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The halfway house is selected by the prison bureau. The parole officers are normally assigned to the jurisdiction where you live. The parole officer will be in close contact making sure the integration back into society is smooth. The best source of information will be his current counselor or case manager. They have all of the pertinent information as to where your partner will be assigned. For him to get a halfway house in another state he is going to have to petition
Read moreState inmates are required to do 85% of their sentence. Inmates with less than one year on their sentence do not normally get moved around so we think that unless he comes into a real conflict, he will do the whole sentence there.
Read moreThere is a possibility but the circumstances laid out by the judge will dictate whether it's even possible. If the judge allows for parole, then there is one potential option for early release. There are "good time" credits which exist for all inmates. The caveat is that they have to remain in good standing with the prison staff, with no incidence reports or trips to the SHU for bad behavior. The good time usually represents about 15% off. Finally, if
Read moreParole is the serving of part of your sentence under supervision in the community. The law says that the Parole Commission may grant parole if (a) the inmate has substantially observed the rules of the institution; (b) release would not depreciate the seriousness of the offense or promote disrespect for the law; and (c) release would not jeopardize the public welfare. Parole has a three-fold purpose: (1) through the assistance of the Probation Officer, a parolee may obtain help with
Read moreIt is unlikely, but one way for sure to have a chance for an early release would be to pay the child support up to the current amount he agreed to when he signed his custody decree. The judge will be more sympathetic to a father that holds to his word and takes responsibility for his children and follows through by making sure that they are provided for. The children in these cases are victims and too often, the father
Read moreYou might be able to take a few days worth depending upon what it is and where you are incarcerated. Every place is different and you will have to learn the rules quickly. Part of your orientation is to go through a complete physical and psyche evaluation. This is where the medicines that you've been on will be discussed and either verified and prescribed or rejected. If you are on a list to receive medicines, then you will do the
Read moreThe short answer is probably "no". There are certain circumstances and situations where an inmate can receive a reduction in their sentence. However, these are very rare and in most of these cases will require your inmate providing substantial assistance to the government where they would be able to use this information to prosecute and sentence another party. An inmate with a two year sentence should not consider this avenue on a number of fronts. Most inmates service about 85%
Read moreThe criminal justice system does not make significant allowances for "first time offenders" There is a chart that is set up like a grid where the sentencing guidelines are an actual point system. Points given to the various aspects of the conviction. Once the points are added up, the judge is give a range to determine the sentence. Another element to sentencing is the Pre-Sentence Report (PSR) that is compiled and written by the Pre-Sentence Investigator (PSI), This report compiles
Read moreThis is too complicated for us to give you an accurate answer. There is something called a Judgement and Commitment Order that is written by the judge. It is in that document that will let your inmate know what the sentence will be. Most state systems require that 80-85% of the sentence be served. We don't know if the "half time" means that the original sentence is cut in half and then the mandatory time served or if that is
Read moreWe have detailed information regarding Rule35 on our website, please use the search box in the top right corner
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