4. When it is determined by the Warden, based on a review of a hearing officers finding of guilt of a misconduct charge or upholding of a visitor restriction, that a prisoner or visitor demonstrates unmanageable behavior that is related to contact visiting.
II. Wardens of facilities that do not have permanent non-contact visiting areas must have sufficient portable non-contact visiting booths to accommodate prisoners limited to non-contact visiting for the reasons set forth above. Portable non-contact visiting booths shall not be used if the visitor is subject to a permanent visiting restriction.
JJ. If a hearing officer upholds a visitor restriction for conduct occurring during a non-contact visit, the prisoner and restricted visitor shall not be permitted any visits during the time period of the visitor restriction.


KK. Visits may be terminated based on visiting room overcrowding. If this occurs, the visit which began first shall be terminated first with the exception of visitors who have traveled 400 miles or more round trip. All visits shall be terminated any time the siren is sounded, and visitors must leave the facility and grounds immediately.
LL. A visit shall be disallowed (i.e., not permitted to occur) or shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:
1. The prisoner does not want to visit.
2. If the visitor is a minor and is not accompanied by an adult immediate family member of the minor or his/her legal guardian who is on the prisoners approved Visitor List, unless the minor is an emancipated minor and can show adequate proof of emancipation.
3. The prisoner or visitor appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance.
4. The prisoner or visitor fails to comply with a requirement of this policy, including CFA visiting standards, or the Departments administrative rules.
5. The visitor directs verbally abusive language at staff, prisoners, or other visitors.
6. The prisoner commits a Class I misconduct violation in the visiting room.
7. Reliable information has been received that the purpose of the visit is to commit an illegal act. The appropriate ADD shall be advised in writing whenever a visit is disallowed or terminated for this reason.
MM. If circumstances permit, supervisory staff shall verbally explain the reason for a visit being terminated or disallowed at the time it occurs.
NN. If the visitor is involved in the conduct for which the visit is terminated or disallowed, the visitor shall not be allowed to visit at that facility for the remainder of that day and may be subject to a 90-day or permanent restriction of visits to all facilities if the requirements in Paragraphs PP through ZZ are met.
OO. If the prisoner is involved in conduct for which a visit is terminated or disallowed, s/he shall be given a misconduct report for the violation(s) committed. A hearing shall be conducted pursuant to R 791.3315. The hearing officer shall consider imposing a sanction of loss of visiting privileges if the prisoner is found guilty of a misconduct which was received in relation to a visit.
PP. A visit shall be terminated or disallowed and the prisoner and visitor notified that the facility will be requesting a 90 day restriction of the visitors visits with all prisoners if any of the following occur:
1. The visitor makes a false statement with respect to visiting.
2. The visitor damages or attempts to damage Department property or engages in disruptive behavior while on Department property.
3. The visitor removes or attempts to remove any item from the institution that is not authorized by the institution.
QQ. A visit shall be terminated or disallowed and the prisoner and visitor notified that the facility will be requesting a permanent restriction of the visitors visits with all prisoners if any of the following occur:
1. The visitor smuggles, conspires to smuggle, or attempts to smuggle any item into or out of the facility. Staff shall ensure that the Michigan State Police are notified in accordance with PD 04.04.110 "Search and Arrest in Correctional Facilities" if the item is believed to be contraband.
2. The visitor assaults staff or others or threatens them with physical harm.
3. The visitor assists, conspires to assist, or attempts to assist, a prisoner to escape.
4. The prisoner or visitor touches or exposes the breasts, buttocks, or genital area during a visit. Touching that is incidental to a brief embrace permitted at the beginning and end of a visit shall not be subject to this restriction.
5. The visitor has a pending felony or misdemeanor charge or has been found guilty of a felony or misdemeanor that occurred in connection with a visit. The restriction shall be removed if the visitor provides proof that the charge has been dismissed or that the charge resulted in a not guilty finding.
RR. The behavior described in Paragraphs PP and QQ, numbers 1 through 3, need not have occurred in connection with a visit. For example, a person who leaves contraband in another area of the facility grounds for the prisoner to pick up, mails contraband to a prisoner, or discusses escape plans with a prisoner over the telephone may be subject to a visitor restriction.
SS. A visitor subject to a proposed visitor restriction shall be temporarily restricted from all visits pending a visitor restriction hearing.
TT. If the incident leading to the proposed visitor restriction involved both the prisoner and the visitor, the prisoner shall be sent a Notice of Proposed Visitor Restriction (CSJ-315A) in addition to receiving a misconduct report. The visitor shall be sent the Notice of Proposed Visitor Restriction, a copy of the misconduct report, and notice of the date of the visitor restriction hearing within 30 business days of the incident via first class mail to the address the visitor provided the facility at the time of the visit. Both the prisoner and the visitor are entitled to hearings conducted pursuant to R 791.3315. The misconduct hearing and the visitor restriction hearing shall be scheduled on the same date if possible.
UU. If the incident leading to the proposed visitor restriction involved the visitor only, both the visitor and the prisoner shall be sent a Notice of Proposed Visitor Restriction (CSJ-315A) and notice of the date of the visitor restriction hearing within 30 business days of the incident via first class mail to the address the visitor provided the facility at the time of the visit. In all cases, the hearing investigator shall obtain a written statement from the prisoner to be presented at the hearing. The prisoner may be present at the visitors hearing if the hearing officer finds that the prisoners presence is required.
VV. A hearing investigator shall be assigned in all visitor restriction hearings. The hearing investigator shall ensure that the notices required in Paragraphs TT and UU are appropriately sent and that all relevant documents and other evidence are present at the hearing, including any written information submitted by the visitor that the visitor wants considered. The hearing investigator at the facility where the hearing is held shall retain a copy of the hearing investigation for at least two years from the date of the hearing.
WW. The visitor restriction hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer in the Michigan Administrative Hearings System, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The hearing shall be conducted within 30 business days after the date that notice of the hearing is mailed, unless the hearing officer determines there is good cause for delay, or relevant time requirements are waived by the visitor or prisoner, as appropriate.
1. If the hearing officer does not uphold the visitor restriction or if the hearing is not conducted within 30 business days, absent a finding of good cause for delay or a waiver of the time requirements, a visitor restriction will not be imposed. The temporary restriction shall be removed and visits restored immediately. The Warden may request a rehearing in accordance with PD 03.03.105 "Prisoner Discipline."
2. If the visitor restriction is upheld, a Notice of Visitor Restriction (CSJ-315B) shall be given to both the prisoner and the visitor. If a 90-day restriction is imposed, the 90 days shall include the time the visitor was on a temporary restriction. Either the prisoner or visitor may request a rehearing in accordance with PD 03.03.105.
XX. If a visitor restriction is upheld at a hearing, the visitor restriction shall be entered into the computerized visitor tracking system.
YY. A restricted visitor may request removal of a visitor restriction by sending a written request to the Warden of the facility where the prisoner with whom the visitor wants to visit is located.
1. If the restricted visitor is eligible for removal of the visitor restriction pursuant to this policy, the Warden shall make a written recommendation to the CFA Deputy Director. The CFA Deputy Director shall determine if the restriction should be removed and shall notify the Warden of his/her determination. If denied, the CFA Deputy Director shall ensure that the Warden is notified when the restricted visitor may reapply for removal. The Warden shall ensure that the restricted visitor is notified of the CFA Deputy Directors determination and, if applicable, when the visitor may reapply for removal.
2. If the restricted visitor is not eligible for removal of the visitor restriction, the Warden or designee shall notify the visitor in writing of his/her ineligibility and if/when the visitor will be eligible to apply for removal.
ZZ. After consultation with the Director, the CFA Deputy Director may authorize removal of a permanent visitor restriction following a written recommendation from the Warden. However, a restriction shall not be removed until at least one year after the date of the incident. In addition, a restriction for any of the following shall not be removed until at least three years after the date of the incident:
1. Smuggling, conspiring to smuggle, or attempting to smuggle a controlled substance, alcohol, a weapon, escape paraphernalia, cellular telephone or other communication device, or money over $10 into a facility.
2. Assault of, or threatening to assault, staff or others.
3. Assisting, or conspiring or attempting to assist, a prisoner to escape.
4. A felony conviction for the behavior by the prisoner or visitor which resulted in the visitor restriction.


AAA. Except as set forth in Paragraph DDD, the Director may restrict all of a prisoners visits if the prisoner is convicted or found guilty of any of the following:
1. A felony or misdemeanor that occurred during a visit.
2. A Class I misconduct violation that occurred during a visit or was associated with a visit.
3. Escape, attempted escape, or conspiracy to escape.
4. Two or more violations of the Class I misconduct charge of substance abuse for behavior that occurred on or after January 1, 2007, which do not arise from the same incident. This includes failure to submit to substance abuse testing.
BBB. If a prisoner has been convicted or found guilty of the conduct set forth in Paragraph AAA, the Warden shall recommend that all of the prisoners visits be restricted. S/he shall submit the recommendation, along with all supporting documentation, to the CFA Deputy Director for review as soon as possible but no later than 14 calendar days after the conviction or guilty finding. If the CFA Deputy Director agrees that the restriction is warranted, the recommendation shall be submitted to the Director for a final determination.
CCC. The CFA Deputy Director shall ensure that the Warden is notified of the Directors determination and that the information is entered into the computerized visitor tracking system. The Warden shall ensure the prisoner is notified of the Directors determination.
DDD. A prisoner whose visits have been restricted by the Director shall be allowed visits only with those individuals identified in Paragraph O, excluding volunteers.
EEE. The Director may remove a restriction upon written request of the Warden, subject to the following:
1. A restriction imposed based on a felony that occurred during a visit or based on an escape, attempted escape, or conspiracy to escape associated with a visit shall not be considered for removal until at least ten years after imposition of the restriction.
2. All other restrictions shall not be considered for removal until at least one year after imposition of the restriction.
FFF. A prisoner eligible for removal of a restriction based on the criteria set forth in Paragraph EEE and, if applicable, Paragraph HHH, may request removal of the restriction by sending a written request to the Warden of the institution where the prisoner is housed. The Warden shall review the request and forward the prisoners request along with a recommendation, whether the restriction should be removed, to the CFA Deputy Director within 30 business days of receipt of the prisoners request. The CFA Deputy Director shall review each referral and make a written recommendation to the Director for a final determination. It is within the Directors discretion whether to remove the restriction. If the prisoner is not eligible for removal of the restriction, the Warden or designee shall notify the prisoner in writing of his/her ineligibility and when the prisoner will be eligible to reapply for removal of the restriction.
GGG. Whenever a restriction of all of a prisoners visits is authorized to be removed by the Director, the Warden shall ensure the restriction is removed as directed by the Director unless the prisoner has a pending Class I misconduct charge. If the prisoner is found not guilty of the charge(s), the restriction shall be removed as soon as possible but no later than five business days after the not guilty finding. In all other cases, the Warden shall ensure that the Director is notified of the disposition of the charge as soon as possible but no later than five business days after the hearing is concluded. The Director will determine if the restriction is to be removed.
HHH. If the Director decides not to remove a restriction the restriction may be removed by the Director at the conclusion of an additional one year period unless otherwise specified.
III. The CFA Deputy Director shall ensure that the Warden is notified of the Directors final determination and that the information is entered into the computerized visitor tracking system. The Warden shall ensure that the prisoner is notified of the final determination and, if applicable, when s/he may reapply for removal of the restriction.


JJJ. This policy, the Department-wide visiting standards established pursuant to Paragraph X, and the facilitys operating procedures implementing this policy directive shall be made available to a prisoner within 24 hours after arrival at a facility.


KKK. Wardens shall ensure that procedures are developed as necessary to implement requirements set forth in this policy directive within 60 calendar days after the effective date.

Visitation Rules(Security)

MI DOC - Rules by Security

The prisoner must complete a Visitor List form (CAJ-334) identifying immediate family members* and not more than 10 other potential visitors. Those persons the prisoner has placed on his/her visiting list must complete a Visiting Application (CAJ-103) to request approval to visit. The Visiting Application must be submitted in advance to allow for review of the Application. INCLUDING A SELF-ADDRESSED-STAMPED ENVELOPE WHEN THE APPLICATION IS RETURNED WILL ENSURE THAT THE PROPOSED VISITOR IS PROVIDED NOTIFICATION OF HIS/HER APPROVAL OR DENIAL TO VISIT. NO VISITS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THIS APPROVAL.
*Immediate Family Member: A grandparent, parent, stepparent, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, child, step-child, grandchild, sibling, half-sibling, stepbrother and stepsister. An aunt or uncle may be included if adequate verification is provided that they served as a surrogate parent. If there is inadequate documentation in the prisoner's file to confirm this relationship, the prisoner or family member will be required to provide the documentation necessary to adequately confirm the relationship.
A proposed visitor shall be approved for placement on the prisoner's approved visitors list if all of the following criteria are met:
1. The proposed visitor is not subject to a current visitor restriction.
2. The proposed visitor is not a prisoner or a former prisoner in any jurisdiction. However, prisoner or former prisoner who is an immediate family member may be placed on the prisoner's approved visitors list with prior approval of the Warden of the facility where the visit will occur.
3. The proposed visitor is not on parole or probation in any jurisdiction as a result of a felony conviction. However, a parolee or probationer who is an immediate family member may be placed on the prisoner's approved visitors list with prior approval of the Warden of the facility where the visit will occur and written approval of the supervising field agent.
4. The person is 18 years of age or older, an emancipated minor, or the minor child, stepchild, grandchild, sibling, step-sibling or half-sibling of the prisoner. However, a minor child, stepchild, grandchild, sibling, step-sibling or half-sibling of the prisoner shall not be approved for placement on the prisoner's approved visitors list under any of the following circumstances.
a. The Department is notified that there is a court order prohibiting visits between the minor child and prisoner;
b. The Department is notified that the parental rights of the prisoner for his/her child have been terminated;
c. The prisoner has been convicted of child abuse, criminal sexual conduct or any other assaultive or violent behavior against the minor or sibling of the minor unless an exception has been granted by the Director upon request of the warden. The warden will be notified in writing if an exception is granted.
5. The proposed visitor is not on another prisoner's approved visitors list except as an immediate family member. In other words, a visitor may be on the list of all prisoners who are immediate family members, but only on the list of one prisoner who is not an immediate family member.
6. If the proposed visitor is a Department employee, s/he may visit only as set forth in the Employee Handbook.
7. If the proposed visitor is a volunteer, s/he may visit only as set forth in PD 03.02.105 - Volunteer Services and Programs.
Notwithstanding the above, the warden may deny placement of anyone on a prisoner's approved visitor list for the safety or security of the facility, protection of the public, previous violations of visiting room rules by the proposed visitor or for other reasonable cause as determined by the warden.

Clergy may visit during the prisoner's regular visiting hours. The MDOC defines clergy as:

Leaders of a religious organization or entity such as a church, mosque or synagogue, or persons who have been granted clergy status by a recognized religion and have ecclesiastical endorsement from a religious authority. This does not include anyone who is self-ordained or designated as clergy by a prisoner.

Members of the clergy are advised to call the facility to determine visiting hours. In special circumstances a visit outside of regular visiting hours may be approved by the warden. This approval must be granted prior to the visit.

At the facility, the member of the clergy must present to the Information Desk officer a picture ID, such as a driver's license, and proof of clergy status. That documentation varies from faith group to faith group. This may be a letter of appointment to the congregation as their pastor, or a copy of an ordination certificate or clergy license. Literature such as a worship bulletin or monthly newsletter that identifies the person as clergy may also be used.