When your inmate calls you now, it is a LONG DISTANCE call with rates ranging from 23 cents to over $1.00 per minute. We provide you with a LOCAL telephone number - local to the prison area code your inmate is housed. The local rates are more like 5-6 cents per minute. If you use 300 minutes at $.23/min - it is $69/mo.; at $.06/min is $18/mo. We charge $16.95 for the line, you save $34.05 per month. This example is the BEST case (federal system) scenario because there are plenty of other examples where the long distance rate is a lot higher than $.23/min - the difference would be several hundreds of dollars per month for other institutions. Add to the fact that when you are looking at 1000 minutes or more it can get crazy expensive. If you buy a local number from InmateAid and pay quarterly, we give you 1000 minutes/mo. instead of 300 paying month-to-month. Same monthly price, triple the minutes. Also, we have a membership deal now for additional numbers on your account are only $9.95/mo.
Accepted Answer Date Created: May 08,2013