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WSP Visitation Center

State Prison

Last Updated: February 23,2025

General Visitation Information

Wyoming State Penitentiary - Visitation

In Person Visitation Information

Video Visiting Information


A. Inmate Visitation and Visitation Programming.
The purpose of this policy is to establish department policy and procedures regarding inmate visitation and the administration of visitation programming in Wyoming Department of Corrections correctional facilities. This policy does not apply to inmates housed at Adult Community Corrections Centres (ACCs) in Wyoming.


A. General Policy. It is the policy of the Wyoming Department of Corrections (WDOC) to provide an opportunity for inmates to visit on-site with approved individuals in an orderly and safe environment. Visiting is an integral component of facility management, inmate habilitation and community safety. Visiting can improve public safety and encourage responsible familial relationships by holding inmates accountable and reducing the risk of future criminal behaviour.
B. Agency Position. The WDOC is committed to encouraging pro-social relationships particularly between inmates, their family members, and their friends. Studies have shown that visitation and more frequent visitation are both associated with lower rates of recidivism. Therefore, WDOC recognizes that visitation is an important part of each inmate's rehabilitation and visits serve to maintain ties for the inmate's eventual transition back into the community. At the same time, WDOC must provide for the safety and security of each facility, staff, inmates, visitors and the public.
C. Approved Visiting. Within the inherent limitations of resources and the need for facility security, safety, health and good order, it is the policy of the Wyoming Department of Corrections to permit, promote, facilitate, and encourage approved visitation by inmates with their families, friends, and other pre-approved individuals in WDOC correctional facilities.
D. Correctional Planning, Goals and Mission. When authorized, visitation in a WDOC correctional facility is permitted, neither as a matter of right nor as a privilege of the inmate or the inmate's visitor; rather, visitation in WDOC correctional facilities is permitted by the department when it furthers the inmate's correctional planning and the department's correctional goals and mission and is consistent with the safe, secure and orderly management and operation of the facility.
E. Visiting Privileges. It is the policy of the Wyoming Department of Corrections to structure visiting in its correctional facilities as an incentive program to encourage good institutional conduct. Application for visiting privileges may be denied, and visiting privileges may be suspended, modified, or revoked at any time for any reason deemed to be in the interest of public, departmental or correctional facility safety, security and order.
F. Visitation During Assigned Activities. It is the policy of the Wyoming Department of Corrections that, except for pre-approved special visits or other extenuating circumstances, an inmate will not be released from normally scheduled education, work, or programming activities required by their individualised case plans for the purposes of attending visitation with individuals on their approved visiting list.
1. It is the responsibility of the inmate to notify prospective visitors of scheduled visiting hours and his/her availability for visitation during those hours.
2. In the event that all scheduled visitation hours during the week directly conflict with the inmate's assigned activities required by his/her case plan for that week, and alternative visitation scheduling cannot be arranged, the inmate may be released from the assigned activities to attend up to eight (8) hours of visitation within each thirty (30) day period.


A. General Procedure. The dual interests of providing inmates with visiting privileges while maintaining correctional facility safety, security and good order shall be guided by this policy through provision of non-exclusive criteria for approval or denial of requested visitors, procedures for making applications and review of applications for visiting privileges, and procedures and rules for the conduct of visits.
1. Inmate Access to Policy. An initial copy of this inmate visitation policy and procedure shall be provided to each inmate prior to its effective date and explained when necessary. All newly received inmates shall receive a copy for their personal use and legal library holdings shall include at least five (5) copies of this policy and procedure for reference. It is the responsibility of the inmate to familiarize his/her potential visitors with inmate visiting regulations.
i. Each inmate shall be provided access to and an explanation of this policy while on intake status and will be provided with WDOC Form #534, Visiting Rules, and related forms during the correctional facility orientation process.
ii. Written information regarding procedures governing visitation shall be made available to the inmate within twenty-four (24) hours after arrival at the facility. Providing detailed information to inmates to give to their family and friends on visitation procedures will facilitate the visiting process and eliminate confusion and fear on the part of the visitor. At a minimum, the information will include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. The facility address/phone number, directions to the facility, and information about local transportation.
b. Days and hours of visitation.
c. Approved dress code and identification requirements for visitor's.
d. Items authorized in the visitation area.
e. Special rules for children.
f. Authorized items, if any, that visitors may bring for the offender (for example, a cashier’s check or money order to be given to staff for deposit into the inmate's inmate trust account).
g. Information about special visits (for example, family emergencies).
2. Policy Training for Employees. Correctional employees responsible for the processing/approval of visitation requests and the processing and supervision of inmate visiting sessions shall be trained in this policy and procedure prior to assignment.
3. Only Approved On-Site Visitation Authorized. WDOC inmates shall not be permitted visits unless said visits are approved and monitored onsite in compliance with this policy.
4. Visitation to be Scheduled at Least Three (3) Days per Week. Each institution shall offer privileged visiting at least three (3) days per week.
5. At Least Sixteen (16) Hours of Visitation per Institution per Week Required, With Access to at Least Two (2) Visiting Periods per Week for Each General Population Inmate. Each institution shall offer visiting a total of at least sixteen (16) hours per week, with visitation offered at least two (2) times per week to each general population housing unit. Visiting days may be divided into separate one (1) hour, two (2) hour, three (3) hour, or four (4) hour blocks and may be assigned by inmate custody, work or programming assignment, or housing designation to facilitate compliance with this policy.
B. Inmate Eligibility.
1. All inmates, except those inmates in intake status or as specifically provided in these rules, are eligible to receive visits with persons on their approved visitor's list while confined in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility.
i. In accordance with this policy, inmates in segregation shall have opportunities for visitation, unless there are substantial reasons for withholding such privileges.
ii. Notification to approved visitors of any restrictions on visitation shall be the responsibility of the inmate.
2. Inmates Convicted of Sexual Crimes Involving Minor Children. i. Inmates who have a current or prior conviction for a sexual crime involving a minor child are ineligible to visit with any minor child, other than their own biological child, step-child, grandchild, sibling, or descendant thereof (e.g., niece, nephew, great grandchild, etc.), unless they are fully compliant with all requirements of their individualized case management plan, including sex offender assessment, pre-treatment and/or treatment as may be indicated within their case plan and available to them at the institution to which they are assigned. Inmates who have a current or prior conviction for a sexual crime involving a minor child where the child was a member of the inmate's immediate family are ineligible to visit with any minor child, including their own biological child, step-child, grandchild, sibling, or descendant thereof (e.g., niece, nephew, great grandchild, etc.), unless they are fully compliant with all requirements of their individualized case management plan, including sex offender assessment, pretreatment and/or treatment as may be indicated within their case plan and available to them at the institution to which they are assigned.
a. Only child(ren) of the inmate, or the child(ren) of a custodial parent or legal guardian who is also a prospective or approved visitor and will be accompanying their child(ren) to the visit, may be considered for visitation.
b. The inmate shall provide or have provided verification that the child is his/her biological child or other qualified minor under this paragraph prior to visitation; e.g., birth certificate.
c. Prior to approval for visitation there must be a notarized letter of custodial consent (WDOC Form #532, Letter of Custodial Consent for Inmate Visiting) on file signed by the custodial parent and/or legal guardian accompanying their child(ren) to the visit.
d. An adopted child is considered a biological child for the purpose of this policy.
e. If the minor child requested for visitation is not the victim of the current or previous offence, the warden may authorize such visits if he/she determines the minor child meets the criteria under this section and such visits will achieve a legitimate correctional objective, in furtherance of the department's mission, such as family reunification or structured pro-social interaction. (1) In cases where such requested visits might not otherwise be granted, visits may be restricted to basic visits only by the facility warden, with review for privileged visits to occur after a period of one (1) year with successful basic visits having been completed.
f. If the minor child requesting visitation is the victim of the current or previous offense, the warden may authorize such visits if the minor child meets the criteria under paragraph 2(i) of this section and such visits are requested by the minor's therapist or counsellor as part of the victims treatment and approved in writing by the victims custodial parent or legal guardian.
g. The warden may request assistance from community corrections resources or contracted service providers in making the determination to grant or deny the request.
h. Any exception shall apply only to the facility where authorized visiting is approved. The wardens decision shall be final and not subject to administrative review.
ii. Inmates who have a current or prior conviction for a sexual crime involving a minor child shall not be permitted to enter any designated play area. They shall also not be permitted to converse directly with any child present in the visiting area other than their own approved visitors.
iii. An inmate who is ineligible to visit with a minor child under the provisions of this rule may request reconsideration to apply for such visits by writing to the facility warden. Exceptions may be granted in limited circumstances with the recommendation of the facility warden and the authorization of the WDOC Director or his/her designee.
C. Eligibility of Prospective Visitors.
1. All persons, except as specifically provided in these rules, are eligible to be considered by the department for approval to visit an inmate confined in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility, upon application and request by the inmate.
2. Ineligible persons include: i. Persons with Certain Criminal Convictions/Pending Charges. A person, including an immediate family member, is ineligible to visit an inmate confined in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility if the person has been convicted of, or has criminal charges pending against him/her for, the following crimes/criminal activities: a. Introduction and/or supplying, attempting or conspiring to introduce or supply contraband into a jail or correctional facility.
b. Possession, control or delivery of an explosive device or substance, including attempt or conspiracy to do the same; or.
c. Assisting an inmate in an escape or unlawful departure from a correctional facility, including an attempt or conspiracy to do the same, or harbouring an inmate following an escape.
ii. Inmates on Furlough or Assigned to Other Department of Corrections or Adult Community Corrections Facilities. Inmates on furlough, or who are assigned to another Department of Corrections or Community Corrections facility, including members of the inmate s immediate family, are ineligible to visit an inmate in a Department of Corrections facility.
iii. Persons Permanently Removed from Inmates Visiting List.
A person, including an immediate family member, is ineligible to visit an inmate confined in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility if the person has been determined by the department to have possessed, introduced and/or supplied a controlled substance or drug-related paraphernalia, tobacco, cell phone or money in excess of one dollar ($1.00) to an inmate or other person in a Department of Corrections facility, and the person was permanently removed from the inmates visiting list.
iv. Crime Victims.
A person is ineligible to visit an inmate confined in a Department of Corrections facility if the person is a registered victim of the inmates crime(s) of conviction, past or present, when that registration has been verified by the office of the WDOCs Victim Services Coordinator, or when the victim is a minor victim of a sexual crime committed by the inmate.
a. Exceptions. Exceptions may be granted with the recommendation of the facility warden and the authorisation of the WDOC Director or his/her designee.
(1) Any victim of an inmate who is deemed ineligible to visit may request reconsideration by writing to the facility warden.
(2) The warden will review the request and make a recommendation to the Director of the Wyoming Department of Corrections or his/her designee. The Director or his/her designee will make the final decision. The Directors decision shall be final and shall not be subject to administrative review.
(3) If the exception is granted, it must be applied consistently to all department facilities, unless otherwise stated. v. Co-Defendants. A person, including an immediate family member, is ineligible to visit an inmate confined in a Department of Corrections facility if the person and the inmate were or are co-defendants in any criminal prosecution, past or present. Exceptions may be granted in limited circumstances with the recommendation of the facility warden and the authorization of the WDOC Director or his/her designee.
vi. Persons Convicted of Drug-Related Crimes/Criminal Activity.
a. A person, including an immediate family member, who within the last year (one (1) year) has been convicted of any drug-related crime, is ineligible to visit an inmate in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility.
b. Once the one (1) year restriction has been satisfied, an individual who has been convicted of any drug-related crime as stated above will be eligible to apply for basic visiting. (1) After being on basic visiting status for a minimum of one (1) year, the individual may apply for privileged visiting.
vii. Present or Former Inmates of State, County or Federal Corrections Facilities.
a. A person, including an immediate family member, who is or has been sentenced and incarcerated for a felony crime in a state, county or federal corrections facility at some time in the past one (1) year is ineligible to visit an inmate confined in a Department of Corrections facility.
b. Once the one (1) year restriction has been satisfied, an individual who has been sentenced and incarcerated in a state, county or federal correctional facility as stated above will be eligible to apply for basic visiting. (1) After being on basic visiting status for a minimum of one (1) year, the individual may apply for privileged visiting.
viii. Persons on Probation, Parole, or Post-Prison Supervision. Other than immediate family members, a person on probation, parole or post-prison supervision is ineligible to visit an inmate in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility.
a. Immediate family members who are on probation, parole or post-prison supervision will be eligible to apply for visit with the written consent of the immediate family members parole/probation officer, or in the case of court-supervised probation, with the written consent of the supervising judge and the approval of the correctional facility warden or designee.
ix. Department of Corrections Employees, Interns, Volunteers or Contractors. Current Wyoming Department of Corrections employees, interns, volunteers and contractors are ineligible to visit an inmate confined in a Department of Corrections facility, unless the inmate is a member of the employees/volunteers/ contractors immediate family as defined in these rules, or the employee/volunteer and inmate are participating in an approved inmate/community transition/mentoring program.
x. Former Department of Corrections Employees, Interns, Volunteers or Contractors.
a. Former Department of Corrections employees, interns, volunteers or contractors, who were not immediate family members of the inmate at the time of incarceration and who have terminated employment or services with the WDOC, may not be considered for visits for two (2) years after termination of employment or services. (See WDOC P&P #1.006, Employee Contact with Inmates and Offenders.)
b. Former Department of Corrections employees, interns, volunteers or contractors, including an immediate family member, who were removed from their position as a result of an inappropriate relationship with an inmate, who resigned in lieu of removal from their position as a result of an inappropriate relationship with an inmate, or who were discovered after their resignation, retirement or termination to have been engaged in an inappropriate relationship with an inmate, are ineligible to visit an inmate confined in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility.
c. Exceptions. Exceptions may be granted with the recommendation of the facility warden and the authorization of the WDOC Director or his/her designee.
(1) Any former WDOC employees, volunteers or contractors deemed ineligible to visit may request reconsideration by writing to the facility warden. (4) The warden will review the request and make a recommendation to the Director of the Wyoming Department of Corrections or his/her designee. The Director or his/her designee will make the final decision. The Directors decision shall be final and shall not be subject to administrative review.
(2) If the exception is granted, it must be applied consistently to all department facilities, unless otherwise stated. D. Approval/Denial of Visiting Application; Restrictions.
1. Visiting Application.
i. Each inmate is responsible for initiating staff consideration of additions to his/her particular visiting list. a. Newly received inmates who are going through the initial intake and assessment or receiving and admissions process must submit their initial requests for visitors and the supporting paperwork within forty-five (45) days of the day of arrival at the intake facility. (1) The three (3) month anniversary of the inmates date of commitment is the first date on which changes to the inmates initial visiting list will be accepted. Therefore, visiting requests received after day forty-five (45) of intake will not be processed until three (3) months after the initial intake date, unless otherwise approved by the facility warden.
b. Visitor application forms must be received for each and every individual the inmate is requesting as a visitor, including minor children.
c. The inmate shall obtain and mail WDOC Form #531, Visitor Application, and WDOC Form #534, Visiting Rules, to those individuals outside the correctional facility he/she is requesting as visitors.
d. If the inmate is requesting any person under the age of eighteen (18) to be added to his/her visiting list, the inmate must also send a copy of WDOC Form #532, Letter of Custodial Consent For Inmate Visiting, for each child requested as a visitor to that child's custodial parent or legal guardian. Minors who were the victim of the inmates past or present sex crime involving a minor will not be considered, unless otherwise authorized in accordance with this policy.
e. The expense of postage for mailing visiting forms and rules to prospective visitors shall be covered by the particular inmate, unless the inmate is otherwise eligible for and chooses to use indigent postage as outlined in WDOC Policy #5.401, Inmate Mail. (1) Although not available at this time, in an effort to streamline the visitation application process, the visiting forms may become available on line through WDOCs website for potential visitors to print, complete and mail; and/or to complete and return electronically for consideration.
f. Inmates who have been officially released from and returned to the custody of WDOC within a twelve (12) month period may request that their previously approved visiting list be reinstated or may resubmit new visitor request forms.
g. Inmates who are returned to custody in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility following an escape or returning to the custody of WDOC twelve (12) months or longer after their initial release from institutional custody, including to post-incarceration community supervision, shall be required to submit a new visiting application for each prospective visitor to establish an approved visiting list.
ii. An inmate may request changes, (additions, deletions and address corrections) to his/her visiting list at three (3) month intervals based upon his/her date of commitment using the approach identified above for the creation of a new visiting list.
iii. The applicant for visiting privileges is responsible for filling out the visitor request form completely and accurately and returning it to the correctional facility warden or designee. a. Criminal Records Check. All prospective visitors age sixteen (16) years and older shall be subject to a criminal records check as part of the visitation approval process. Each visiting application will be thoroughly examined and a National Criminal Information Center (NCIC) and criminal background history will be completed prior to initial placement on the approved visiting list and on a routine basis thereafter.
b. Letter of Custodial Consent. If the prospective visitor is an un-emancipated minor child, a notarized letter of custodial consent (WDOC Form #532, Letter of Custodial Consent for Inmate Visiting,) signed by the custodial parent and/or legal guardian must be submitted to the correctional facility warden or other facility staff designated to receive and process visiting applications as part of the visitation approval process. Only the child(ren) of the inmate, or the child(ren) of a custodial parent or legal guardian who is also a prospective or approved visitor and will be accompanying their child(ren) to the visit, may be considered for visitation.
(1) A signed letter of custodial consent is not required if the prospective visitor is an emancipated minor, but proof of the emancipation by an appropriate court is required.
(2) Once received, signed letters of custodial consent shall be maintained in the inmates master file.
(3) If additional information is requested from the applicant, and not received within ninety (90) days, the application will be denied.
c. Applicants Limited to One Inmates Visitation List at a Time. An applicant cannot be on more than one (1) inmates approved visiting list, unless the prospective visitor is an immediate family member of each of the inmates he/she is requesting to visit.
(1) Once approved for a particular inmates visiting list, applicants must wait a minimum of three (3) months before requesting to be removed from that list and added to a different inmates visiting list.
(2) The Warden of the facility where the inmate is currently housed may, within his/her discretion, approve additions to a particular visiting list when the prospective visitor is not an immediate family member, but is the custodial parent of the inmates own biological minor child(ren) he/she is requesting to visit and the application is accompanied by the required notarized letter of custodial consent. Approval will not be given if visitation with the custodial parent would create an apparent conflict with other inmate(s) already approved for visits as immediate family members or would otherwise violate this policy. Children other than the inmates own biological child(ren) will not be permitted to visit under this exception.
E. Approval/Denial of Visiting Application.
1. Except when the Director, warden or designers authorization is required under these rules, the inmates assigned institutional case worker or other designated facility staff will approve or deny the visiting application following receipt of the application and any additional required documentation or requested information (e.g., criminal records check, custodial consent, etc.).
2. Prior to approving or denying the application, the case worker or other designated staff may:
i. Verify information submitted in the application;
ii. Request additional information from the inmate, the prospective visitor, law enforcement agencies, or other reliable sources;
iii. Review the inmates record, including the pre-sentence investigation for the current offense and sentence; and/or
iv. Interview the inmate or prospective visitor.
3. Applications to visit by prospective visitors who are eligible to visit an inmate confined in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility under these rules will generally be approved, unless the department has reasonable suspicion that permitting the visitation would jeopardize the safety, security, health or good order of the facility, and/or the safety and security of other inmates, staff, visitors, contractors or the community.
i. Specific reasons for denial of a visiting application include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. The inmate or prospective visitor has previously introduced contraband into a jail or other corrections facility, or there is reasonable suspicion that the inmate or prospective visitor will introduce contraband into a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility through the visiting process.
b. The inmate or prospective visitor has previously disrupted the visiting process or violated visiting rules and procedures within a jail or other corrections facility by words or acts, or there is reasonable suspicion that the inmate or prospective visitor will disrupt the visiting process or violate visiting rules and procedures within a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility by words or acts.
c. The inmate or proposed visitor has intentionally submitted false information to the department as part of the visiting application process. (1) An inmate or prospective visitor who has intentionally submitted false information to the department as part of the visiting application process will be denied visitation for at least one (1) year from the date of the denial of the application, after which time the inmate may submit a new visiting application for approval in accordance with these rules.
(2) Sham adoptions, marriages, etc., used to circumvent the visiting regulations shall be considered invalid and may result in termination of the visiting privileges.
d. There is reasonable suspicion that the inmate or prospective visitor is engaged in any form of criminal activity in the community or within a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility.
e. The prospective visitor has refused to submit to a search based upon reasonable suspicion during a prior visit to any Wyoming Department of Corrections facility.
f. The prospective visitor is a person under the age of eighteen (18) and WDOC Form #532, Letter of Custodial Consent for Inmate Visiting, has not been received.
ii. The case manager or other facility staff designated to receive and process the visiting application shall notify the inmate in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application whether the application has been approved, denied or deferred for further processing.
4. If the visiting application is approved, the case worker or other designated facility staff who approves the application will place the approved visitors name on the inmates visiting list, and designate the type of visitation that will be authorized (i.e., privileged, basic or video).
i. The case worker or other designated facility staff who approves the application will notify the inmate that the visitor application has been approved for that individual.
ii. The approval of the visiting application will also be noted within the WCIS or other designated data storage system.
iii. A copy of the approved visiting application and visitor consent form will be placed in the inmates master file.
iv. This master file will follow the inmate should he/she be transferred within the WDOC correctional facilities and the visiting approval will be continued at the new correctional facility unless it is deemed, for any reason, to be inconsistent with security, safety and good order of that facility.
5. If the visiting application is denied, the case worker or other designated facility staff denying the application shall notify the inmate in writing of the denial.
i. The written notification provided to the inmate shall advise the inmate of the denial and inform the inmate of his/her right to address the denial of the visiting application through the inmate grievance system.
F. Notification to Prospective Visitor of Decision on Visiting Application/ Inquiries.
1. Inmates are responsible for informing their prospective visitor(s) whether the visiting application has been approved or denied, and for providing prospective visitors with the appropriate forms and visiting rules.
2. Copies of this policy and the accompanying attachments shall be made available for review by prospective visitors at each correctional facilitys visiting desk/reception area.
3. Inquiries by prospective visitors regarding department decisions to approve or deny an inmate's visiting application must be in writing and directed to the facility warden or designee.
4. Wyoming Department of Corrections employees will not respond to telephone inquiries by prospective visitors regarding department decisions to approve or deny an inmates visiting application.
G. Keeping an Inmates List of Approved Visitors Current.
1. The inmates assigned institutional case worker will review the inmates approved list of visitors with the inmate during regularly scheduled case plan reviews to ensure it is still accurate. This may be accomplished by asking the inmate if all information concerning his approved visitors is still accurate and ordering the inmate to provide written updates as necessary.
2. A National Criminal Information Center (NCIC) and criminal background history check will be routinely conducted up to once every six (6) months, but at a minimum no less than once every one (1) year, on all visitors sixteen (16) years of age or older.
3. Visitors are responsible for notifying the department in writing of a change of address, or a name change. If it is a name change, the visitor must provide verification of the name change; e.g., marriage certificate.
H. Maximum Number of Approved Visitors.
1. Inmates may be permitted a maximum of ten (10) approved adult visitors on their respective visiting lists at any one time.
i. The name of each approved visitor shall appear on the inmate's visiting list; however, persons under eighteen (18) years of age shall not be counted toward the maximum number of ten (10) approved adult visitors, although their names must still appear on the list.
a. An inmate is permitted to visit with a person under eighteen (18) years of age on any of the regular visiting days when that persons name appears on the approved visitors list, written consent of the custodial parent or guardian is on file, and that person is accompanied by an adult visitor who is also on the same inmates approved visitors list. (1) Both visitors must be visiting the same inmate at the same time. (2) Exceptions may be specifically authorized by the correctional facility warden or designee.
2. The number of adult visitors permitted to visit the same inmate at the same time during the same visiting period and the length of visits may be limited by the institutions schedule, space, and personnel constraints, or when there are substantial reasons to justify such limitations.
I. Privileged Visiting. Unless otherwise indicated within this policy, or in instances of substantiated security risk, visits for inmates housed in general population shall normally be conducted as privileged visits to permit informal communication, including the opportunity for physical contact between the inmate and his/her visitor(s) within the limits of this policy and consistent with the institutions overall security requirements.
J. Restriction to Basic Visiting, Removal from the Approved Visiting List, or Restriction, Suspension or Revocation of Visits.
1. Restriction to Basic Visiting & General Provisions.
i. The primary mode for personal visits with inmates on housing that is more restrictive than general population shall be basic (noncontact) visiting as outlined within this policy.
ii. Any inmate may be restricted to basic (non-contact) visiting in accordance with this policy or as a result of an inmate disciplinary hearing. Reasons for such restrictions may include but are not limited to: a. Passing of, or a reasonable suspicion of passing, contraband by inmate or visitor.
b. Abusive, violent or predatory behavior.
c. If past experience indicates that the inmate is unpredictable and may pose a threat to the safety, security, management or control of the correctional facility
d. Failure to comply with work or programming requirements outlined in his/her individualized case plan;
e. Failure to comply with visiting rules; or
f. Any other reason deemed by the facility warden or designee to be in the best interest of the public, WDOC and correctional facility.
2. Restriction to Basic Visiting for Drug-Related Activity, Possession or Use of Tobacco Products, Possession or Use of a Cell Phone, Introduction of Major Contraband, Major Assault on Another Person, Assault with a Weapon, Group Assault, or Staff Assault.
i. An inmate who is found in possession or use of tobacco products or a cell phone, or who has tested positive for unauthorized substances through random or for cause screening conducted at the institution, or upon their request, following his/her date of commitment, or who has otherwise been found in violation of the departments rules of prohibited inmate conduct for introduction of major contraband or drug-related activity, including attempt or conspiracy, shall have his/her visits restricted to basic visiting for a period of one (1) year from the date of violation.
a. An inmate with a restriction to basic visiting imposed under this paragraph, who has maintained a record of good conduct and full compliance with his individualized case plan requirements for a period of six (6) months or more from the date of most recent violation leading to the basic visiting restriction, may have the remainder of his/her basic visitation restriction probated at the discretion of the Warden.
ii. It is the intent of WDOC to provide a safe visiting environment for all inmates, staff and visitors. Therefore, an inmate who is found in violation of the departments rules of prohibited inmate conduct as a result of an inmate disciplinary hearing for assaultive behavior that involves the use of a weapon, or that constitutes a major assault, participation in a group assault, or assault on a staff member, shall have his/her visits restricted to basic visiting for a period of one (1) year from the date of most recent violation.
3. Voluntary Removal from the Visiting List. A visitor shall be removed from an inmates approved visiting list upon written request by either the inmate or the approved visitor.
i. If a visitor is removed from an inmates approved visiting list at the request of the visitor or inmate, neither the visitor or inmate may appeal this decision and, the visitor shall not be eligible to again be placed on the inmates visiting list, until the inmate again becomes eligible to change his/her visiting list at his/her regular three (3) month interval.
ii. If a visitor is removed from an inmate’s approved visiting list at the request of the visitor or inmate, the visitor shall not be eligible to be placed on any other inmates approved visiting list, for a minimum of six (6) months, unless otherwise approved at the discretion of the correctional facility warden only.

Visitation Rules

WY DOC - Rules by Type


Visiting Hours
Visiting hours for each institution, housing area and/or inmate classification shall be posted through the warden or designee and available at the visitor registration desk. Notification to prospective visitors concerning posted visiting hours is the responsibility of the inmate. When arriving for a visit, visitors must not arrive more than fifteen (15) minutes prior to, nor more than fifteen (15) minutes after, the posted start of each visiting session, unless institutional specific visiting rules provide otherwise. Visitors who do not arrive at the correctional facility during scheduled time frames will not be permitted entrance into the correctional facility grounds, unless approved by the shift supervisor or above.

Positive Identification Required
Only individuals whose names are on the inmate’s approved visitors list will be entitled to visit. Positive photo identification will be required for all visitors for entry to Wyoming Department of Corrections correctional facilities and the facility visiting area, including school aged children. Upon arrival at the visiting desk/reception area, the visitor shall sign in on any required registration form/log and present proper identification (ID).
One of the following current photo ID’s will be required as identification for visitors age 16 and over to enter a Department of Corrections facility:

1. Driver’s license;
2. Passport;
3. State identification card (state employee or Department of
4. Military or other federal identification;
5. Student identification card;
6. Tribal identification card; or
7. Other official governmental identification.

Privileged visiting shall not be permitted without the required current photo ID.
However, basic visiting may be approved with at least two of the following pieces of identification:

1. Social Security Card;
2. Birth certificate or registration;
3. Current identification card from service organizations (other than military) with picture and signature;
4. Current bankcards and signature.

Children under 16 years of age may also use the following appropriate ID:

1. Birth certificate or registration;
2. Social security card;
3. Insurance card;
4. Tribal identification card;
5. Student body card or school identification card; or
6. State identification card.

Minor Children
• Only the minor children of the inmate who are accompanied by an approved adult visitor, or the minor children of a custodial parent or legal guardian who is also an approved visitor and accompanying them to the visit, who are listed on the inmate’s visiting list and who have a notarized WDOC Form #532, Letter of Custodial Consent on file with the institution, are authorized to visit.
• Minors who were the victim of the inmate’s past or present sex crime involving a minor will not be allowed to visit, unless otherwise approved in accordance with WDOC Policy and Procedure #5.400, Inmate Visitation.

Appropriate Clothing/Dress Required
In order to maintain a positive environment for all inmates and visitors, a reasonable clothing standard must be established. Visitors are encouraged to wear clothing that is conservative in nature in order to maintain a respectful visiting environment. Some types of clothing may be prohibited to maintain the security of the facility.
Visitors are not allowed to wear blue denim or other clothing that is similar to inmate attire. This restriction is necessary to ensure the safety of all individuals if an emergency arises. Children fewer than three feet tall will be permitted to wear blue denim. Visitors should check with the specific facility they are visiting to inquire about clothing that is prohibited because it is similar to inmate attire.
Clothing that is unduly suggestive or form fitting is prohibited. Dresses, skirts, jumpers, culottes, and shorts shall not be worn more than two inches above the middle of the kneecap. Slit dresses/skirts shall be permitted only if the slit is not more than two inches above the middle of the kneecap. Wrap-around skirts are not permitted.
Clothing that exposes an undue amount of flesh (e.g., exposing chest, back, thighs, or midsection) is prohibited. Examples of clothing that will be prohibited include: halter tops/dress, tube tops, see-through clothing, sheer fabrics, mini-skirts, shirts with low cut neck lines, wrap around skirts, and crop tops. Visitors are required to wear undergarments.
Umbrellas, hats, outer garments such as raincoats, ski jackets and other garments that protect against rain and other inclement weather are normally prohibited within the main visiting room. Some visiting rooms require outside travel once checked in. In these cases, the institution will provide a designated area for the garment.
Light-weight sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts without hoods, lined jackets/coats, and/or sport/suit coats are permitted to be worn as outer garments, but must be worn by the visitor during the entire visiting session or left in the visitor’s locker. These outer garments must be removed for security screening. Sweatshirts with hoods are not permitted inside the visiting area at any time.
Accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis for religious head gear consistent with security practices. Where possible, arrangements should be made prior to visit.
Clothing, hairstyles, insignias or other paraphernalia associated with security threat groups (gangs) or that create undue attention or conflict are prohibited; i.e., clothing with slogans, suggestive, or controversial statements.
Footwear must be worn.
Restriction on Items You May Bring to Visitation and Exchange of Objects/Articles with Inmates
Property, including mail and photographs, shall not be brought in to the inmate through the visiting process.
Visitors shall secure their personal property such as purses, keys, wallets, money, coats, hats, blankets, etc. in a visitor locker or specified secure point in the correctional facility lobby, if available, until the visit is over or leave these items locked within their secured vehicle in the parking lot. The WDOC shall not be responsible for the loss of such items brought onto WDOC grounds.
It is the responsibility of the visitor to lock his/her locker. Lockers will be inspected following visiting hours. Contents will be confiscated, inspected, inventories and/or logged and placed in holding. Visitors who have questions regarding confiscated property shall make a request in writing to the warden or designee.
Baby-care items shall be permitted as follows per child: up to six diapers; up to two (2) empty clear bottles (plastic) or one (1) clear sippy cup; one single layer blanket; one pacifier; two teething toys; one sealed unopened carton/container of milk (not to exceed one-pint in size), or one sealed unopened powdered milk container, or sealed unopened individual powder or liquid formula packs; and diaper wipes (in clear plastic bag or in unopened sealed package). All items shall be subject to search. No
baby seats or carriers will be permitted, if such are supplied by the institution.
Other than items from the vending machines, visitors shall not exchange any object or article with an inmate.
Paper items produced by children during the visiting session with materials provided may be taken out by the child or displayed in the visiting room.

Visiting Security Screening Required
All individuals entering upon Wyoming Department of Corrections (WDOC) property are subject to random searches of their person, property and vehicles, to include search by a WDOC canine team. By entering upon the property, you grant consent to be searched.
Explosive devices, firearms, ammunition, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, dangerous drugs, or objects or material of any kind which might be used to compromise the safety and security of the facility are not permitted on facility grounds.
Tobacco products and cell phones are not permitted in the visiting area or on facility grounds outside of the visitor’s vehicle.
All documents/items permitted to be brought to the visiting room shall be searched prior to entering or leaving the visiting room/area and/or must be stored in designated lockers.
Visitors must be processed through a security checkpoint to access the visiting area within all WDOC facilities. Security staff will screen all visitors and search any authorized hand-carried items in accordance with the department’s rules and facility access procedures.
Processing may require the removal of shoes, jackets, sweaters, suspenders, belts or other accessories for closer inspection and/or separate processing. Areas of the body that have body piercings and/or undergarments with an underwire often alarm metal detectors and may delay or even prevent visiting. Visitors may be asked to remove body piercings and/or jewelry to expedite the screening process.
For security purposes, initial screening of visitors will be done by metal detector. For most visitors, successfully completing the scan by metal detector and the related inspection of clothing and authorized personal items will preclude additional screening. At institutions equipped with a functional walk-through metal detector, all visitors must successfully pass through the detector unless a visitor has a documented medical condition or disability that would preclude the visitor from passing through the detector. At institutions or facilities without a functioning walk-through metal detector, a hand-wand type of metal detector may be used.
Additional screening will occur when an individual sets off the alarm of the metal detector or an individual has provided documentation to substantiate a condition that precludes successful screening by metal detector. This additional screening may include either a hand-wand inspection in conjunction with a frisk search of the visitor’s body, including the torso; a frisk search alone; or a skin search. Additional screening, other than hand-wanding, will be conducted by staff of the same gender as the visitor. Visitors should let staff know of any personal needs or concerns a visitor may have regarding additional screening due to religious or cultural considerations, disability, or other medical concern.

1. Hand-Wand Inspection. A hand-wand inspection helps staff to identify what may have set off the alarm on the walk-through metal detector or to confirm an alarm present during the initial screening. During the wanding procedure the visitor will be asked to stand with feet and legs apart and arms out to the side while the staff member passes the wand in close proximity to all areas of the visitor's body.
2. Frisk Search. A frisk search complements the hand-wand inspection but may be performed as a stand-alone procedure, when appropriate, or to resolve alarms set off during an inspection by metal detector. In order to ensure security, this inspection may include touching sensitive areas of the body and will be performed by someone of the same gender as the visitor.
3. Skin Search. A skin search is a security procedure that involves visual inspection of a person’s body with all of their clothing removed and a thorough inspection of the person’s clothing for the purpose of detecting contraband. No visitor will be asked to submit to a skin search except as provided in WDOC Policy # 3.013, Searches.

Visitors with documentation regarding a medical condition or disability must present this information to staff to help inform staff of the visitor’s situation. This documentation should be provided prior to the date of visitation or at the time of initial visiting application so that the information can be entered onto the visitor’s data base. This documentation will not exempt the visitor from the security screening process.
Visitors with proper documentation of a medical condition, medical device or disability that would preclude their passing through a walk-through metal detector or hand-wanding or both will be offered a frisk search as an alternative. Visitors with a medical device (on the interior or exterior of their body) should check with their doctor prior to arriving at the institution to determine if it is safe to go through the metal detector or be hand-wanded. Visitors that have been advised by their doctor that they should not go through the metal detector or be hand-wanded must provide staff with documentation of the same. This documentation should be provided prior to the date of visitation or at the time of initial visiting application so that the information can be entered onto the visitor’s data base.
If a visitor has an implanted medical device that the visitor would like to remain private and confidential, the visitor should ask staff to please be discrete when assisting him or her through the security screening process. Visitors with a pacemaker should carry a Pacemaker Identification Card (ID) when attempting to visit. Visitors showing staff a valid pacemaker ID will be offered a frisk search a an alternative to passing through the walk-through metal detector or being hand-wanded.
To expedite the processing of visitors, it is recommended (but not required) that the visitor advise staff that he or she has an implanted pacemaker, other implanted medical device, or metal implant and where that implant is located. Staff will offer the visitor a frisk search as an alternative once it becomes known that the visitor has a metal implant or implanted medical device. If a visitor has an implanted bone growth stimulator or other device that operates under a specific magnetic calibration, which cannot be x-rayed because the calibration of these units cannot be disrupted, staff will offer a frisk search in combination with a physical inspection of the device as an alternative to being x-rayed.
Staff will need to resolve all alarms associated with metal implants. Most alarms will be able to be resolved during a frisk search and should not typically require the lifting and/or removal of clothing.
Visitors who are confined to wheelchairs will be required to present a medical card or documentation to support their need to be in the wheelchair. This documentation should be provided prior to the date of visitation or at the time of initial visiting application so that the information can be entered onto the visitor’s data base. A modified frisk search will be used for visitors confined to wheelchairs as the reliability of handheld metal detectors is limited by the structure of the chair itself. Visitors in wheelchairs will limit their accessories and personal possessions to only those items medically necessary during the visiting session.
If a visitor chooses not to submit to a frisk search, the visit may not be allowed to occur. Should a visitor withdraw consent at any time once a search, of any kind, has been initiated, the searching officer will discontinue the search immediately.
The visitor will not be allowed to visit.
Within the limits of available resources, staff will be discrete when conducting all searches and inspections of visitors.

Physical Contact during Visits
Visitors who are approved for privileged visiting may briefly embrace and kiss the inmate at the beginning and end of the visits. Hand-holding and holding of small children under seven years of age by the inmate is permitted during the visit as long as the conduct is appropriate in nature.
Supervision and Control of Children:
Visitors and inmates shall appropriately supervise children at all times while in the visitation/play area. Visitors must ensure that children do not become disruptive to the point that they interfere with other visits, or jeopardize the security of the visiting environment. If this occurs, a visit may be ended prematurely to remove the child.

Appropriate Behavior by Visitors is required:

Visitors shall not engage in a disturbance, as defined in this rule, or otherwise violate the visiting rules. Any visitor who exhibits indication of the use of alcohol, narcotics, or other intoxicants shall have the matter referred to local law enforcement and shall not be permitted to visit.

Items Purchased from Facility Vending Machines
All items purchased from the vending machines must be consumed or disposed of in the visiting facility. Inmates shall be prohibited from handling money and/or tokens, and from approaching, or operating the vending machines.
No cash or negotiable instruments other than up to $20 in change, tokens or other authorized cash substitute devices if applicable, shall be allowed in the visiting room/area. Tokens carried into the visiting area must be clearly inspected and approved by visiting room staff.
Loitering on facility grounds Prohibited
After the visiting period, all visitors shall sign out and leave the visiting area promptly and shall not loiter on WDOC grounds. Attempts to communicate verbally or non-verbally with inmates from the grounds before or after the visiting session may cause review of the visitor’s visiting status.

Parking Guidelines
Visitors shall park and lock/secure their automobiles in the designated visitor parking lot. Parking for visitors with disabilities will be available in designated areas.
No one, including minor children or animals, shall remain or be left unattended in cars or on institution property. Vehicles found to be unlocked/unsecured shall be locked by the staff member and/or the visitor will be required to report to his/her vehicle and the visit will be terminated.

Restrooms are available for visitor use. Female sanitary items may be provided upon request or through a vending machine.
Inmates may not accompany any visitor, including minor children, to the restroom. For the safety of the child, only an outside escort may accompany a child to the restroom.
Once a visitor or an inmate leaves the visiting area other than to access the restroom, the visit shall be terminated. If the facility does not have a restroom available for inmate use, the visit shall be terminated if the inmate must leave to use a restroom.
Inmates with a documented medical condition as verified by WDOC medical staff shall be permitted restroom privileges in those facilities where inmate restrooms are not available.

General Visiting Rules
Before each visitor’s initial visit, the correctional facility warden or designee shall ensure that a visitor’s consent form is reviewed with and signed by the visitor. These consent forms outline the visitor’s agreement to comply with the visiting rules and his/her consent to the required search of person and property prior to visitation.
Consent forms will be maintained in the inmate’s base file.
Visitors shall not be permitted to leave any unauthorized item in the visiting area, facility or facility grounds for an inmate, or pass any item to any inmate prior to, during or following a visit other than those approved items purchased through vending machines in the visiting area during the visiting period.
Any visitor found in possession of contraband (i.e., drugs, weapons, tobacco products, cell phones, or any unauthorized item) may have his/her visiting privileges suspended, restricted or revoked and may be referred for criminal prosecution.
Visitors shall not be permitted to bring cameras, audio/video recording equipment, cell phones, or any other electronic devices into the correctional facility.
Visitors shall not be permitted to bring pets or other animals onto correctional facility property, except in the case of a trained assistance dog, such as a seeing-eye dog, with an appropriate service harness.
Food items from outside the penitentiary are not allowed.
All visits shall be conducted in a quiet, orderly and dignified manner. A visit may be terminated for foul and/or abusive language/conduct or refusal to comply with WDOC rules, policies, or procedures.
Breastfeeding of infants will be permitted in the visiting rooms. It is expected that female visitors will use appropriate discretion in opting to breastfeed their infants in the visiting rooms. At a minimum, the female visitor will drape her infant and chest with clothing and/or baby blanket so there will be a minimal chance of an exposed breast. If, however, in a particular instance the breastfeeding is conducted in a manner that is disruptive to other inmates or visitors, or is facilitating conduct prohibited
under the WDOC’s disciplinary code, the visit will be terminated and further actions may be considered.
Excessive physical contact or conduct of a sexual nature between inmates and visitors such as petting, fondling, prolonged kissing or bodily contact, etc. is prohibited.
Visitors shall not be permitted to leave and re-enter the visiting area during a visit. If a visitor leaves the visiting area, the visit shall be terminated.
Once visitors and inmates have been assigned seating in the visiting room/area, changing location requires approval of the visiting room supervisor.

Neither a visitor nor an inmate shall be permitted to visit with a person who is not specifically authorized for the current visit.
Visitors shall not be permitted to visit twice in one visiting session, unless approved in advance by the warden or designee.
Visitors shall only have access to those areas specifically designated as visiting areas.
An individual shall not generally be approved for more than one inmate’s visiting list.
Any exception shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Warden (as may be done in the case when a visitor is immediate family to more than one inmate).
Visitors who wish to be added to a different inmate’s visiting list than the one they are currently registered for must wait six months after being dropped from the first list before being added to the second list.
Any staff member, contractor, volunteer or student who has terminated employment or services with the WDOC may not be considered for visits until one (1) year after termination of employment or services.
WDOC staff shall not be allowed to participate in the visiting process unless special approval is granted by the Warden or his/her designee in cases where an employee’s immediate family member is incarcerated.

Posting Money to an Inmate’s Account
Money orders or cashier’s checks will be accepted from visitors during visitation for later posting to inmate’s accounts – NO CASH OR PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. All money orders and cashier’s checks must be clearly marked with the inmate’s name and number and given to the receptionist, or placed into a designated secure drop box if so directed. If the money order or cashier’s check is received by staff during visitation, a three-part receipt will be prepared with the original going to the visitor, one to the inmate, and one to the business office/inmate services officer along with the money order or cashier’s check. If the money order or cashier’s check is placed into a designated drop box, the business office/inmate services officer shall be responsible for issuing the receipt and posting the money to the inmate’s account. Posting of funds may also be completed using kiosk services, if they are available.

Visitors in Violation of Visiting Rules:
Visitors found in violation of one or more of these rules are subject to sanctions as directed by the facility warden or designee. Violation of visiting room protocol by a visitor, or violation of rules of prohibited conduct by an inmate shall result, at a minimum, in disallowance or termination of the visit.

Visitation Rules(Security)

WY DOC - Rules by Security

4. Temporary Action by the On-Duty Shift Supervisor. The on-duty shift supervisor may temporarily modify, restrict or suspend visiting privileges when deemed necessary to meet safety, security, management, or control requirements of the correctional facility or for any other reason deemed to be in the best interest of the public, WDOC, or the correctional facility.
i. If a visiting privilege is temporarily suspended for a rule or visiting violation by the inmate or visitor, the reason shall be documented using the appropriate forms and notification of the rule or visiting violation shall be provided to the inmate and visitor.
ii. A visitor that has had his/her visiting privilege temporarily suspended may, within ten (10) calendar days of the notification of suspension, submit a written request to the warden or designee appealing the temporary suspension.
iii. In response to a visitor’s request for review of a temporary suspension, the warden or designee may:
a. Reinstate the visiting privilege at the same level as previously held prior to the suspension;
b. Modify or restrict the visiting privilege previously held prior to the suspension and permit modified or restricted visiting pending investigation and final decision;
c. Continue the suspension, pending investigation and final decision; or,
d. Make a final decision to revoke, modify or restrict the visiting privileges.
iv. The decision of the warden or designee regarding the visitor’s request for review of a temporary suspension will be discretionary and final.
5. Termination of Visits. Visits may be terminated by the warden or designated staff at their discretion at any time due to space limitations or as deemed necessary to maintain the safety, security, health and good order of the facility, and/or the safety and security of other inmates, staff, visitors, contractors or the community.
6. Removal from the Facility and Inmate Visiting List.
i. Visitors who engage in a disturbance or other inappropriate conduct as defined by this policy and/or the visiting rules, or who loiter in or about a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility, shall be subject to removal from the facility by department staff and to removal of their name from the approved inmate visiting list.
ii. The on-duty shift supervisor of the facility may notify law enforcement officials for assistance if the visitor refuses to leave the facility when requested by department staff.
K. Limitations on Number of Visits/Number of Visitors Allowed at One Time.
1. In order to structure visiting as an incentive program to encourage good institutional conduct, correctional facilities may limit the number of visits that an inmate may receive each month in accordance with the following guidelines:
i. Temporary Restriction Order (TRO). (See WDOC Policy #3.305, Temporary restriction Order)
a. Inmates in TRO status shall not be allowed to receive visits prior to the administrative review officer’s three (3) working day review of the TRO status and restrictions, except for special visits as approved by the correctional facility warden.
b. Unless specifically authorized by the administrative review officer during his/her three (3) working day review of the TRO status and restrictions, inmates on TRO status beyond three (3) working days shall be not be permitted to receive visits while on TRO status, except for special visits as approved by the correctional facility warden.
c. When specifically authorized to receive visits while on TRO status by the administrative review officer during his/her three (3) working day review of the TRO status and restrictions, the inmate may receive up to four (4) hours of basic visiting while on TRO status.
d. All visits received by an inmate on TRO status, including special visits, shall be basic visits only.
e. All visits for inmates in this status must be pre-arranged. It shall be the responsibility of the inmate to request arrangement for a visit while he or she is on TRO status through written communication directed to the correctional facility warden or his/her designee at least seven (7) work days in advance of requested visit.
f. Inmates on TRO status will not be permitted to go to or from the visiting area without a staff escort. g. Time spent for access to inmate visitation shall be counted towards the inmate’s aggregate out-of-cell recreation time for that week.
ii. Short-Term Administrative Segregation. a. Inmates in short-term administrative segregation status shall not be allowed to receive visits prior to the unit management team’s first seven (7) calendar day review of the inmate’s short-term administrative segregation status and restrictions, except for special visits as approved by the correctional facility warden. b. Unless specifically authorized by the unit management team as a result of a regularly scheduled seven (7) calendar day review of the short-term administrative segregation status and restrictions or subsequent thereto, inmates on short-term administrative segregation status shall not be approved to receive a visit during the period of short-term administrative segregation status, except for special visits as approved by the correctional facility warden.
c. Any visit received by an inmate on short-term administrative segregation status, including any special visits received, shall be limited to a basic visit only.
d. All visits for inmates in this status must be pre-arranged. It shall be the responsibility of the inmate to request arrangement for a visit while he or she is on short-term administrative segregation status through written communication directed to the correctional facility warden or his/her designee at least seven (7) work days in advance of requested visit.
e. No more than eight (8) hours of basic visiting will be approved for the entirety of the inmate’s short-term administrative segregation status.
f. Inmates on short-term administrative segregation status will not be permitted to go to or from the visiting area without a staff escort.
g. Time spent for access to inmate visitation shall be counted towards the inmate’s aggregate out-of-cell recreation time for that week.
iii. Disciplinary Segregation and Pre-Disciplinary Segregation. a. Inmates assigned to disciplinary segregation or pre-disciplinary segregation may not receive a visit within fifteen (15) days of their initial placement into that status, except for special visits as approved by the correctional facility warden.
b. Inmates assigned to disciplinary segregation for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days, who have no additional disciplinary infractions for at least fifteen (15) consecutive days while in disciplinary segregation status, may receive up to four (4) hours of basic visiting in any thirty (30) day period while confined to disciplinary segregation, unless visiting privileges were suspended as a result of an inmate disciplinary hearing.
c. In institutions that offer tiered incentive-level systems for inmates housed in disciplinary segregation beyond 60 consecutive days with no additional disciplinary infractions while in disciplinary segregation, inmates who have achieved the top tier or incentive level may receive up to eight (8) hours of basic visiting in any thirty (30) day period while confined to disciplinary segregation, unless visiting privileges were suspended as a result of an inmate disciplinary hearing. d. All visits received by an inmate on disciplinary segregation or pre-disciplinary segregation status, including special visits, shall be basic visits only, with the inmate being escorted to and from each visit in accordance with security requirements. h. All visits for inmates in this status must be pre-arranged. It shall be the responsibility of the inmate to request arrangement for a visit while he or she is on disciplinary segregation or pre-hearing disciplinary status through written communication directed to the correctional facility warden or his/her designee at least seven (7) work days in advance of requested visit. e. Time spent for access to inmate visitation shall be counted towards the inmate’s aggregate out-of-cell recreation time for that week.
iv. Long-Term Administrative Segregation.
a. All visits for inmates in this status must be pre-arranged. Visits may be pre-arranged by: (1) the inmate requesting arrangement for a visit while he or she is on long-term administrative segregation through written communication directed to the correctional facility warden or his/her designee at least seven (7) work days in advance of the requested visit: or (2) the visitor calling at least seven (7) work days in advance of the requested date of visit to schedule a visiting appointment.
b. Inmates assigned to long-term administrative segregation may receive up to four (4) hours of basic visiting in any thirty (30) day period while in administrative segregation status at the extreme level of isolation as defined under WDOC Policy #3.302, Administrative Segregation.
c. Inmates assigned to long-term administrative segregation may receive up to eight (8) hours of basic visiting in any thirty (30) day period while in administrative segregation status at the moderate level of isolation defined under WDOC Policy #3.302, Administrative Segregation.
d. On a space available basis, inmates assigned to long-term administrative segregation, including those assigned to administrative segregation for protection reasons, who have had no disciplinary infractions while on limited level of isolation status, may receive up to sixteen (16) hours of basic visiting in any thirty (30) day period while in administrative segregation status at the limited level of isolation defined under WDOC Policy and Procedure #3.302, Administrative Segregation.
e. The warden may approve special visits for hours in excess of the above limits on a case-by-case basis. v. Inmates with a Sentence of Death.
a. Inmates classified as maximum custody as the result of a sentence of death may not receive a visit within thirty (30) days of their initial placement into that custody or status.
b. After thirty (30) days of initial placement, inmates who are received under a sentence of death may receive up to sixteen (16) hours of basic visits per month, unless otherwise restricted. All visits for inmates in this status must be pre-arranged as special visits. (1) All visits for inmates in this status must be prearranged. Visits may be pre-arranged by: (i) the inmate requesting arrangement for a visit while he or she is on maximum custody through written communication directed to the correctional facility warden or his/her designee at least seven (7) work days in advance of the requested visit; or (ii) the visitor calling at least seven (7) work days in advance of the requested date of visit to schedule a visiting appointment.
c. All visits received by an inmate who is classified as maximum custody as the result of a sentence of death, including special visits, shall be basic visits only.
d. Any inmate with a sentence of death shall be escorted to and from all visits in accordance with security requirements.
vi. Temporary Protective Custody and Protective Custody.
a. Inmates who are housed in locked housing units for their own safety, other than those in long-term administrative segregation, shall be entitled to visit as often as scheduling permits, but no less than once per week. Due to security concerns related to mixing these prisoners with others who are not on protective custody status, each visit may be limited in duration, or may be scheduled during visiting period(s) separate from general population inmates.
b. Visitation shall be restricted to basic visits only, unless the locked protective custody housing unit is scheduled separately from general population or attendance at privileged visitation along with other general population inmates can be shown not to present an undue risk to the safety of the inmate or others.
(1) Inmates on temporary protective custody or protective custody status may not be authorized to receive a privileged visit if another inmate with a documented conflict with the inmate on temporary protective custody or protective custody status is physically present in the visiting area.
(2) If a privileged visit for an inmate on temporary protective custody or protective custody status is underway and another inmate with a documented conflict with the inmate on temporary protective custody or protective custody status receives a visitor, the inmate with the documented conflict will be limited to a basic visit while the protective custody inmate is physically present in the privileged visiting area.
vii. Chronic or Acute Mental Health Units.
a. Inmates assigned to a mental health unit within a Department of Corrections facility may be permitted visits with approved visitors on their visiting list in the main visiting room.
b. Inmates assigned to a mental health unit within a Department of Corrections facility, who are not permitted to attend visitation in the main visiting room as a result of their mental illness or treatment plan, may be permitted visits with approved visitors on their visiting list in a designated area of the mental health unit, subject to recommendation of licensed mental health treatment staff and with the approval of the facility warden/designee.
c. The facility warden or designee shall direct the type of visiting permitted (privileged or basic), upon recommendation of the mental health treatment team.
d. No minor children will be permitted to visit with the inmate if the visit occurs in the unit. e. Visitors must call in advance to schedule a visiting appointment.
viii. Inmates Assigned to Infirmary or Hospice/Nursing Care.
a. Inmates assigned to the infirmary, or to a hospice/nursing care unit, may be permitted visits with approved visitors on their visiting list in the main visiting room if their medical condition allows.
b. Inmates who are patients in the infirmary or in a hospice/nursing care unit and who are approved for privileged visiting may be permitted visits with immediate adult family members at their bedside or in the infirmary/hospice/nursing care unit, if they are not medically able to attend visitation in the main visiting room, except as otherwise recommended by medical staff and authorized by the facility warden or designee. Visits shall be restricted to no more than one-hour in length.
c. Inmates participating in a Wyoming Department of Corrections end-of-life hospice program may be permitted extended visitation on a case-by-case basis, upon recommendation of medical staff and as authorized by facility warden or designee. Visitation while in the hospice program is not a part of the regular visitation program.
ix. Inmates Assigned to Intake at WMCI or WWC. Inmates assigned to intake processing, at the Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution or Wyoming Women’s Center, are not eligible for visitation until completion of the intake process and subsequent housing unit assignment.
x. Inmates Assigned to WHCC Boot Camp.
a. Inmates assigned to the Boot Camp program at the Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp are not eligible for visitation while they are in the first operational phase of that program, whether upon initial placement or through regression.
b. After successful completion of the first operational phase of the Boot Camp program, participants will be eligible for a four (4) hour privileged visit on the day and time scheduled by the Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp.
c. The frequency of privileged visits will be progressive in nature based upon the inmate’s progression through the Boot Camp program and will be determined by the inmate’s current assignment and participation level in the Boot Camp program.
d. Special visits will be included as part of the graduation celebration for successful completers of the Boot Camp program.
xi. Female Inmates Assigned to WMCI
a. Female inmates assigned to the Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution (WMCI) shall be entitled to prearranged special visits with persons on their approved visitor’s list at times scheduled by the facility.
b. No more than two (2) adult visitors will be approved for visiting during any visiting period and will be escorted to and from visitation by security staff.
c. All visits for female inmates assigned to WMCI will be conducted in the family visiting area within the women’s unit at WMCI. d. The minor biological children of the inmate who have a WDOC Form #532, Letter of Custodial Consent, on file and are on the inmate’s approved visitation list will be permitted to visit with the inmate if they are accompanied by an adult who is also on the approved visitation list.
e. Visitors (or visiting room staff from the Wyoming Women’s Institution) must call in advance to schedule a visiting appointment.
2. Visitation for Inmates in General Population.
i. Inmates in general population shall be limited to no more than four (4) visiting periods per week.
ii. Visitation for inmates assigned to general population shall take place during regular visiting hours.
iii. Except for minimum-security facilities, visitors will be accommodated on a first come, first serve basis.
iv. Facilities may schedule appointments for visiting, depending on space availability.
v. General population inmates who are not compliant with their individualized case plan and who are not actively involved in work and programming as assigned shall be entitled to no more than four (4) hours of privileged visitation each week.
vi. General population inmates who are compliant with their individualized case plan and who are actively involved in work and programming as assigned, or involved in a formalized re-entry or pre-release program, shall be entitled to up to sixteen (16) hours of privileged visits per week if so scheduled, unless otherwise restricted in accordance with this policy or as a result of an inmate disciplinary hearing sanction.
ii. Due to physical plant design, any or all correctional facilities may limit the number of visitors to no more than four visitors at one time per inmate at the discretion of the facility warden or designee.
viii. Children under the age of eighteen (18) shall not be counted as part of the maximum number of visitors.
ix. Those with an expressed need for an exception to these limitations, e.g., a travel distance in excess of two hundred (200) miles or inability to visit more than once per month, may appeal to the warden or designee for approval for a special visit in advance of the visiting.
L. Time, Length, and Place of Visits.
1. The time, length, and place of visits shall be posted at the visiting desk and visiting room of each Wyoming Department of Corrections facility and made available to each inmate as part of the facility orientation process.
2. Privileged visiting hours shall occur at least three (3) days per week, but may be scheduled by housing unit or inmate classification.
3. Visitation will occur on state holidays if the holiday falls on a day of the week that is normally scheduled for visitation at that institution.
4. Due to physical plant design, work environment and/or staff level, facilities may limit or expand number of days, length, and time of visits at the discretion of the correctional facility warden.
M. Special Visits.
1. Inmates confined in a Wyoming Department of Corrections facility may be permitted special visits at the discretion of the facility warden or designee in accordance with these rules.
i. Travel Distance. In general, special visiting privileges for members of an inmate’s immediate family will not be granted unless the family member(s) resides more than two hundred (200) miles from the correctional facility. Exceptions may be granted by the facility warden or designee, under the following provisions: a. Inmate requests for special visits shall be directed in writing using WDOC Form #509, Special Visit Request to the facility warden or designated staff at least three (3) working days prior to the date of a requested special visit.
b. The three (3) day requirement may be waived if emergency or unusual circumstances exist.
c. The warden or designee shall approve/deny special visit requests in a timely manner.
ii. Emergency Situation. When an inmate has notification of an emergency situation, the inmate may request a special visit by contacting the on-duty shift supervisor to obtain a copy of WDOC Form #509, Special Visit Request.
a. Verification of the emergency and need for on-site visit shall be made by the on-duty shift supervisor/designee.
b. The on-duty shift supervisor shall contact the warden, OIC, or designee for final approval/denial.
iii. Medical or Physical Limitations. Inmate visitors who are unable to receive regular and recurring visits with an inmate due to their own medical or physical limitations which prevent them from traveling for visitation more than once every other month may request a special visit using WDOC Form #509, Special Visit Request, which shall consist of two (2) regularly authorized visits.
a. Such visits may be granted to individuals on the inmate’s approved visiting list only, at the discretion of the on-duty shift supervisor/designee.
b. The special visit request will be denied if granting of the request would cause the inmate to exceed the total authorized number or hours of visits permitted based upon his/her current classification and housing.
c. Individuals who have visited more than once in the previous thirty (30) day period will not be granted a special visit under this section. iv. Visitor Not on Inmate’s Approved Visiting List. When an inmate desires to receive a special visit from someone who is not on his/her approved visiting list, he/she shall submit a written request using WDOC Form #509, Special Visit Request to the correctional facility warden or designee.
a. The request must be submitted at least five (5) working days in advance of the visit.
b. Unless otherwise approved by the facility CEO or his/her designee, a completed WDOC Form #531, Inmate Visitor Application, must be received and approved in advance of the special visit for any visitor not on the inmate’s approved visiting list.
c. A background check on the requested visitor must be completed prior to approval of the visit.
d. Final approval or denial of the special visit request shall be made by the warden or designee in a timely manner.
e. A copy of the approval or denial will be given to the inmate, a copy will be placed in the inmate’s master file, and the original shall be forwarded to the control center or visiting room as appropriate. v. Non-Social Visit by Person Not on Inmate’s Visiting List. Visitation for nonsocial purposes by attorneys, representatives of criminal justice agencies, state and/or local agencies, other public or government agencies, prospective employers, or for therapeutic/programming purposes may be approved as special visits.
a. Such visits shall be requested by the inmate in advance, using WDOC Form #509, Special Visit Request and must be approved by the correctional facility warden or designee.
b. Such visits should be made by appointment during regular visiting hours or hours as designated by the facility.
c. Persons approved for these types of visits with an inmate must present credentials/identification at the facility visiting desk/reception area prior to and following the visit.
d. Representatives from other criminal justice, state or local agencies may be permitted to bring necessary documents or paperwork into the visiting room/area for exchange with the inmate with prior approval of visiting staff. (1) All articles shall be searched for contraband.
e. These types of visits shall be permitted with only one (1) inmate at a time, except as otherwise authorized in advance by the facility warden or designee.
f. Attorney visitation for non-social purposes shall be in accordance with WDOC Policy and Procedure #5.403, Access to Attorneys.
vi. Completion of Specified Programming. Special limited duration privileged visits may be incorporated into regularly scheduled graduation ceremonies for inmates completing GED programming, or other significant long-term programming efforts such as graduation from intensive residential substance abuse treatment, at the discretion of the warden.
vii. Community Hospitalization.
a. Inmates assigned to community hospitalization and under Wyoming Department of Corrections supervision will only be permitted visits on a case-by-case basis, during the course of their hospital stay, upon consent of the attending/treating physician and/or hospital administration, due to the seriousness of the injury or illness and prognosis, and as authorized by the facility warden or designee.
b. Such visitation will normally be restricted to inmates with terminal illness, inmates who are in critical condition and not expected to recover, or for inmates who have remained in the hospital for thirty (30) days or longer.
c. Visitors must call in advance to request a scheduled visit.
d. Visits shall be during normal hospital visiting hours.
e. All visitors will be required to submit to a pat search prior to visiting.
f. The time and length of such visits will be not exceed those established by hospital rules, but shall not in any case exceed one (1) hour in length.
2. If approved, the on-duty shift supervisor shall coordinate special visits such that the correctional facility’s daily operation is not disrupted.
3. Special visits shall be restricted to basic visiting if a criminal background check cannot be made.
N. Visitor Registration and Search Upon Entry Into the Institution.
1. Inmate visitor access into the institution shall be in accordance with WDOC Policy and Procedure #3.007, Facility Access. The facility warden or designee may disallow or terminate a visit at any time due to space limitations or as deemed necessary to maintain the safety, security, health and good order of the facility, and/or the safety and security of other inmates, staff, visitors, contractors or the community.
2. Visits may be delayed or denied as a result of the visitor’s clothing when the clothing worn by the visitor would be disruptive to the visitation process or is of the same color, or color and design, as that normally worn by inmates. For example, where inmates wear blue jeans and red or orange shirts or colored uniforms, visitors appearing for visits dressed in a similar fashion may be denied visitation, or asked to go change clothing when possible, to avoid any security issues. However, first time visitors will be permitted to visit even if a change of clothing is not available and will be advised of the visitor dress code policy in preparation for subsequent visits.
3. Access procedures shall require at a minimum that all approved visitors sixteen (16) years of age or older be identified upon ingress and egress using an acceptable photo identification card, that the identification card be exchanged for an inmate visitor badge prior to and following the visit, and each visitor be logged in an out of the facility.
4. Inmate visitor searches will be conducted only when in accordance with WDOC Policy and Procedure #3.013, Searches, WDOC Form #534, Visiting Rules, and/or Section IV.M.1.vi.d. of this policy.
5. Information Regarding Transportation. Information regarding transportation to and from the institution shall be made available for review by visitors at each correctional facility’s visiting desk/reception area. Inmate visitors may utilize public phones or staff may initiate calls to facilitate transportation between the institution and nearby public transit terminals, if any.
O. Termination/Disallowance of Visits.
1. The facility warden or designee may disallow or terminate a visit at any time due to space limitations or as deemed necessary to maintain the safety, security, health and good order of the facility, and/or the safety and security of other inmates, staff, visitors, contractors or the community.
i. Factors to be considered before a visit is terminated due to space limitations will be the distance visitors travel, frequency of visits, and time of arrival.
ii. Visiting room staff will maintain a log of visits terminated due to space limitations to avoid having an inmate’s visits terminated consecutively.
P. Suspension/Restriction of Visits/Removal from Inmate Visiting List.
1. The warden or designee may suspend the inmate’s visits with the visitor, or restrict visitation to basic visiting, or remove a visitor from an inmate’s approved visiting list if the warden or designee determines that:
i. the visitor does not qualify for visits in accordance with WDOC policy; or
ii. there exists reasonable suspicion that continued visitation between the visitor and the inmate poses a threat to the safety, security, health and good order of the facility, and/or the safety and security of other inmates, staff, visitors, contractors or the community; or
iii. there is a court order or Board of Parole action form which prohibits contact with the visitor.
2. The warden or designee may temporarily suspend an inmate’s visits for fourteen (14) days in the event of an on-going investigation.
i. The warden or designee shall provide written notification of the suspension to the inmate and the inmate's visitor(s).
ii. If at the conclusion of the investigation or fourteen (14) days whichever occurs first, the warden or designee determines the visitor’s status shall be suspended, the notification process specified below will begin.
3. Notification.
i. A written report documenting the suspension shall be prepared and sent to the inmate and to the inmate’s visitor within seven (7) days of the action.
ii. The report shall contain a short and concise statement of the reason(s) for the suspension and a recommendation for the action to be taken.
iii. The recommended action may be assignment to basic visiting, restriction of visiting for a limited duration, or permanent removal.
4. Review by Warden.
i. The visitor may apply for a review of the recommended action by submitting a written request to the warden/designee within thirty (30) days of the date of the notification of suspension.
ii. Within forty five (45) days of the receipt of the request, the warden will issue a final decision. If not satisfied with the warden’s decision, the visitor may request an administrative review of the warden's decision.
iii. If the visitor does not request a review, the warden/designee will issue a final decision within thirty (30) days of the date of the notification of suspension.
Q. Administrative Review.
1. An approved visitor who has been removed from an inmate’s approved visiting list, or whose visitation with the inmate has been restricted to basic visiting, may obtain an administrative review of the action by submitting a written request for administrative review to the Prison Division Administrator or designee at the department’s Central Office.
2. Administrative reviews will not be provided to visitors for inmate misconduct resulting in disciplinary sanctions imposed upon inmates in accordance with WDOC policy.
3. The Prison Division Administrator or designee must receive the administrative review request within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the warden’s final decision.
4. The administrative review request must be in writing and should specify the reason(s) why the visitation action should not be sustained.
5. Upon receipt of a timely written request for administrative review, the Prison Division Administrator or designee will review the visitation action, and affirm, reverse or otherwise modify the action as circumstances warrant.
6. The decision of the Prison Division Administrator or designee shall be final.
7. A copy of the decision shall be provided to the person requesting the administrative review, the affected inmate, and the warden.
R. Reconsideration of Permanent Removal.
1. Visitors who have been permanently removed from any inmate’s approved visiting list, or whose visitation with any inmate has been permanently restricted to basic visiting, may request reconsideration five (5) years after the date of the action.
2. Requests for reconsideration must be in writing and submitted to the Prison Division Administrator or designee.


Visiting is an important component within the correctional system. In order to enhance the visiting experience, the department has developed protocol for visitors and inmates. The protocol for visitors is contained in WDOC Form #534, Visiting Rules.
Visiting protocol for inmates shall include:
A. Authorized Property
1. Inmates shall not be permitted to bring anything with them to the visiting area other than their state-issued correctional facility identification card, cell key, religious medallion, and jewelry worn appropriate to their classification level and WDOC policy, unless approved in writing in advance by the facility warden or designee, or as approved by WDOC Policy and Procedure #4.201, Access to Attorneys.
2. Only those items noted may be taken from the visiting area by the inmate.
3. Inmates who are actively involved in a formalized reentry program and nearing release from confinement may request to send personal property items out of the institution with an approved visitor by sending a written request and signed property disposition form to the warden or designee, at least fourteen calendar days prior to the anticipated visit.
i. The request from the inmate must include the specific date on which their visitor will pick up the property and a detailed list of the property items.
ii. Items approved to be sent out of the institution with an approved visitor shall be processed through the institution’s inmate property staff and inventoried by property room staff.
iii. Once the items approved to be sent out of the institution with an approved visitor have been processed and inventoried, the property may be held in the property room until the date specified by the inmate on his request or the property may be delivered directly to the visiting room by staff for temporary storage and disposition, as determined by local operational procedures.
iv. A copy of the inventory sheet that was completed by the property room staff shall be forwarded to the inmate; a copy will be attached to the property and forwarded with it to the visiting room; and a copy will be kept for file.
v. Inmates shall not be authorized to transport property items to the visiting room for disposition.
vi. Visitors shall be required to sign a receipt for all property items received and shall receive a copy of the inventory sheet completed by the property room staff. The signed receipt shall be returned to the
property room for filing.

B. Assigned Seating
1. Visiting staff will assign visiting locations within the visiting area that are appropriate for the size and make-up of the group, in conjunction with space availability.
2. Once visitors and inmates have been assigned seating in the visiting room/area, changing location requires approval of the visiting room supervisor.
3. Inmates and visitors shall not be allowed to leave and re-enter the visiting area during a visit.
C. Limited Contact
1. Visitors who are approved for privileged visiting may briefly embrace and kiss the inmate at the beginning and end of the visits.
2. Hand-holding and holding of small children under seven years of age is permitted during the visit.

D. Dress Code
1. In order to maintain a positive environment for all inmates and visitors, a reasonable clothing standard must be established. Therefore, inmates who are not in compliance with the requirements of WDOC Policy and Procedure #4.201, Inmate Grooming, Hygiene and Sanitation, shall not be
permitted to visit.
2. Inmates shall be required to be fully dressed in the appropriate inmate uniform.
3. Shorts, exercise wear, shower shoes, slippers and sandals may not be worn to visitation unless medically required and authorized by a written medical pass issued by a WDOC contract medical provider.
4. Inmates may not wear hats and coats in the visiting area, except at the discretion of the warden or designee based on the operational needs and physical plant layout. Inmates may not wear sunglasses in the visiting area unless medically required.
E. Security Screening and Search
1. All inmates must be processed through a security checkpoint for screening and search prior to and following each approved visit.
2. Security screening may include the use of metal detectors or other security screening equipment, as well as frisk or skin search.
i. At all secure facilities, inmates shall be skin searched prior to and after visiting.
ii. At all non-secure correctional facilities, inmates may be frisk searched, scanned with a metal detector or other security screening device, or skin searched prior to and after leaving the visiting room area.
iii. Visiting room staff shall have the discretion in determining appropriate search methods based upon security needs, but random and for cause skin searches should be expected.

3. All restrooms, basic visiting areas and privileged visiting areas shall be thoroughly searched by security staff prior to the arrival of inmates and visitors and following completion of each scheduled visiting session.

F. Exchange of Items with Visitors
1. Other than items from the vending machines, inmates shall not receive or exchange any object or article with any visitor. At institutions where photography services are offered during the visiting session, photographs purchased during the visiting session may be retained by the visitor or
delivered to the inmate by staff following the visiting session.
2. Paper items or other art work produced by children during the visiting session with materials provided within the visiting room may be taken out by the child or donated for display in the visiting room.
3. All items purchased from the vending machines must be consumed or disposed of in the visiting facility and may not be taken back inside the institution.
4. Inmates shall be prohibited from handling money and/or tokens, and from approaching or operating the vending machines.

G. Restroom Usage
1. Restrooms are available for visitor use.
i. For security reasons, inmates and visitors will not be permitted to use the same restroom facility.
ii. For the safety of the children, only visitors may accompany a child to the restroom.

2. Depending on the physical plant design of the facility, a restroom(s) separate from that used by visitors may be available for inmate use.
i. Where a separate inmate restroom is available within or immediately adjacent to the visiting area, the inmate may request permission from the visiting room supervisor to use the restroom without terminating the visit.
ii. If the facility does not have a restroom available exclusively for inmate use, the visit shall be terminated if the inmate must leave to use a restroom.
iii. Inmates with a documented medical condition as verified by medical staff shall be permitted restroom privileges outside of the visiting area in those facilities where inmate restrooms are not
available, but shall be subject to escort to and from the restroom facilities and security screening and search prior to leaving and returning to the visiting area.
iv. Once a visitor or an inmate leaves the visiting area other than to access the restroom, the visit shall be terminated.

H. Non-authorized Visits
1. Neither a visitor nor an inmate shall be permitted to visit with a person who is not specifically authorized for the current visit.

I. Adherence to Rules
1. Inmates shall be expected to observe all correctional facility rules and policies during a visit.
2. Inmates shall be required to conduct their visit in a quiet, orderly and dignified manner.
3. Inmates shall be responsible for the behavior of visitors under the age of 18.
4. Violation of visiting room protocol by a visitor, or violation of rules of prohibited conduct by an inmate shall result, at a minimum, in disallowance or termination of the visit.