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Limon Correctional Visitation Center

State Prison

Last Updated: March 24,2025

General Visitation Information

LCF Visiting has resumed in-person visitation at 100% capacity. To schedule an in-person visit, please call 719-775-8921 Monday - Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM and Thursday: 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Friday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Sunday: 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM

GTL video visitation will be limited to the following times, seven days per week, until further notice: 8:00am-10:40am, 1:00pm-3:50pm, and 6:00pm-6:50pm.

To visit inmates at LCF, appointments are necessary and can be arranged by calling the Visiting Office directly at (719) 775-8921. The Visiting Office operates from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday through Wednesday, and from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday. Appointments should not be scheduled more than seven days in advance.

Alternatively, visitors can request appointments via email at doc_lcf_visiting@state.co.us. These requests are processed during the same hours as phone appointments. Any requests received after 3:30 p.m. on Monday through Wednesday will be addressed on the next business day. Requests are handled in the order they are received, and visitors will receive a confirmation email once their visit has been approved or denied. The email must include the name of the individual making the request for reference purposes.

During the appointment process, the officer responsible for scheduling will verify the eligibility of both the inmate and the visitor. This verification ensures compliance with visitation regulations and guidelines.

Visiting Applications can be found HERE. Return the completed, signed form to Limon Correctional Facility, Visitation, . 49030 State Hwy 71; Limon, C0 80826 or by email doc_LCF_Visiting@state.co.us

General Information and Approval Process - To initiate the visitation process with an inmate in the Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC), families and friends can conveniently register online at https://codoc.gtlvisitme.com. It's important to note that visitation hours are subject to specific rates, with each minute costing $0.40. Additionally, visits are limited to a maximum duration of 10 minutes per visit.

Other Important Details - All visits must be scheduled in advance to ensure smooth coordination and adherence to facility protocols. Visitors are kindly requested to check in 15 minutes before their scheduled visit to facilitate timely processing. It's crucial to remember that only approved visitors listed on the inmate's visiting list are permitted to participate in video visits. Prior approval by the facility is necessary to schedule visits. Additionally, visitors are required to provide a valid photo ID for registration and check-in purposes.

Visitation Benefits and Guidelines - Visitation by family and friends is strongly encouraged as it can have a positive impact on an inmate's experience during their time in prison and upon their release. Regular visitation plays a pivotal role in assisting individuals with their re-entry into the community by fostering and preserving healthy relationships with loved ones. The Department is committed to ensuring that visitation experiences are comfortable and pleasant for both inmates and visitors alike. It's recommended to familiarize oneself with the visiting rules and procedures outlined by the Colorado Department of Corrections before visiting. Detailed rules and pertinent information can be found in the "General Information and Approval Process" section.

Accessibility and Accommodations - The Colorado Department of Corrections prioritizes equal access and full participation in its services and programs for qualified individuals with disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As such, reasonable accommodations are provided as needed, without causing undue hardship to the department.

Special Visits and Considerations - Inmates assigned to special management housing or designated by the Administrative Head may be approved for non-contact visits under certain circumstances. These circumstances may include situations where a visitor cannot be cleared through search procedures due to medical reasons, such as metallic braces or medical inserts into the body. Non-contact visits may also be considered for inmates being monitored for suicidal behavior.

Special visits, authorized by the Administrative Head, may be granted to individuals whose names are not on the inmate's approved visiting list. Additionally, other special or extended visiting privileges may be approved by the Administrative Head or Executive Director. Such visits may be granted for reasons such as requests for an initial visit before background verification for visiting approval, long-distance travel by visitors, or when a special visit is deemed to be in the best interest of the offender's rehabilitative needs or correctional goals.

In conclusion, the visitation process within the Colorado Department of Corrections is designed to facilitate meaningful connections between inmates and their loved ones while upholding the safety and security of all parties involved. Through adherence to established guidelines and procedures, visitation experiences can contribute positively to an inmate's rehabilitation journey and eventual reintegration into the community.

Contact Us

1250 Academy Park Loop
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Phone: 719-579-9580
Email: cdoc@state.co.us

Visitation Rules(Security)

CO DOC - Rules by Security

Visiting an Offender
Visitation by family and friends is encouraged and can be a positive influence during an inmate’s time in prison, as well as after the inmate’s release. Regular visitation assists individuals re-entering the community by helping to preserve healthy relationships with family and friends. The Department strives to make these visits comfortable and pleasant. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the visiting rules and procedures for Colorado Department of Corrections prior to visiting. Specific rules and useful information are outlined below in the "General Information and Approval Process" section.
Visiting applications
Ongoing visitation application:
Complete a Visitor Application and mail to the location specified under the Facility Specific Visiting Information section below.
Minor Children (any child under 18) visiting application:
A parent or guardian needs to complete a Form 300-01G Authorization for Minor Child Visitation and mail to the location specified under the Facility Specific
One-time or infrequent visitors (i.e., one to two times per year):
Please complete a Special Visitation Application and mail to the location specified under the Facility Specific Visiting Information section below.
What is considered a special visit?
Special Visits by persons whose names are not on an offender's approved visiting list may be authorized by the Administrative Head. Other special or extended visiting privileges may be approved by the Administrative Head or Executive Director.
Special or extended visits between offenders and their families may be granted for reasons such as:
Requests for an initial visit prior to background verification for visiting approval.
When the visitor(s) has traveled out of state and/or a long distance; and/or,
When a special visit is determined by the Administrative Head or designee to be in the best interest of the offender's rehabilitative needs or correctional goals.
Please be advised: Unforeseen security problems may interfere with visiting, causing delayed, shortened, suspended or cancelled visits. This is unusual, but it does occasionally occur. Whenever possible, notice of such events will be posted on this website on the homepage under "What's New"
The Colorado Department of Corrections is committed to ensuring equal access to and full participation in services and programs for qualified individuals with disabilities, including visitors. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is an important part of our culture and we are committed to provide reasonable accommodations when needed without causing undue hardship to the Colorado Department of Corrections.
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Colorado Department of Corrections (hereafter referred to as “DOC”) will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities.
Requests for Accommodation: The DOC provides a method for visitors to request accommodations in accordance with the ADA. Administrative Regulation 100-42 governs the request process and contains the request form, which is available to visitors here and upon request. Completed requests should be submitted to the facility/office ADA coordinator at the location where they are visiting.
Effective Communication: The DOC will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services for effective communication to qualified visitors so they can participate equally in DOC programs, services, and activities, including visitation amplification devices, accessible formatting of public materials, and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The DOC will make all reasonable modifications to policies and procedures to ensure that visitors have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its services, programs, and activities. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in DOC facilities/offices, even where pets are generally prohibited.
A visitor who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the DOC, should contact the facility/office ADA coordinator as soon as possible but no later than seven business days before the scheduled visit.
Complaint Procedure: Complaints that a service, program, or activity of the DOC is not accessible to visitors, or if a visitor would like to appeal the denial of a request for accommodation, he/she shall follow the complaint procedure outlined in Administrative Regulation 100-42.
The ADA does not require the DOC to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its services, programs, and activities, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden. DOC will not place a surcharge on a particular individual or group of individuals to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy, such as retrieving items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs.
Department of Corrections Non-Discrimination Statement
As required by the Americans with Disabilities/Rehabilitation Acts (ADA), no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation or be denied the benefits of the services, activities, or programs of the Department of Corrections or be subjected to discrimination.