Reviewed on: April 22,2017

Will US BOP /Atlanta satellite camp ever follow protocol & offer furloughs to inmates that qualify?

Asked: April 22, 2017
Author: Darlene
Ask the inmate answer

That is a damn good question! Back in the day, Atlanta camp gave furloughs like they were hot cakes. I did time with some guys that transferred from Atlanta camp. They described the nightly jaunts leaving the camp and going out and getting with their women and boozing it up. They would time it to come back before "count time" and would bring in food, cigarettes, weed and liquor. It was the wild west. Recently, the Atlanta Journal Constitution published a scathing article about this very thing. It probably has something to do with the lockdown on furloughs. All your inmate can do is continue petitioning the warden and hope for the best - and keep programming, the more programs you take that they are recommending, the closer he'll get to the door..
Accepted Answer Date Created: April 22,2017

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