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Subject: Prison discipline

They are in serious trouble, probably a 20 year or more sentence and a lifetime of dealing with the sexual predator label.

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Subject: Prison discipline

Uh oh! That was not a good idea. When they catch him, he will be sent to a higher security prison and will get none of the privileges he was getting prior to this bone-headed "escape", which is how the government will see it.

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Subject: Prison discipline

Lockdown means that the compound is essentially "locked-down" from normal operations. There are no visits, no phone privileges, no commissary. Just 24/7; locked in their cells. It becomes a stressful environment for the days, weeks or sometimes months of "punishment" until it is lifted. Inmates do still receive mail.

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Subject: Prison discipline

Group punishment for some bad act that occurred. 

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Subject: Prison discipline

Ther prisons do not share any information about the reasons for anything that goes on inside the walls. Unless the issue leaks out from an inmate that shared it with their loved ones, no news gets out 

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Subject: Prison discipline

This is a Special Housing Unit also known as the SHU. Typically they are in segregation, outside of the general population for a variety of reasons - none of which are particularly good.

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Subject: Prison discipline

SID is code for special internal investigation. The inmate is under investigation for an infraction of sorts. Normally, any inmate under investigation is relegated to the SHU (the hole, isolation) and cannot receive visits until there is a decision handed down.

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Subject: Prison discipline

This is not the type of crime that retribution by inmates is imposed. However, we would strongly advise you to NOT share your paperwork. We would get together a decent explanation of what occurred and when you feel the need to share your story, probably with some inmate gets close to you (and it's inevitable that it will happen), you need to have a very condensed version. But if you can try not to talk about your case to anyone.

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Subject: Prison discipline

The prisons operate without having to answer to anyone on the outside. When an inmate gets put in the hole for fighting, they are at the mercy of the DHO, the Disciplinary Hearing Officer. It is that person who acts as judge, jury and sentence renderer. Your inmate will make their testimony to the DHO and they will make their binding decision. Your inmate will have to tell you what happened.

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