Reviewed on: February 01,2019

How does the discounted phone service work for Lassen county jail

Asked: January 30, 2019
Author: Justine
Ask the inmate answer

Lassen County Jail has a contract with Securus. You have to use them for all calls, we are not replacing them. BUT, they have two sets of prices and depending on your current number, the calls will be $18.78 per 15-minutes OR $3.15 per 15-minute call. If you are paying the crazy-high rate, we can certainly help you. Once you get the number from us, enter it when you put money on your Securus account (or if your inmate can but phone time through the commissary, just have them dial the IA number you get). When your inmate dials our number, the calls forward to your old number but Securus charges the lower rate. You save about $15.00 per call, you pay $19.95, so with TWO CALLS, our fee is paid by the savings. Email us at and share your telephone number, we will give you an honest estimate before you sign up.
Accepted Answer Date Created: February 01,2019

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