Reviewed on: October 07,2015

My boyfriend is in Bexar County Adult Detention center andI have been sending care packages via the icaredirect website, but they take so long to be delivered. I visit but I wasn't able to set up my phone to receive calls from him until yesterday and I don't know how, other than snail mail, to get the # to him and let him know he can call finally. and the next visitation isn't for days! I would give anything to be able to talk to him so he knows he isn't alone and that even though I am out here, my heart is in there with him. I've never gone through any of this before and I don't know how things work and what I am able to do. Please, any advice to help me would be greatly appreciated. Please...

Asked: March 29, 2015
Author: Amanda
Ask the inmate answer
You are doing all of the right things to stay connected. If you start writing letters, there is lag time in the beginning but after the first one gets there, then there'll be a stream of consistent letters for him just about every day - if you keep writing everyday.  InmateAid's letter service is as fast as there is and VERY reliable. The photo feature is the most popular. Setting up a phone account can get expensive if you are not local. We can help with that, too. Also keeping your inmate busy by having magazine subscriptions and books flow in at a steady pace will have his mind on the outside and off the nonsense in the inside - plus, he'll know that you did this for him. Let us know if you need any help setting up any of the services (even asking for a coupon to get going is a good way to try this out).
Accepted Answer Date Created: March 30,2015

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