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Nicole Cuellar
Welcome to the vibrant world of Nicole Cuellar, where passion meets creativity. As an enthusiastic blogger, Nicole dives into a myriad of topics with a unique and engaging voice. Whether she's sharing her latest travel adventures, exploring the depths of her favorite books, or offering insightful tips on lifestyle and wellness.
prison transfers
Answers From Ask The Inmate
Q: I just sent a postcard w/pictures from inmateaid but when i reviewed it, it had my fiance name and prison hes in but not his CDC number so my question is will he still get it.When i signed up on inmateaid it asked for CDC# and i provided it so why did it not show up on his postcard its in my inmateaid profile.
Q: Why do they transfer an inmate to a level 2 or level 3 prison, when he's a level 4 inmate? It dont make no sense.
Q: Whats the point of a hardship if they dont honor it
Q: Why do inmates get transfer farther away home
Q: How big are the photo i send from inmateaid
Q: What does being in a crisis bed mean?
Q: Are there inmates on this website that want pen-pals and how can I look at their profile on here
Q: My fiance got put in the Shu because someone dropped his name & a few guys name saying they were involved an extortion of a another prisoner. He's been put in the Shu pending investigation n transfer to another prison his 60 days were up n went to committee n they said another 60 days cause there still investigating. How long can they keep him in the Shu? It's already been a lil over 4 months
Q: Is it true that inmates who are in the shu get one 15min phone call per week? And is this for all calif.prisons?
Q: I need sum help trying to understand my fiance he tells me he loves me and misses me very much. But he dont write me i maybe get 4 letters a month. I flood him w/letters,postcards, thats all we have between us right now. Hes in the shu at the moment. As of now i cant see him only cause he got transfer far away from me its been 4 long months. I would think he would write me a lil more but he dont so im mad about it n told him im not gonna write him until i get a letter from him. Its been 3 weeks since i heard frm him. I dont get it hes in the shu hes got nothing but time on his hands. I feel hes bs in me giving me bs how he misses me, love me. We been together for 2 years 9 months. I write him 2 times a day every other day since we been together clearly he knows i love him miss him, im loyal to him. I jus dont understand why he dont write me like really im thinking he just dont care like he says he does. I just dont understand him this shit is hard for me to deal with and he knows it and to me he dont care. He knows how i feel. I dont know if anyone can help me w/sum advice i b most appreciated thank u
Q: Inmates that are in the SHU, can they make phone calls? if yes is that every prison or just some prison who let them use the phone
Q: On this web site anyone can look on your profile but can they read the letters & postcards sent by someone else?
Q: How do i put money on this account for my man to write me back and how does he go about doing it
Q: Say i send a post card from here to my man after it being sent can i stop it anyway and have it not sent to him.
Q: Where are the inmates who answer these questions at? Different prison or all from one prison.
Q: This is my first time ever being with someone who's in prison. I dont know nothing about that life. My fiance got 11yrs having to do 85% of his sentence. This is his 2nd time in prison. What can i do to help him get through this i write him 4 to 5 times a week. Go visit him every other weekend. Im loyal to him. Is there anything else i can do to help him? Am i doing to much i feel like im smothering him. any suggestions ur an ex-inmate what more can i do to make his time a lil easier
Q: My fiance is a 2nd striker non violent offender has gang enhancement charges/gun charge. He was sentenced to 11 yrs having to do 80% which is 7 yrs 7 mons. Is he eligible for that new law that passed
Q: I recently ask a question about what more can i do for my man to make his time easier. I got a good response back from you guys but one thing i need to ask how come when a woman is there for a man, being loyal, sending packages,putting money on his books, writes everyday to him. But the man still accuses her of cheating. Then when he comes home he leaves her. Why when that woman been there when he needed someone the most she was there.
Q: My fiance is a 2 striker, was sentence to 11 years having to do 80 or 85% of his sentence. His charges was, Felon in possession of a firearm & gang enhancement charges (hes a d.o.) is he eligible for NVSS
Q: Need some advice. I went to visit my fiance yesterday it was behind glass visit. Hes been going through it for about a week now. His mom went to visit him last week and told him that she heard his friend willis died back in december but wasnt forsure. So he called me ask me to find out about him. So i did and yes its true he did die. So hes been real upset all week. He calls me everyday i can tell in his voice that hes not right but i dont say anything to him cause he has to deal with this on his own. He knows im here he knows im giving him his space. And when hes ready to talk to me im here. So at our visit he said something about his mom and i agreed w/him and he flipped out on me disrespecting me. I told him dont talk to me like that. I dont disrespect you so dont disrespect me. He looked at me and said why are you here? I was shocked then he said it again. Why are you here. I jus looked at him and said really i dont know fuck you.. I hung the phone grabbed my keys and id got up and walked out. I feel bad for walking out on him but then again im not gonna let him think its ok to treat me like shit. His mom texts me last night sayn that he called and he doesn't want me to visit aor write him anymore. 3yrs this month we been together and because i walked out on him. Its over. Jus like that. I dont know what i should do jus walk away without a fight. Or give him time to get himself together. I dont know what to do i dont know how hes feeling cause i never walked out on him before this is the very first time i no hes tripn off that forsure. What would you do if your lady walked out on u
Q: My fiance got sentence to 11yrs in prison he has 2 strikes level 4 inmate has to do 85% of his time. How long will he have to serve out of the 11yrs.
Q: When visiting an inmate. Do they tell inmates who visiting then before they come out to the visit?
Q: My fiance has to 2 strikes got sentence to 11yrs has to do 85% of it. He was charged w/ a felon in possession of a firearm, gang enchantment charge & prior prison sentence (whatever that means) was wondering if hes eligible for early release if prop 57 gets approved i think its prop 57.
Q: My fiance has 2 strikes got sentence to 11yrs has to do 85% of it. He was charged w/ a felon in possession of a firearm, gang enchantment charge. & prior prison sentence (whatever that means) was wondering if hes eligible for early release if prop 57 gets approved i think its prop 57.
Q: Can i visit more then one inmate. Of course at differnt prison
Q: Is carjacking & robbery consider a violent offense
Q: My friend has been in prison for 10years. Hes getting out in 2months. He's institutionalized. How do i help him to adjust to being on the outside?

Nowhere to go: Some inmates freed because of coronavirus are ‘scared to leave’