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Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) Visitation Center

State Prison Administration

Last Updated: March 24,2025

Visitation Hours

Visiting hours for Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Please reach out to 405-425-2500, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the facility in Oklahoma City. Please note that visitors will undergo a thorough search before entering the premises, and personal belongings, including cell phones, are strictly prohibited. Individuals under probation, parole, or community corrections supervision must obtain approval from their supervising officer and the superintendent before visiting, although such visits are not typically approved.

Visitation Rules

OK DOC - Rules by Type

Visitation Visits are encouraged within the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC) to enable the inmate to strengthen family and community ties, increasing the likelihood of the inmate’s success after release.

For the purpose of this procedure, the following terms will apply:
“Facility Head” shall refer to wardens or district supervisors responsible for the housing and supervision of inmates.
“Facility” includes institutions, community corrections centers, and community work centers.
“Inmate” applies to anyone under the custody or care of a prison or community-based facility operated by or contracted with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC).
“Offender” will apply to anyone under supervision, released from incarceration to parole, suspended or court ordered post imprisonment supervision by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (ODOC).

I. Eligibility to Visit
A. Facility Guidelines Visitation is a privilege, not a right, in accordance with the following:
1. Immediate family members are defined as: spouse, natural or surrogate parents, grandparents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, children (to include stepchildren and adopted children), grandchildren, siblings, and aunt or uncle. Inmates are permitted to have a maximum of 20 visitors on their approved visitors list. Children under the age of 18 will not count against the total number of visitors allowed.
2. In the event the visitation area is at maximum capacity, the visitation officer will ask visitors, on a voluntary basis, to end their visit, beginning with the first visitors processed, until the required seating/space is available for incoming visitors. Visitors shall be permitted a two-hour visitation period prior to termination due to capacity issues.
3. Each person will be considered as one visitor.
4. No more than five approved visitors will be permitted to visit at the same time.
5. The natural or surrogate parent(s) of the inmate’s child/children may be placed on the visiting list for the purpose of bringing the inmate’s child/children to visit and in accordance Section I. item E. of this procedure.
6. Visits by attorneys will be authorized in accordance with this procedure.

B. Hours of Visitation
The hours of visitation will be established by the facility; however, the inmate’s security level will dictate the number of hours he/she is authorized to visit. Visiting times may also be limited based on the fire marshal’s rated capacity for the facility’s designated visiting area(s). Inmates may be authorized hours as indicated below, but will not exceed the maximum number of hours listed:
1. Halfway houses may authorize visiting not to exceed 16 hours per week, excluding holidays.
2. Community corrections center and community work center inmates up to eight hours per week, excluding holidays.
3. Minimum security inmates up to eight hours per week, excluding holidays.
4. Medium security inmates up to six hours per week, excluding holidays.
5. Maximum security inmates up to four hours per week, excluding holidays.
C. Visiting Days
1. Each facility head will set the number of days that is necessary to accommodate visiting for their inmate population. Visiting days will include, but are not limited to, Saturday, Sunday and all state recognized holidays.
2. State recognized holidays that fall on Monday through Friday will be a “free” visiting day. The number of hours an inmate may visit on the free visiting day will be in accordance with the inmate’s level as outlined in Section I. item D. of this procedure. Holidays will not normally count toward the total number of hours per visiting privilege level, unless the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the hours will count on the total visiting privilege level hours.
D. Visiting Privilege Level Criteria
The length and frequency of visitation for inmates is determined by security and earned credit level as defined below.
1. Maximum Security
a. Level I – 1 hour non-contact per week with individuals on the inmate’s approved visiting list. Legal visits will be in accordance with Section III. items C. and D. of this procedure.
b. Level II -- Up to 2 hours per week
c. Level III -- Up to 3 hours per week d. Level IV -- Up to 4 hours per week
2. Medium Security
a. Level I – 1 hour non-contact per week with individuals on the inmate’s approved visiting list. Legal visits will be in accordance with Section III. items C. and D. of this procedure.
b. Level II -- Up to 2 hours per week
c. Level III -- Up to 4 hours per week Section-03 Facility Operations OP-030118 Page: 4 Effective Date: 04/21/2016 d. Level IV -- Up to 6 hours per week
3. Minimum Security
a. Level I – 1 hour non-contact per week with individuals on the inmate’s approved visiting list. Legal visits will be in accordance with Section III. items C. and D. of this procedure.
b. Level II -- Up to 4 hours per week
c. Level III -- Up to 6 hours per week
d. Level IV -- Up to 8 hours per week
4. Segregation Housing Units
Inmates housed in segregation housing units will be allowed the following visiting privileges:
a. Administrative Segregation Segregation housing unit inmates will be allowed a 1 hour noncontact visit per week to include only the following visitors: mother, father, spouse, legal, and clergy. These hours do not apply to long term segregation and inmates classified as protective custody inmates at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, Lawton Correctional Facility or Mabel Bassett Correctional Center. Visiting hours will be defined in the facility’s post orders as required by OP-040204 entitled “Segregation Measures.”
b. Disciplinary Segregation Inmates Inmates serving time for disciplinary segregation (DU Time) will not be allowed to visit while on the unit, with the exception of attorney/clergy visits. Inmates held in disciplinary detention exceeding 60 days will be afforded the same visiting privileges as inmates in long term administrative segregation and protective custody.
E. Additional Criteria
1. With the approval of the facility head, children under the age of 18 years may be approved to visit an inmate as outlined below.
a. Natural or adopted children of an inmate must be accompanied by an inmates approved visitor.
b. All other children must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. In the event a question arises, the visitor may be required to provide documentation; such as a birth certificate, to reflect parentage.
c. Visitation may be restricted if documentation is received from a court, DHS, legal guardian, district attorney, or other source showing that visitation by a child is prohibited or not in the best interest of the child.
d. In female facilities, facility heads are authorized to develop and implement a program for allowing frequent visits between inmates that are mothers to newborn children. The child must be accompanied by an approved visitor/volunteer.
e. (Revision-01 06/07/2016) Once a child reaches 18 years of age, a visiting application will be completed in accordance with Section II. item A. of this procedure in order to be placed on the inmate’s visiting list. 2. Family members who are under agency supervision, to include offenders supervised under PPCS/GPS, may be allowed to visit with the approval of both the facility heads. Denial of visits for family members who are under supervision requires written objection by the objecting facility head.
a. Denial will be for cause with written notice being provided to the denied family member(s) by the objecting facility head.
b. Family members under supervision may not be approved to visit if they have ever been convicted of bringing contraband into a penal institution.
3. Inmates who are not family members will not be allowed to visit for three years following the completion of all active sentences, whether incarcerated or supervised. Visits by former inmates/offenders require the approval of the facility head.
4. Under no circumstance will incarcerated inmates be allowed intrafacility visits.
5. Volunteers are allowed to be placed on inmate’s visiting lists. Visitation must take place during normal visiting hours or during special clergy visits, if applicable. Inmates will not be prohibited from attending programs or services provided by volunteers on their visiting list unless prohibited by the volunteer.
6. Private prison/departmental employees who discontinue employment for whatever reason (resignation, termination or retirement) will not be added to the visiting list of non-family members for a minimum of three years.
7. Employees may be allowed to visit family members who are inmates upon approval of both the employee’s supervisor and the involved facility head. The background check may be waived by the facility head. Employees having access to the facility in this situation are subject to all the guidelines applicable to visitors. 8. Visitors designated as a friend will not be allowed to visit more than one inmate as a friend in any ODOC facility or private prison.
II. Establishment of Visitors List
A. Temporary Approval Inmates arriving at a facility without an approved visiting list must have their visitors (family) submit a “Visitor Request Form”. Prior to return of the visiting forms (via mail) to unit staff, family members listed in the inmate’s field file will be allowed to visit for thirty days. After 30 days, family members will not be allowed to visit if the form has not been received unless approved by the facility head or duty officer.
B. Approved Visitor
To become an approved visitor, the individual must complete a visitor’s application to visit “Visitor Request Form” and submit a copy of a state issued photo I.D or driver’s license. A copy of the identification will be stored in section 4 of the inmate’s field file with visiting information. An OSBI and FBI criminal records check will be conducted using the “Oklahoma Department of Corrections Request for Record” and a check of the Inspector General Visitor Alert system.
1. Upon clearance through this system, the individual may be added to the inmate’s approved visiting list. Approval is good for a period of three years. Prior to the end of the three year approval period, the visitor must submit an application to visit and be processed as indicated above.
2. A visitor’s list will be maintained for each inmate, providing the name, address, and relationship of those persons authorized to visit the inmate. The list will be prepared at the location of the inmate’s first institutional assignment utilizing the Offender Management System (OMS), which will be maintained throughout the inmate’s period of incarceration.
C. Modification of Visitors List The approved visitor’s list will be entered on the OMS. Inmates will be notified of any changes to their approved visiting list.
D. Restriction and Removal from Visitors List
1. To ensure consistency of visitation, sanctions taken against any visitor(s) or inmate by a department facility or private prison holding ODOC inmates will be enforced system wide in accordance with “Visitors Rules of Conduct/Violations/Sanctions”
2. Visits may be temporarily suspended by the facility head. Temporary suspension of a visitor requires written notification to the inmate and visitor with the length of time the restriction will be enforced, reason(s) for the proposed removal and an opportunity for response by the visitor and/or inmate.
3. Visitors may be permanently removed from the approved visitor’s list for documented cause.
a. Prior to permanent removal, the affected inmate and visitor will be given written notice of the reason(s) for the proposed removal and an opportunity to respond.
b. Procedures outlined on the “Visitors Rules of Conduct/Violations/Sanctions” form will identify the process for the temporary or permanent removal of visitors, which will include an opportunity to respond, and documentation to the field file.
4. Inmates may have visits restricted as a sanction imposed as part of the disciplinary process. Length and conditions of restriction will be in accordance with OP-060125 entitled “Offender Disciplinary Procedures.” Inmates will not have a visiting privilege permanently removed.
5. Visitation action taken against any visitor(s) and/or inmate will be documented on the “Visitor Alert”. A copy of the completed form will be submitted to the Inspector General’s office and a copy of the written notification correspondence will be placed in section six of the inmate’s field file.
6. Any modification(s) of the action will be documented on the original filed “Visitor Alert.” A copy of the original “Visitor Alert” and any subsequent modifications will be submitted to the Inspector General’s Unit for entry into the computerized security system.
7. When an inmate transfers to a lower security level or is laterally transferred in any security, or is transferred for programmatic reasons, the inmate will not lose their visiting level privilege, if it is in the best interest of the facility and the inmate.
8. Additions or removals from the inmate’s visiting list can only be done during the 120-day review process as specified in OP-060203 entitled “Adjustment Review.”
9. Inmates who request a visitor to be removed from their approved list cannot have that visitor placed back on the visiting list for a period of 120 days.
10. Visitors cannot be removed from an inmate’s visiting list and placed on another inmate’s visiting list for a period of one year. This will apply regardless of the facility to which the inmate is assigned.
E. Persons Prohibited from Visitation Any person previously employed or volunteering with the ODOC or through a facility who contracts with the ODOC to confine inmates assigned to the custody of the agency, may be prohibited from visiting specifically named ODOC inmate in any state or contract facility for the following action: The separation from employment through resignation, termination or retirement after the initiation of or during an investigation through the Office of Inspector General where information received indicated or alleged the possibility of prohibited activities or relationships in accordance with OP- 110215 entitled “Rules Concerning the Individual Conduct of Employees.”
III. Standards for Visiting Procedures
A. Inmate Orientation (4-4499) Inmate orientation will be uniform throughout the system. In accordance with OP-060201 entitled “Initial Reception of Offenders,” written procedures governing visitation will be made available to inmates within 24 hours after arrival at the facility. At a minimum, the information will include but not be limited to:
1. Facility address/phone number, directions to the facility, and information about local transportation;
2. Days and hours of visitation;
3. Approved dress code for visitors and identification requirements for visitors
4. Items authorized in visiting room/area;
5. Special rules for children;
6. Authorized items that visitors may bring in to give to the inmate, if any; and
7. Special/extended visits as defined in Section III. item D. of this procedure.
B. Regular Visits
Visits will be structured to allow informal communication between the inmate and the visitor, as well as the opportunity for physical contact, such as brief kiss and embrace at the beginning and end of the visit. Devices that preclude physical contact are not used except in instances of substantiated security risk in accordance with their assigned level and with facility head approval.
C. Visits with Attorneys of Record
Inmates will be allowed the same general visiting privileges with his/her attorney. Attorneys are encouraged to visit their clients during normal visiting hours. With advance notice, attorneys may visit during non-visiting hours.
D. Special/Extended Visits
Each facility will have special visits. Special visits include visits from persons who have come long distances, volunteers or team members identified by staff that have partnered with the ODOC for reentry services when the visit will aid in the reentry process, visits to hospitalized inmates, visits in disciplinary status (attorney visits/clergy only), and visits between clergy and social service agency representatives, etc.
1. Special visits for ministers/religious leaders as defined in OP-030112 entitled “Religious Programs” are to be professional in nature and are provided for inmates with whom the minister/religious leader has a ministerial relationship. All special minister/religious leader special visits will be scheduled in advance (unless an emergency situation exists) through the facility head.
2. The length and conditions of all special visits will be determined by the facility head.
3. Special visits for terminally ill inmates will be approved and conducted in accordance with OP-140146 entitled “Palliative Care Program.”
E. Food/Care Items Appropriate items for the care of infants are allowed at all facilities. Such care items shall include, but not limited to, baby bottles, diapers, baby food, etc.
F. Vending Machines Facilities will install vending machines for use by inmates’ visitors. At no time will the inmate be in possession of any currency. No more than twenty Section-03 Facility Operations OP-030118 Page: 10 Effective Date: 04/21/2016 dollars’ in quarters, per visitor, is allowed into the visiting area. The money will only be allowed to be brought in a clear sandwich size bag. Vending machines allowed at facilities are as follows:
1. Sandwich machines;
2. Chips/snack machines; and/or
3. Soda/beverage machines.
G. Security Considerations
In accordance with OP-040110 entitled “Search and Seizure Standards,” every effort will be made to detect attempts to introduce contraband through the visiting program. To aid in these interdiction efforts, the following conditions will apply:
1. Visitor Search Procedures Searches will include:
a. Searches of all items brought into the facility;
b. Pat down searches upon entering (persons under 18 years of age will not be searched);
c. Medium security and above will ensure the use of x-ray machines to scan property; and
d. Minimum security and above the use of metal detection devices.
Visitors will have the opportunity to clear the metal detector scan three times before the visit is terminated. Any searches of an individual’s personal property must be done while continuously observed by the owner of the property. e. At the discretion of the facility head, canine drug detection screening may be used to assist in searches. Any attempt to interfere or interact with the canine will be grounds for termination of the visit. If the canine alerts on a visitor or their vehicle, the following action will be taken:
(1) First alert on person or vehicle: visit is denied for that day only.
(2) Second alert on the same person or vehicle: 90 day suspension.
(3) Third alert on the same person or vehicle: 1 year suspension. Refusals to comply with a search will result in termination of the visit and possible removal from the visiting list
2. At Medium Security Facilities
a. If the facility has separate visitor and inmate restrooms within the visiting room, the inmate and/or visitor may use the restroom and return to the visit one time only.
b. If the facility does not have separate visitor and inmate restrooms within the visiting room, the inmate will be removed from the visiting area, strip searched, and will be allowed to return to the visit one time only. No additional time will be added to the visit.
c. If the visitor exits the secure visiting area, the visitor will be reprocessed prior to reentry into the visiting area one time only. No additional time will be added to the visit.
3. Facilities will monitor and control visitors movement using a visitor sign in/out log and/or using computerized log in/log out system in accordance with the “Facility Visitor’s Sign In/Out Log”
4. No visitor over the age of 18 will be allowed visitation without a form of state issued identification. This state issued identification will be cross referenced with the approved visiting list and the physical appearance of the person presenting the identification.
H. Visitor Transportation
Information regarding transportation to the facility, to include public transit, will be provided to approved visitors.

Visitation Rules(Security)

OK DOC - Rules by Security

All visitors 18 years of age and older must have bonafide identification which includes their photograph when visiting any facility. State driver’s licenses, state, federal, military or school I.D.’s are acceptable. For those who do not drive, acceptable identification cards can be obtained from the local offices of the Oklahoma Department of Motor Vehicles for a nominal fee. Correctional staff will not permit anyone to enter without identification as indicated.

Any person who, without authority, brings into or has in his or her possession in any jail or state penal institution or other place where prisoners are located, any gun, knife, bomb, or other dangerous instrument, any controlled dangerous substance as defined by the Oklahoma Statutes, any intoxicating beverages or low-point beer as defined by Oklahoma Statutes, money, or financial documents for a person other than the inmate or a spouse of the inmate, including but not limited to tax returns, shall be guilty of a felony and is subject to imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for not less than one (1) year or more than five years, or a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or both such fine and imprisonment. Any person who, without authority, brings into or has in his or her possession in any jail or state penal institution or other place where prisoners are located, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, or other form of tobacco product shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one (1) year or by fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or both by such fine and imprisonment. Any person knowingly, willfully and without authority brings into or has in his or possession in any secure area of a jail or state penal institution or other secure place where prisoners are located any cellular phone or electronic device capable of sending or receiving any electronic communication shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for a term not exceeding two (2) years, or by fine not exceeding Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment. Where there exists a reasonable suspicion or probable cause to believe that a particular visitor is attempting to introduce contraband into this institution, the warden/facility head or his designee may order that the visitor be subjected to a more thorough search. A visitor may be requested to submit to a strip search only when the warden/facility head or his/her designee determines there is probable cause to believe the particular visitor possesses contraband. In such an instance, the search must be conducted by two trained staff members of the same gender as the visitor. The visitor may also be subject to search by a certified drug dog. Any attempt to interfere or interact with the canine will be grounds for termination of the visit. Everyone entering the perimeter of this facility will, at a minimum, be subject to a pat search. Bags, purses, boxes, etc., carried by persons entering this facility will be subject to search. All vehicles and their contents are subject to search upon entering the grounds. Should a visitor refuse to grant permission for the search, entry to the facility will be denied and may be grounds for appropriate action. In addition, the person will be denied future access to the facility.