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Subject: Relationship issues

Fear is a big part of how every inmate deals with their time. Fear of losing support is real and it makes many inmates anxious as it is often tied to finanacial support. The anxiety leads to paranoia and before you know it, there are accusations and fights on the phone that will make both of you miserable. Since communication is limited, it's hard to keep the intimacy and feelings going strong without significant effort. The isolation that the

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Subject: Relationship issues

Of course you should be concerned and it is to be expected, from both your perspectives. He is wondering what you are doing, thinks the worst even if you have never given an inclination that you'd stray. It's natural, but it will take a Herculean effort on both of your parts to keep it going. Give him his space for a bit, stop peppering him with questions. He's in prison, he's getting punished - do not pile on with your

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Subject: Relationship issues

no, inmates are entitled to privacy too

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Subject: Relationship issues

Being in a relationship with someone you can't actually BE in a relationship with is a maddening process that rarely makes it through the bid if it's more than a few years. The inmate has a vivid imagination of what you are (might) doing while he's locked up (even if you haven't even been tempted). That makes him unjustly angry. You're picturing other women communicating with him, even visiting. The trust between you deteriorates becasue of the lack of real

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Subject: Relationship issues

Strange that he won't tell you a date to pick him up...  Call the counselor or the case manager, see if they will share that information with you. If you don't know a date, and he won't tell you... maybe he has other arrangements??

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Subject: Relationship issues

You know your guy better than most, use your intuition. If he is a player on the streets he gonna try and be a player from inside, too. Most jail term relationships fall apart when they are released, not while they are in custody. But you already know who he is and that should help you with your decision.

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Subject: Relationship issues

If she has a warrant and enters a detention facility visiting room, she will definitely be held on the warrant until the issuing jurisdiction comes for her.

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Subject: Relationship issues

That is a very good point, but there is another side to it. Inmates that have a job and do actually receive a "pay check", but their pay is miniscule. They make about 12 cents an hour on average. If the phone calls are several dollars each, there are not enough work hours to pay for all of the calls you'd like to get.  If you are mad at him and do not want to pay for the calls, you

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Subject: Relationship issues

This is something that you might have a better feel for, since you know him. He will probably get back to you after he straightens out his problems with his girlfriend.

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