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The value of a shock incarceration is the early release, but we are not privy to the terms of your boyfriend's commitment. Strictly as a guess, we would think that he would get out in about 12 months or so.
Read moreEighty-five percent of 16 months is 13.6 months. If he went in on July 19, our guestimate is that October 6, 2017 would be close to his release date
Read moreEvery offender is sent a copy of his or her Master Prison Record document reflecting the calculation of their sentence when the calculation is complete. If there are questions about time computation, offenders housed in state facilities should write the Records Office at his/her assigned facility. For offenders housed in local facilities, he/she is advised they may submit his/her questions in writing following the Administrative Remedy Process. While offenders often ask family members or friends to contact the Office of
Read moreThere are very few places where it is posted (except maybe in federal). What do you know? Do you know where he is incarcerated. Do you know for how long? Normally the release date is 85% of the imposed sentence.
Read moreThe letter means that "when he is released", he is to report to the probation Office (by web portal) within 30 days of that. He will most likely not be released earlier than his out-date. That pretty much never happens. One small bit of advice, please tell him that once is is out, that he cannot take the probation officer lightly. He knows what he can and cannot do, where he can and cannot go... and just lay low.
Read moreYou have to tell the counselor at the facility your concern. There are victim notification systems like that will do that for you via email.
Read moreUnless there is massive oversrowding, the release date normally facotrs in the good time credits - so that date is when they'll most probably get out
Read moreIt will depend on how they treat the "escape". If they minimalize the importance since he was in the halfway house then he will be released on his out date. The court might make a big deal there is a chance he could go back with some time added for the escape. The real question is, why on earth would he escape from a minimum security release facility with less than a month to go? Stupid!!
Read moreYou get out on your release date. If something happens at court where the judge dismisses the case, then they will leave at that time. If it's just a court date where no decision is rendered, there will not be an early release.
Read moreThe out date is the release date. The "update" is a change to the file, it might be for a court date or something else.
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