Ask The Inmate
How to Survive a Long Prison Sentence
By Beverly Bird, eHow Contributor Nearly 1.6 million people were incarcerated in the United States in 2008, according to the New York Times. This statistic doesn't take into consideration an additional 723,000 individuals serving time in local jails, so many of those million prisoners are facing...
How not to get stuck in jail - The Economist
White-collar prisoners April 23, 2009  -  Washington, DC AS THE economic tide recedes, it exposes all manner of ugliness, from the gargantuan fraud of Bernard Madoff to books-fiddling at Satyam. But what is bad news for most people means more business for Larry Levine, the founder of Wall S...
Medium-Security Seder - Passover in Prison
Next year in Otisville! (Unless you’re paroled.)By Peter Hyman  -  · April 13, 2008 · Passover, which begins this year at sundown on April 19, commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt to freedom. Even so, it’s a big deal among the unfree at the medium-security federal prison in Otisville...
Growing old behind bars: Aging prison population strains system
By Amy Neff Roth - Observer-Dispatch  -  June 25, 2012 ROME —Joseph Henry, 70, expects to die in prison. Incarcerated at age 49, Henry won’t be eligible for parole until he’s 89. He’s serving 40 years to life for criminal possession of a controlled substance, his sentence made tougher under the...
Addicted to Prison Life - Criminals Who Can't Get Enough
Antoinette McGowan,Yahoo! Contributor Network Jan 19, 2007 While so many prison inmates are waiting to get release there are a few that will do anything to stay in there. If released they will do what they have to get sent back. These people seem to be addicted to prison life. For them the addi...
Equine Therapy: Prison Inmate Programs
By Claire Dorotik, LMFTWhile there may be some people who believe that inmates cannot, or should not be rehabilitated, returning them back to civilian life in a productive way is actually the original purpose of our prisons. Yet just how, may still evade us. So it may be surprising then that some...
The sledgehammer justice of mandatory minimum sentences
By George F. Will Federal Judge John Gleeson of the Eastern District of New York says documents called “statements of reasons” are an optional way for a judge to express “views that might be of interest.” The one he issued two months ago is still reverberating. It expresses ...
Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray claims cramped jail cell is killing...
The 6-foot-5 Murray, serving a four-year term in the singer’s 2009 death, was rushed to the hospital this week fearing he might die from blood clots in his legs, lawyer Michael Flanagan said.FREDERICK M. BROWN/GETTY IMAGES  - Dr. Conrad Murray is suffering dangerously slow blood flow in lower ext...
Jerry Sandusky: What He Can Expect in Prison
by Anthony Papa Manager, Media Relations, Drug Policy AllianceOctober 10, 2012Before being found guilty of 45 counts of child sex abuse and then being sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison, Jerry Sandusky astounded the nation. He had the audacity to make an unapologetic statement that was broadca...
Dallas mother gets 99 years in prison for gluing toddler daughter's hand...
October 12, 2012  -  Associated PressDALLAS – A Dallas woman who beat her 2-year-old daughter and glued the toddler's hands to a wall was sentenced Friday to 99 years in prison by a judge who described his decision as a necessary punishment for a brutal, shocking attack.Elizabeth Escalona did not...

Will an inmate get in trouble for a visiting request form submitted w...

The inmate will NOT be held accountable if a potential visitor has an outstanding warrant come up during the approval process. The inmate is notified but not punished.

My son is charged with 1st degree assaulting a federal officer...he w...

not likely in a federal case. they are not much on bargaining once they have you

Can a imate be put in lock down as soon as they get to Livingston par...

yes, that is very likely under those circumstances

What will it be showing up on my credit card

InmateAid LLC

How do I know if inmate is talking to other people

ask him

can you smoke cigarettes at crtc in brownfield or san angelo?

the short answer is "no". however, there is a very robust black market in dealing cigarettes between inmates. if your inmate wants to smoke they will find a way

Can prisoners in us send letters to uk

yes they can if they have the postage to do so. a lot of international inmateaid members use our "letters from inmates" service where the inmate sends the letter to our offices in Florida. we scan the letter and load it into your dashboard. the retrieval of the letter is $1.49... a far ...

How long will a inmate serve on driving charges no licence, inspectio...

zero time unless he hurt someone or has a bunch of reckless driving charges on his record

Hey baby! Pick some magazines! Love you ❣️

These are the 10 most popular magazines bought this month... Dell Original Sudoku Diesel World Farm & Ranch Living Brain Fun Picture Puzzles Maxim US Weekly TV Guide Farm & Ranch Living Women's Health Muscle and Fitne...

How long does it take to get into a treatment program to get credits ...

If they are approved and awaiting transfer it depends on the bed space available in the treatment dorm
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