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USP Florence Visitation Center

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Last Updated: February 23,2025

General Visitation Information

Florence High - Visiting Hours

  • Saturday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Sunday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Holidays 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

It is the policy of this institution to encourage visiting by family, friends, and community members to maintain the morale of inmates and for inmates to develop strong family and community ties. Limitations are recognized and controls are established in order to ensure the security and good order of the institution and safety of visitors, inmates and staff.

PROCEDURES: Visiting Identifier: Visiting at the USP will be determined by register number. Specifically, if the fifth digit of an inmate's register number is an odd number (1,3,5,7,9) the inmate will be allowed to visit on odd weekends throughout the month (first and third weekend). Ifthe firth digit of an inmate's register number is an even number (0,2,4,6,8) the inmate will be allowed to visit on even weekends throughout the month (second and fourth). A weekend is defined as Saturday and Sunday. Visiting on federal holidays, when the federal holiday occurs Monday through Friday, is open to all visitors: space providing. When a federal holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the rules related to alternate weekends listed above will apply. Occasionally, a month will have five weekends (November 2014, March 2015, May 2015, August 2015, etc.). The fifth weekend will be available to all inmates. On rare occasions, exceptions may be granted to this schedule with the approval of the Associate Warden of Programs.

Visiting Limitations: The following limitations on visiting are necessary to maintain a balance between institution security and the purpose of visits. Visits must be supervised to prevent the introduction or passing of contraband, to prevent the planning or continuation of criminal activities, and to maintain the security of the institution.

Visiting Point System: The visiting point system permits up to 24 hours of visiting time per month. Each inmate will be allotted 24 points per month which may be used

• One (1) hour of visiting time equals one (1) point on Friday or Monday
• One (1) hour of visiting time equals two (2) points on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday.
• Points do not carry over from one month to another
• If a visit does not last an hour, the inmate will be charged one (1) full hour of visiting time.

Number of Visitors: An inmate may have a maximum of five (5) visitors. The maximum number of individuals allowed on a visiting list is twenty (20), ten (I 0) of which may be friends. Friends must have had an established relationship with the inmate prior to incarceration. The inmate must request, in writing, to his unit team for consideration for an exception to the prior relationship. The unit team will forward a recommendation to the Warden for a decision. The unit team will notify the inmate of the final decision.

Visitors may not visit more than one (1) inmate at any one time, regardless of the relationship to the inmate. However, when extenuating circumstances develop, they are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Warden of Programs for approval.

Overcrowding: Visiting may be terminated because of an emergency, improper conduct on the part of the inmate or his visitor(s) or when the visiting areas become overcrowded. Should it become necessary to terminate visiting because of overcrowding, the Operations Lieutenant and Duty Officer will be notified. The Duty Officer will make the final decision. At that time, a two (2) hour maximum visiting time limit will go into effect and terminations will be based on "first in, first out."

Visitor Dress Code:

Female Dress: No sleeveless shirts or sleeveless dresses, see-through garments, clothing items containing rips, tears, cuts, or holes to include factory made, spandex attire, sweat clothes (i.e. loose_fitting sweatpants or sweatshirts), white undershirts worn alone, shirts with zippers, hooded shirts, bib overalls, wraparound skirts, shorts, khakis, skirts or dresses with slits that exceed two (2) inches above the knee, or sandals/open-toed shoes.

Children under the age of ten (10) may wear shorts but cannot exceed two (2) inches above the knee.

Male Dress: No shorts, cutoffs, sandals, tank tops, white undershirts worn alone, khaki clothing that can be mistaken for inmate clothing, or hooded shirts.

Outer coats are not permitted in the Visiting Room. Visitor lockers are provided period of the visit.

Identification Requirements: All visitors sixteen ( 16) years of age and older are required to provide positive photo identification to the Visiting Room Officer prior to admission into the visiting room, such as a current driver's license, state-issued identification card, military identification, or passport. All forms of unofficial photo identification (credit cards, store cards, school identification, birth certificates, Social Security card, bank cards, etc.) are invalid forms of identification. Ifa visitor does not present a current identification with a photograph, they will not be authorized to visit. (Foreign driver's licenses are considered valid proof of identification). The Visiting Room Officer in charge of processing visitors into the Visiting Room will ensure that a picture is taken of each visitor. These pictures will be kept on file and compared with the visitor's picture identification when they visit again.

Visitor Conduct: Children under the age of sixteen (16) may not visit unless accompanied by a responsible adult. Children shall be kept under supervision, at all times, by the responsible adult who brought the children into the institution.

Visitors are allowed to purchase items from the available vending areas for the inmate they are visiting. Inmates are not allowed past designated areas, or to have direct contact with money or the vending machines themselves.

Visitors are subject to search of their person and/or personal property as a condition of allowing or continuing a visit. All items entering through the Front Entrance will be x­ rayed and be visually searched by the Front Entrance Officer.

An embrace and/or kiss within the bounds of good taste is permitted only at the beginning and end of the visit. The only other approved contact during the visit will be limited to holding hands, not above the wrist of the visitor/inmate.

18 U.S.C. 1791, provides a penalty of imprisonment for not more than twenty (20) years, a fine or both for providing or attempting to provide to an inmate anything whatsoever without the knowledge and consent of the Warden.

Prohibited Items: Visitors are not allowed to bring in any item to be given to the inmate they are visiting.

Visitors are not allowed to take any unapproved items into the Visiting Room. All non­ permissible items must remain in the visitor's vehicle in the parking lot. Ifa visitor brings items that are not authorized to the Visitor Processing Center, there are storage areas for the visitors. The visitor will give their l.D. Card or Driver's License to the Visitor Processing Center Officer and a key will be given to them for the items. When the visitor is done visiting, they will give the key back to the Visitor Processing Center Officer and their l.D. Card or Driver's License will be returned.

Cellular phones, two-way pagers and pagers are not authorized. A visitor may take a wallet or a clear change purse no larger than a quart size bag, with no more than $20 (in change) into the Visiting Room.

Infant Care Items: Infant care items for visitors with infant children will be limited for secwity reasons. Premixed formula and other liquids or foods in sealed, original containers only will be permitted. Other infant care items will be limited to three (3) clear nursing bottles, three (3) diapers, wet wipes, and a clear diaper bag. Certain activities within a correctional environment present safety and security concerns. Accordingly, no breast feeding will occur within the confines of the visiting room.

Visitation Rules

Federal Maximum - Rules by Type

FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION VISITING ROOM SPECIFIC PROCEDURES: Visiting will be based on a point system. On the first day of each month, all FCI inmates will be credited six (6) points. Visitors for the FCI will report to the Front Lobby, where they will be processed and then escorted to the Visiting Room. The FCI Visiting Room is comprised of an interior visiting area and a patio area. Assigned seating is enforced in the interior visiting area. The patio area will be opened only due to overcrowding inside the Visiting Room. The patio area must be supervised by an Officer when in use. There are no designated areas for children to play; therefore, children must be supervised by the visitor at all times. Upon completion of the visiting period, visitors will be escorted out of the Visiting Room.

A. Visitor Processing: FCI Visitors will report to the Front Lobby for processing. The Front Lobby Officer will ensure that visitors complete the Notification to Visitor forms, sign the appropriate Visitors Log, and clear the searches procedures. The Front Lobby Officer will stamp the back of the visitor’s hand with an invisible ink stamp. The Front Lobby Officer will log the visitor’s information into the computer visiting program and will write the inmate’s unit and work assignment information on the Notification to Visitor form to assist the Visiting Room Officers to locate the inmate.
B. All minors must be accompanied by an adult visitor at the time of processing upon arrival and during the duration of the visit. Minors must be constantly supervised by the respective adult visitor, and may not be left in the care of inmates nor exit the visiting room without adult supervision.

B. Visitor Searches: In order to deter the introduction of contraband into the secured perimeter of the institution, all visitors requesting access to the facility must be willing to submit to searches including, but not limited to, pat searches, drug detection screening, metal detection screening, vehicle searches and searches of personal property. Minors under the age of 16 years old will not be submitted to pat/visual searches; however, they will be required to clear a metal detection device.

All visitors are required to clear a metal detection device and submit their personal property to x-ray screening. Additionally, all visitors will be subjected to random pat searches, vehicle searches and screening for illegal substances by utilizing a drug detection device.

Metal detection screening will be conducted with a Walk-Thru Metal detector or Transfrisker (hand-held portable metal detector). Personal property will be screened with the Rapiscan x-ray machine. Detection of illegal substances will be screened with the ION Scan 500 DT Contraband Detector. The randomness of the pat searches and illegal substances screening will be established by the Front Lobby Officer. Any visitor that refuses to submit to any screening procedure or searches, will be denied access into the institution. The Operations Lieutenant or Duty Officer will be notified prior to denying access to a visitor.

C. ION Spectrometry Devise Program-ION Scan 500 DT: The Ion spectrometry device program is a minimally intrusive method for screening people, their belongings, mail, and packages for the presence of illegal substances. According to Program Statement 5522.01, Ion Spectrometry Device, Page 11, Section 12, the following procedures will be implemented in order to protect the safety, security, and orderly operation of the institution. A confirmed positive test result for an illegal substance(s) satisfies the reasonable suspicion standard warranting further investigation, searches, controlled visitation, or denied visitation of an inmate visitor.

If an inmate visitor tests positive for the presence of an illegal substance(s) the Warden or his designee possess the discretion to require a pat/visual search as a prerequisite to visitation, or a complete denial of visitation. A sign posted at the Front Lobby entrance of the institution warns visitors that an electronic contraband detection device is in use at this institution. The sign is available in English and Spanish. If an illegal substance is identified on the visitor’s person, they will be denied entry into this facility.

Visitor Testing: All visitors, including contractors and volunteers, except as noted below, are subject to testing through the ion spectrometry device program.

Ordinarily, Department of Justice employees, state and local law enforcement personnel, Members of Congress, and members of the Judicial Branch are not screened by the device. However, the Warden reserves the right to test these individuals prior to entering the facility.

Random Selection Testing: While all visitors are subject to testing, institution resources and time management will ordinarily make testing every visitor impractical. Consequently, random visitor testing will occur. (a) “Every Third visitor” (b) “Test Four, skip Two” (c) “Test Two, skip Four, Test Three, skip Four”

At no time will disciplinary action be taken against an inmate when an individual scheduled to visit the inmate tests positive for a controlled substance. Prior to denying visitation the Warden or his designee will assess each positive confirmed test on its own merit.
• 1st Offense – Visiting privilege suspended for 48 hours.
• 2nd Offense – Visiting privilege suspended for 30 days.
• 3rd Offense - Visiting privilege suspended for 90 days.
• Fourth and Subsequent Occurrences- Visiting privilege will be suspended for 180 days.

Any visitor that fails to submit to a random drug screening or refuses a pat/visual search will be denied access to the institution.

D. Visitor Escorting Procedures: The Visiting Escort Officer will be responsible for escorting visitors in and out of the Visiting Room. Each visitor will have the back of their hand stamped by the Front Lobby Officer, utilizing a stamp using invisible ink. Prior to entering or departing the institution, the visitor’s identity will be verified against his photo identification card and his or her hand will be scanned with the ultraviolet light to ensure the presence of the stamp, at the sally port, by the escorting staff member. In the event the stamp is not visible upon departure, the visitor will be escorted back to the Visiting Room and the Operations Lieutenant will be notified to receive further instructions. A maximum of 5 (five) visitors may be escorted at any time. Children under the age of ten are exempt from the maximum amount of visitors that may be escorted.

E. Visitors Entering the Visiting Room: Visitors will be escorted to the Officer’s Station by the Escort Officer to receive a seat assignment. The Visiting Room OIC will log the arrival date of the visitor(s) into the computer visiting program. F. Visitors Departing the Visiting Room: Upon completion of the visiting period, inmates and visitors will report to the Visiting Room Officer to be re-identified. The Visiting Room OIC will return the photo identifications to the visitors. All visitors will move to the exit door to await an escort. Inmates will not be permitted to loiter by the exit door area while the visitors await escort. The Escort Officer will collect the photo identification cards of the visitors that will be escorted.

Adult visitors will surrender their photo identification cards to the escorting officer prior to leaving the Visiting Room. The Escorting Officer will process the visitors out through the front sally port, identifying each individual by name, photo identification, and backlight stamp. Upon confirming the identification of the visitor and the presence of the invisible ink stamp, the Escorting Officer will return the photo identifications to the respective visitors. The Escorting Officer or Visiting Room staff are the only members authorized to escort visitors out. The Front Lobby Officer will complete the exit process for all visitors as outlined in the current Institution Supplement on Entrance and Exit Procedures. Once a visitor leaves the Visiting Room, re-entry will not be permitted for the day. Visiting room staff will coordinate with the Front Lobby before escorting visitors to Front Lobby. Visitors will not be permitted to witness staff being screened in the Front Lobby.

G. Inmates Entering the Visiting Room: Inmate Processing: Inmates will be identified via the commissary card. All items taken into the Visiting Room will be inventoried, and the same items must leave the Visiting Room with the inmate. The Visiting Room Officer will complete the Inmate Shakedown Log (Attachment 2) to maintain an inventory of the inmate’s items. Unauthorized items will not be allowed or retained by the Officer. All inmates will be thoroughly pat searched and screened with the hand held metal detector upon entering. With prior written approval, inmates will be allowed to bring legal materials into the Visiting Room for legal visits. This material will be inspected by the Visiting Room Officer for contraband; however, the contents will not be read.

H. Inmates Departing the Visiting Room: Upon the completion of the visitation period, inmates will report to the Officer’s station to be identified. Inmates will wait at their designated door to be processed out. A visual search on all inmates exiting the Visiting Room will be conducted. I. Inmate Conduct During Visitation Period: Inmates are permitted to leave their assigned seating area only for the following purposes:
• to use the inmate restroom (Escorted Only )
• to go to the photo area (1 inmate at a time)
• to accompany visitor to vending machines, staying behind the red line (1 inmate at a time)
• upon completion of his visit Inmates desiring to use the restroom must request a staff escort from the Officer at the Officer’s station. The restroom will be secured when not in use.

J. Special Housing Unit (SHU): SHU inmates will be allowed to visit, unless visiting is denied for security reasons or disciplinary matters. SHU inmates will be seated at designated tables adjacent to the Visiting Room Officer’s station. Inmates assigned to SHU will be limited to two hours for their visit. Due to possible separation concerns, CIM clearance will be obtained from the Control Center Officer prior to escorting SHU inmates to the Visiting Room. At no time will inmates who are CIM separated from each other or have other separation concerns be allowed into the visiting area at the same time.

K. Patio Area: The patio area may be used as an overflow for the main indoor Visiting Room only when overcrowding occurs. Inmates or visitors do not elect whether they are to be placed in the patio or indoors. Inmates currently assigned to the Special Housing Unit, will not be allowed in the patio area. The patio gates are not to be used for entry or exit of the Visiting Room at any time during visitation periods.

Inmate and Visitor Conduct Within the Visiting Room: The inmate has the final responsibility to ensure all visits are conducted in a quiet and dignified manner. Inmates and their visitors are responsible for the behavior of their children. Any visit not conducted in an appropriate manner will be terminated. In the event that a visit must be terminated, the visiting room officer may terminate visits that are not conducted in the appropriate manner. Prior to terminating a visit, Visiting Room Officers must consult with the Institution Duty Officer or Operations Lieutenant.

The Associate Warden, Institution Duty Officer, or the Captain should be consulted in questionable cases. If a visit is terminated, Visiting Room staff will prepare a memorandum to the Unit Manager, through the Operations Lieutenant; with a copy forwarded to the Captain, explaining the circumstances.

Embracing and kissing by inmate family members will be permitted only at the initial greeting and at the conclusion of the visiting period. Limited physical contact reduces the opportunity for contraband to be introduced into the institution. No individuals will be allowed to sit on another person’s lap, with the exception of infants. No Straddling.

Visiting Room Officers should be aware of any articles exchanged between the inmate and the visitor. If there is any reasonable basis to suspect that an exchange of unauthorized materials is taking place, which constitutes a violation of the law or regulations, the Visiting Room Officer will examine the item. The Operations Lieutenant will be notified immediately whenever there is a reason to suspect contraband is being exchanged. A memorandum will be submitted to the SIS Office describing the event.

Any effort to violate visiting regulations will result in disciplinary action for the inmate. Disciplinary action may include denial of future visits; and criminal prosecution may be initiated against the visitor and the inmate.

The Operations Lieutenant and/or Institution Duty Officer may terminate visits for the following reasons:
• disruptive or improper conduct by the visitor or inmate,
• suspected introduction of contraband by visitor,
• failure to supervise children visiting, or inmate/visitor’s continued failure to comply with visiting regulations

Visitation Rules(Security)

Federal Maxmum - Rules by Security

A person you may care about has been remanded or sentenced to prison from court, and you may be unsure of what happens next. The information produced herein can only guide you, so you may need to check any specific details with the prison. Visiting a prison establishment may be very new to you, so it is perhaps helpful to have an idea of what you can expect to take place during a visit and some of the rules and regulations you should be aware of.

Security document:

Visiting Limitations: The institution sets visiting limitations to balance security needs with the purpose of visits. Supervision aims to prevent contraband introduction, criminal activity planning, and overall maintain the institution's security.

Visiting Point System: The system allows 24 hours of visiting time per month. Inmates receive 24 points monthly, with specific usage criteria:

  • One hour on Friday or Monday equals one point.
  • One hour on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays equals two points.
  • Points don't carry over to the next month.
  • Visits under an hour incur a one-hour charge.

Number of Visitors: An inmate can have a maximum of five visitors. The visiting list allows up to 20 individuals, with ten friends allowed. Exceptions for friends require a written request to the unit team for the Warden's decision.

Visiting Dynamics: Visitors cannot visit more than one inmate simultaneously. Exceptions for extenuating circumstances are reviewed by the Associate Warden of Programs. Inmates are advised against excessive changes to their visiting list, subject to approval by the Associate Warden of Programs.

Overcrowding: Visiting may be terminated due to emergencies, improper conduct, or overcrowding. The final decision rests with the Institution Duty Officer, with a two-hour maximum limit based on "first in, first out." The visiting room has a capacity of 58 persons on the main floor and 49 on the lower level.

Holdovers: Inmates in holdover status have their visiting list reviewed within seven working days. Non-contact video visiting is used for holdovers.

Special Housing Unit (SHU): SHU inmates may have visits in the non-contact area during regular hours. One adult visitor is allowed for a maximum of two hours via the non-contact video visiting system.

Disapproving Visitors: Proposed visitors may be denied if:

  • All required information isn't submitted.
  • Written authorization from the probation/parole board is lacking for individuals with prior convictions.
  • A prior relationship cannot be proven.
  • The visitor poses a security threat.

Walsh Act Requirements: Inmates with Walsh Act assignments involving minors pose a security concern. Their conviction annotation ensures close monitoring during visits to ensure others' safety.

Written Visiting Guidelines: Inmates receive written guidelines upon arrival, distributed to approved visitors. Additional copies are available from their unit team.

Inmate Dress Code: All inmates must wear clean khaki-issued clothing, with shirts tucked in, socks worn, and only authorized boots. Proper grooming is required for admission.

Prisoner Visitation Services (PVS): Coordinated through Religious Services, PVS provides a monthly list to the Institution Duty Officer. PVS visitors may bring paper and writing instruments, reading and signing the Notification to Visitor Form. No PVS visitor is denied or terminated without the Warden's approval.

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Visitation Form, click to download.