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MCF Oak Park Heights Visitation Center

State Prison

Last Updated: March 17,2025

General Visitation Information

All visits must be scheduled in advance by calling 651-779-1400 selecting option 3 then selecting option 6 OR by using the Online Scheduling Option.

Visits are limited to one hour.

  • Visits must be scheduled no less than 24 hours in advance and no more than 10 days in advance.
  • Visits for Complex 5 and ACU will be scheduled through visiting NOT the unit.
  • Visiting will be limited to a total of 4 visitors.
  • All visits will be 1 hour in length.
  • All visits will need to be prescheduled by calling the number above or the Online Scheduling Option link above.
  • Physical contact is limited to a hug and a handshake at arrival and departure.
  • Photos can be taken

Hours of Visiting

Friday - Wednesday

No visiting


10:20 a.m. - 7:45 p.m. Visiting Hours of Operation


There is no visiting on the following State recognized holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • President's Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • July 4 (Independence Day)
  • Labor Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving and the following Friday
  • Christmas Day

Visiting Staff Contact Numbers: 651-779-1400, ext. 2149 or 2150. Please call during visiting hours.

Restrictive housing visits and all "Other Non-Contact" visits:

Non-contact visits for those in restrictive housing and general population individuals with restrictions are on a First Come First Serve basis for scheduled visits. All Complex 5 (CX5) restrictive housing and Administrative Control Unit (ACU) Visits must be scheduled 24 hours in advance

ACU Thursday (2 Slots)

CX5 Thursday (2 Slots)

Directions: Take Hwy. 36 east to Osgood Ave. and turn right. The facility is about one mile on the left side of Osgood Ave. Transportation is available through the MTC bus service. Contact the MTC for information at 612-349-7000.

Visiting Regulations: Please read Visiting Information before visits.

All visiting applications must be sent to MCF-Rush City Attn: Visiting Unit, 7600 525th Street, Rush City, MN 55069.

Visitation Rules(Security)

MN DOC - Rules by Security

Visiting can help offenders build support networks they will need after release. Research conducted by the Minnesota Department of Corrections has shown that positive interactions with friends and family can lower recidivism.
For these positive interactions to occur, visiting room must be a secure environment where offenders and families can feel safe. To maintain this environment, offenders and visitors are required to obey the rules of the visiting room. Failure to do so may result in warning, termination of visits, placement on non-contact visiting status, suspension or revocation of the visiting privilege.
There is no visiting on the following State recognized holidays*:
• New Year's Day
• President's Day
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
• Memorial Day
• July 4 (Independence Day)
• Labor Day
• Veterans Day
• Thanksgiving and the following Friday
• Christmas Day
*Willow River and Togo Challenge Incarceration Program offenders may have visitors on holidays IF the holiday falls on a regularly-scheduled visiting day.

• How do I apply to become a visitor?
Fill out a visiting application completely and mail it to one of the following facilities.
For Stillwater and Oak Park Heights, mail to Stillwater:
970 Pickett Street N.
Bayport, MN 55003
For Faribault, Lino Lakes, Moose Lake, Red Wing–Adult, Rush City, Shakopee, Togo & Willow River, send to the Rush City Visiting unit:
MCF-Rush City
Attn: Visiting Unit
7600 525th Street
Rush City, MN 55069
For Red Wing juveniles:
MCF-Red Wing 1079
Highway 292
Red Wing, MN 55066
• Where can I get a visiting application?
You can get visiting applications three ways:
1. Download the Visiting Application from our website. This will always be the most current version
2. Have an offender send one to you in the mail
3. Pick one up at any DOC facility during regular visiting hours
• How will I know if I’ve been approved?
Offenders are notified when an applicant is approved and it is their responsibility to notify you.
• Applicants that are denied or banned due to failing the application process are mailed a letter of explanation
• Applicants have the right to appeal a denial or ban the appeal instructions are contained in the letter
Application status cannot be given over the phone. But you can stop at any DOC facility during regular visiting hours with your valid picture ID to find out if you’ve been approved.
• How long can I visit?
Generally, visitors that drive less than 100 miles (one way) will be able to register for a 1 or 2 hour visit. With prior approval a visitor that drives in excess of 100 miles (one way) may be granted an extended visit (calculated by using an internet map and inputting the visitors address on file). The extended must be initiated by the offender at least 7-10 days before the day of the visit and may be limited to a certain number per month. Due to space restraints, certain facilities may limit visits to one hour on weekends.
Segregation, non-contact and video visits are also limited to one hour. Segregation visits must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.
• How do I remove myself from an offender’s list?
Write a letter requesting to be removed from the offender’s list. This request must be signed and dated. You can either mail it to the facility or drop it off during regular visiting hours. Once removed, you must wait three months from your last visit to be eligible to submit another application.
• How do minors get approved to visit?
The adult applicant must complete the visiting application and list the minor (s) in the space provided. A copy of each minor’s certified birth certificate, NOT THE HOSPITAL COPY, must accompany the application. If the adult applicant is listed on the minor’s birth certificate, that’s all that is required.
If the adult applicant is not the parent or not listed on the birth certificate, a notarized minor escort form must accompany the adult application and birth certificate. The minor escort form can be completed by the minor’s parent (if they are listed on the birth certificate) or the minor’s guardian. Offenders are not allowed to give this authorization. The guardian will have to supply documents proving guardianship before the notarized minor escort form will be accepted.
Please keep in mind, all visiting room rules and restrictions apply to minors as well as adults.
• What items are allowed into the visiting room?
Your pockets must be empty with the exception of the locker key and your photo ID. Lockers can be used to secure your personal items.
Nitro pills, inhalers, walkers, canes and some other medical items may be allowed in with prior approval.
The adult escort of the minors under the age of two are allowed specific items. They are:
One pacifier, one clear non-tinted bottle or clear spill proof cup, one one-ply receiving blanket, two diapers, and wet wipes.
For other rules please refer to the State Wide Visiting Room Rules
• How long does the application process take?
The process can take up to 3 weeks depending on the background check and if we need to contact a probation agent or victim services.
• What if I don't think I'll be able to pass the metal detector?
• All visitors must pass a standard metal detector, if you have a pace maker or special circumstances please notify staff before going through.
• If you require the use of a mobility device, you will still be subject to screening procedures. You can request an ADA reasonable accommodation of an alternative screening procedure. The assistive device may also be subject to visual, portable metal detector, and/or manual inspection.
• If you have a prosthetic device or cast/splint you can request an ADA reasonable accommodation of an alternative screening procedure. An alternative screening procedure may include a visual, portable metal detector, and or manual pat-down inspections.
• Can I wear a Watch or Electronic devise inside any facility?
Effective 3/1/2016 all watches, fit bits, wearable technology, etc. must be placed into a locker or left in your vehicle.