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BSP Visitation Center

State Prison

Last Updated: March 24,2025

Visitation Hours

Visiting hours for BSP are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Please reach out to 856-785-0040, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the facility in Leesburg. Please note that visitors will undergo a thorough search before entering the premises, and personal belongings, including cell phones, are strictly prohibited. Individuals under probation, parole, or community corrections supervision must obtain approval from their supervising officer and the superintendent before visiting, although such visits are not typically approved.

General Visitation Information

  • To schedule a visit, call (856) 785-0040 ext. 5416, Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Address: 4293 Rte 47, Leesburg, NJ 08327
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Primary Care Giver Visits
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Primary Care Giver Visits
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Primary Care Giver Visits
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Primary Care Giver Visits
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Main and Min. Morning Session
8 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Main and Min. Morning Session
8 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Non-Contact (window) Visits
8 a.m. - 9 a.m.
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Main and Min.
Afternoon Session
12 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Main and Min.
Afternoon Session 12 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Child Protection and Permanency
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Primary Care Giver Visits
8 a.m. -11 a.m. Primary Care Giver Visits
8 a.m. -11 a.m.


General Population (Male) 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Quarantine. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
(Emergent nature only as approved by the Administrator or his designate)
Protective Custody (PC) 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday evenings
Administrative Segregation: Male 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday evenings
Please note inmates who are housed in the Administrative Segregation units are eligible for visits based on the following levels:

Level (1) one inmates are eligible for (1) one visit per month on Wednesday or Fridays.
Level (2) two inmates are eligible for (2) two visits per month on Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday.
Management Control Unit 6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday & Sunday evenings

MCU Pre-Hearing 6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday evenings Window visits are conducted according to the schedule above. Visitors may register for

General Population and quarantine-status window visits starting at 8:00 a.m., and must complete registration no later than 3:00 p.m.
Visitors for Administrative Segregation, Management Control and MCU Pre-Hearing, and Protective Custody should arrive starting at prior to the start of visits, but before 8:00 p.m.

Registration will not be accepted after 3:00 p.m. daily (General Population male inmates and quarantine-status) or 8:00 p.m. (Administrative Segregation, Protective Custody and Management Control Unit). There will be no extension of the registration period(s).

Both inmates and visitors participating in a Window Visit MUST remain seated at all times. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the visit and a possible ban of the visitor(s).

You are encouraged to keep as close ties as possible with your family, friends and other members of the community. To help make this possible, the Institution provides two types of visit programs: Window Visits and Contact Visits. Although NJSP Administration provides a VISITIORS HANDBOOK for visitors, it is your responsibility you’re your visitors, know the Institution’s visit program rules and regulations. It is the right of the inmate to refuse a visit if he or she so wishes.

Inmates in General Population are permitted to have both a Window Visit and a Contact Visit on the same day, but not from the same person. A maximum of sixty (60) inmates may receive Contact Visits at one time. Contact Visits for General Population Inmates are held on Saturdays and Sundays. There are also Contact Visit programs for inmates in the Management Control Unit and Window Visits for Protective Custody, Administrative Segregation (both male and female inmates) and Management Control Unit inmates. Contact Visits are held on Friday evenings for men in the Management Control Unit. More information on this program can be found on the following pages.

Window visits are held seven (7) days per week, EXCEPT for those cancelled on specific holidays (i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s Day). Anyone who is on the inmate’s Approved Visit List in the Mailroom may visit him or her, but he/she may not have more than one (1) window visit per day or two (2) window visits each week from the same person. Inmates are permitted to receive two (2) window visits per week (calculated as Saturday through Friday) from each authorized person on their visiting list. Inmates may not receive a window visit and a contact visit from the same individual on the same visit day. Please note that the visit week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday. The following window visit schedule is in effect and applies to all inmates except those in disciplinary detention or medical/psychiatric observation status, who are not permitted window visits:

Window Visit Telephone Receiver Procedures

The Window Visit telephone receivers in New Jersey State Prison are of a plug-in type. When you report to the Window Visit area, the Officer in the booth will provide you with a telephone. When you are given the phone, you are to plug it in at the Officer's booth and check it with the Officer to be certain that it works properly. You are then to go to your assigned Window Visit booth and plug the telephone into the jack in the wall. This same procedure will be followed by your visitor(s). The visitor(s) will then take the phone to the assigned Window Visit booth and plug it into the wall-mounted jack.

At the end of the Window Visit, inmate and visitor(s) will return the telephones to the Officer, who will again test them to be certain that they still work.

If the telephone used by the inmate does not work due to obvious breakage or abuse, the inmate will be given a disciplinary charge and be responsible for replacement/repair costs. If the visitor's telephone is broken, the visitor's Window Visit privileges may be suspended pending an investigation of the reasons for the damage.

CONTACT VISITS (General Population Male Inmates)

General Population (MALE INMATES) Contact Visits are held on Saturday and Sunday (2 visits). General Population inmates are permitted to receive one Contact Visit on a Contact Visit day from authorized persons on their Visit List. However, an inmate may not have more than two (2) Contact Visits each week (a Contact Visit week is defined as “Saturday thru Sunday.”) The schedule of General Population Contact Visits are as follows: MALE INMATES: Contact Visits are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays only, at the following times:

First Visit Period:
Registration: 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. - Confirmation: 8:45 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.
Visit Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Second Visit Period:
Registration: 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. - Confirmation: 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Visit Time: 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

There will be no-Contact Visits on the following holidays:
New Year's Day (No Window Visits)
Labor Day
Martin Luther King Day
Columbus Day
Lincoln's Birthday (President's Day)
Election Day
Washington's Birthday Veteran’s Day (Observed)
Memorial Day Thanksgiving
July 4 – Independence Day Christmas (No Window Visits)

Window Visits will be held on these holidays (except New Year's Day and Christmas) according to the standard Institutional Window Visit schedule. You are permitted to receive one Contact Visit on each Contact Visit day from authorized persons on your Visit List. Contact Visit days are Saturday and Sunday.

An individual may NOT receive both a Contact and Window Visit from the same person on the same day without special permission from either the Administrator (or designate) or the Prison Classification Committee.

You are NOT permitted to receive a General Population Contact Visit if:
- You have lost your visiting privileges because of disciplinary charges;
- You are housed in a Close Custody Housing Unit (Hospital, Protective Custody, Management Control, Administrative Segregation, Infirmary, 1-C Observation, and Disciplinary Detention Emergency Housing). Inmates who are classified General Population but are in temporary Emergency Housing are permitted Contact Visits These require the prior written approval of the Administrator, and are granted on a case-by-case basis.
- You are confined to the Infirmary as a non-ambulatory (bed-ridden) patient or if you are prevented from having Contact Visits for reasons of health by the Medical Department (see section on Hospital Visits);
- You are non-ambulatory (unable to walk) and/or require any type of escort as determined by the Unit Captain.

Visitors should be encouraged to register for Contact Visits as early as possible, as no late or extended registration times will be permitted. Visitors should be ready for entry into the Visit Hall ten (10) minutes before the time the visit is scheduled to start, in order to ensure that the Contact Visits begin on time.

In order to ensure safe and well-controlled Contact Visits, a maximum of sixty (60) inmates will be registered for each Contact Visit period. Inmates will be permitted a maximum of two (2) Contact Visits each week (a "Contact Visit Week" is defined as Saturday and Sunday).

A maximum of four (4) adults and an unlimited number of children of your immediate family are permitted to register for one (and only one) Contact Visit each Contact Visit day. Visitors may not register for and receive a Contact Visit and a Window Visit on the same day.

General Population inmates who are non-ambulatory patients are permitted to have bedside visits if they have the medical approval of the On-Duty Physician and the Administrator. Depending upon the seriousness of the illness, visits for hospitalized General Population inmates may be held in the Infirmary area. Hospitalized inmates who are classified either Close Custody or Lock-Up are not permitted bedside visits.

Bedside visits are one-half hour in length, must be scheduled, and approved twenty-four (24) hours before the visit. Visits are scheduled daily. Two (2) visitors of your immediate family (no children under 18) will be permitted a one-half hour visit in the hospital area daily between the hours of:

Visiting Hours
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The Sympathy Contact Visit Program has been put into effect in an effort to help strengthen family ties after the loss of an immediate family member for those inmates who have been denied a Compassionate Bedside Visit or Funeral Visit.

General Population Inmates who are denied a Compassionate Bedside Visit or Funeral Visit may be eligible for consideration of a Sympathy Contact Visit. No more than one (1) Sympathy Contact Visit will be permitted. You must request, in writing, approval for a Sympathy Contact Visit and send this to your Unit Social Worker. Requests for a Sympathy Contact Visit must be received within five (5) working days of the family member's death. You will be notified of the Administration's decision through the Social Work Department. If approved, you must coordinate the visit with your family members and your Unit Social Worker. The visit will be scheduled during normal Contact Visit hours.
Management Control Unit inmates are also eligible for Sympathy Contact Visits as stated before, except that visits will be scheduled in accordance with the needs and security concerns of their areas.
Inmates who are classified in Administrative Segregation, Protective Custody and One-Left Detention Units are not eligible for Sympathy Contact Visits. However, they will be eligible for consideration for a Sympathy Window Visit.
All existing rules and regulations in regards to the VISIT PROGRAM will apply.

EX-OFFENDER VISITS: An individual with a criminal record who wishes to visit must receive permission to do so from the Administrator and/or the Prison Classification Committee. However, an application for an ex-offender visit must be started by the inmate, and is subject to review by the Prison Classification Committee. Any past record of conviction by a local, state, or federal authority; should be provided for review by the Administrator or designee. This last condition does not automatically prevent such persons from visit eligibility, but may be used to exclude certain persons who are not members of an inmate’s immediate family. For the purpose of this subsection ONLY and pursuant to N.J.A.C. 10A:1-2.2 immediate family is defined as Spouse, Parent, Stepparent, Legal Guardian, Grandparent, brother, sister, and/or children.
ATTORNEY and COURT-RELATED VISITS Any licensed attorney, regardless of his/her, public or private affiliation (connection or partnership) that is listed in the New Jersey Lawyer's Diary and Manual may have a Contact Visit with you. Appointments must be made at least twenty-four hours in advance by calling New Jersey State Prison's Mail Room. Attorney visits are held Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (holidays listed above not included, unless administratively approved). Attorneys not licensed by the State of New Jersey must contact the Administrator's Office twenty-four hours before the intended visit to get permission to visit. There is no limit on the number of legal visits an attorney (or attorneys) may have with you, nor does the number of legal visits in any way affect the number of Contact Visits or Window Visits you may receive from family and friends.
All Contact Visits from representatives of the Probation Department or legal aides, paralegals, investigators representing private firms or public agencies must be approved regardless of the time of the appointment. Hours for these persons to visit are the same as those for attorneys. These appointments must be made through the Administrator’s Office.

MEDIA VISITS You are permitted to have visits with representatives of the media (radio, television, newspapers). However, the Department of Corrections’ Office of Public Information must approve all requests for this type of visit in advance. Upon approval, arrangements will be made by the Administrator's Office. Both you and the media representative will be required to complete the necessary consent forms.

Visitation Rules

NJ - Rules by Type

Visitor Dress Code
Proper attire is regarded as a condition of admission to a New Jersey Department of Corrections facility. Prohibited Items
The following items are not authorized to enter the Visit Program visiting areas:
• Cell phones, beepers or other electronic devices.
• Credit cards, bank access cards, etc.
• Condoms, cosmetics, candy and cigarettes.
• Drugs (prescribed or otherwise) (Asthma inhalers and other life sustaining medications must be clearly marked and surrendered to the Visit Supervisor prior to entering the visit area.
• Keys (with the exceptions of locker keys and/or one vehicle key – no remotes or alarms).
• Money (cash or coin).
• Photographs.
• Purses, handbags and wallets (Clear plastic clutch bags or clear zip-lock sandwich bags may be utilized for authorized items).
• Sunglasses (non-prescription).
• Transportation passes.
• Weapons or sharp objects.
• Any item deemed to be a threat to the orderly running of the institution.

Prohibited Garments
The following guidelines must be followed, regardless of gender:
• No transparent or fishnet clothing.
• No clothing that exposes undergarments or a portion of the body considered private.
• No skin-tight clothing.
• Tops must cover shoulders and midriff areas. No tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, low-cut shirts or shirts that expose shoulder, midriff area, torso or back.
• Bottoms must at least cover waist to mid-thigh. No shorts, skirts or dresses ending above midthigh, or which have an inseam length or slit ending more than three inches above the knee. No low-rise shorts, skirts or pants that expose the midriff or any portion of the buttocks.
• No otherwise clearly inappropriate attire, as determined solely by New Jersey Department of Corrections staff on duty. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Military-style clothing worn by persons not in active or reserve military status
- clothing closely resembling that issued to inmates
- custody staff or law enforcement
- professional-styled uniforms such as but not limited to:
* medical/nursing
* postal workers
* delivery service, etc
• Clothing depicting a message, either in wording or art, that could impact upon the safety, security or orderly operation of the correctional facility, including, but not limited to, that which is offensive, racist, sexually oriented, or advocates illegal or narcotic activities
• No hat or headgear, unless it is religiously oriented or medically necessary, and the visitor agrees to a search of same
• No shoes or sneakers with wheels (i.e.: Heelys).
• No flip-flops
• No steel-toed boots