Ask The Inmate
What's America's real crime rate? - The Economist
February 14, 2012 IF YOU start feeling good about America, run don't walk to Adam Gopnik's damning New Yorker feature on the land of the free's penchant for imprisonment: For a great many poor people in America, particularly poor black men, prison is a destination that braids through an ordinar...
Unescorted Prisoners Take the Bus - Parade.com
MAY 31, 2009 Thanks to a little-known policy at the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), the guy sitting next to you on the bus could be a convicted felon. As part of a cost-cutting program, the BOP allows more than 25,000 prisoners each year to ride unescorted and unannounced between federal correc...
Sociological Aspect of Prison Life - Yahoo
Social Issues in Prison Steven Limbaugh, Yahoo! Contributor Network Jul 30, 2010 Sexual relations between inmates have been an ongoing occurrence long before the terminology prison and correctional facility ever existed. The majority of prisons throughout the United States completely ignore t...
The Caging of America- The NewYorker
Why do we lock up so many people?Six million people are under correctional supervision in the U.S.—more than were in Stalin’s gulags. Photograph by Steve Liss. by Adam Gopnik  -  January 30, 2012A prison is a trap for catching time. Good reporting appears often about the inner life of the Americ...
Prison Staff of Thieves
By: Elmer Miller - StatisticianWhat happened? Who stole all the prisoners' property? Who's looting the Inmate General Welfare Fund? What Happened to the computers? What happened to the music keyboards? What happened to the big screen TV? What happened to the exercise bicycle? What happened to th...
Prison Rape -- A Crime That Mostly Goes Unpunished - NY Times
Tamar Lewin, New York Times Sunday, April 15, 2001 Eddie Dillard, a prisoner at California's Corcoran State Prison, knew what was in store the instant he heard who his new cellmate was to be:  Wayne Robertson, a 230-pound sexual predator. Two years earlier, the men had fought after Dillard...
Prison Partnership myths and truths
Myth: Habitat takes advantage of prison labor. Truth: Habitat for Humanity works because people from all walks of life give freely of their time and talents to help low-income people. Volunteers are the cornerstone of Habitat for Humanity, and no volunteer’s participation can be mandated by the g...
Dissolving Myths About America's Criminal Justice System - Yahoo
Lindsay,Yahoo! Contributor Network Apr 30, 2007 Throughout my college career, all of my preconceived notions about the Criminal Justice System have been shattered. In the beginning, I was astonished to hear that only 10% of crimes are cleared in the United States. I would have liked to believe, ...
11 Stunning Facts About America's Prisons
Robert Johnson  Jul. 23, 2011 The U.S. has a greater percentage of its population locked up than any other country in the world. Despite budget cuts and tax shortfalls housing inmates costs the country almost $600 billion a year. Despite the rising incarceration rates over the last decade, cri...
Your Prison Inmates – Learn How To Deal With Them
January 18, 2011 One of the tricks of surviving prison time is to learn how to deal with your fellow prison inmates. It is important to get a record for good behavior as this could help in getting a sentence reduced if you are in after being found guilty of a minor crime for which you were recomm...

ADOC-Farquhar Ranch - CLOSED

Greensboro AL, Hale County

ADOC-Fountain Correctional Facility

Atmore AL, Escambia County

ADOC-Hamilton Aged & Infirmed Center (HAIC)

Hamilton AL, Marion County

ADOC-Hamilton Work Release

Hamilton AL, Marion County

ADOC-Holman Correctional Facility

Atmore AL, Escambia County

ADOC-Kilby Correctional Facility

Montgomery AL, Montgomery County

ADOC-Limestone Correctional Facility

Harvest AL, Madison County

ADOC-Loxley Work Release

Loxley AL, Baldwin County

ADOC-Mobile Work Release

Prichard AL, Mobile County

Woodburn OR Police Jail

Woodburn OR, Marion County

I'm trying to let my fiance know that I have money on my phone so...

Maybe send them a postcard with your number on it

My dads currently incarcerated.. hes in and out of jail.. he just got...

It's impossible to give you a guestimate without the full knowledge of his convictions and subsequent offenses that are the subject of his warrants

In Oklahoma, if you aren't on the visitation list, can you still ...

Please call the facility to make sure that this is something they allow

Has oregon changed its laws on where an inmate can parole to? I just ...

Oregon's law regarding where a parolee may reside upon their release states they, "Remain in the State of Oregon until written permission to leave is granted by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency. Extradition is waived if the person under supervision absco...

Hi there. When an inmate first gets there and can make phone calls, c...

Inmate phone privileges begin after orientation, usually within the first two weeks. They will have to have some money in their inmate account or they could call you collect (THE most expensive prison call). If they have money to call, they can call every day...

My son needs shower shoes I have put money on his JPay but he's n...

They sell shower shoes in the commissary. If JPay puts money in his commissary account, he should be all set.

Since I live in the same County as the inmate I'm wanting to send...

There is the cost of the supplies (stamps, paper, envelopes, etc.) PLUS the cost of your time makes the third-party option feasible. Either way, the cost is very similar, and people like our service because it provides a layer of security as your address is not displayed.

Were you truly happy after you got out? My fiancé is there and...

Happiness is relevant. Your expectations cannot be unrealistic. You have to find peace and happiness with the things you can control. Having someone to love helps a lot! For those things, i have found happiness and contentment...

Cuál es la presión federal con mejor trato a los reos e...

no hay "mejores situaciones" en la prisión federal. los reclusos no tienen voz en cuanto a dónde son designados, ya sea en Virginia o en cualquier otro estado. North Neck Regional no es una instalación federal a largo plazo. Una vez que su recluso sea sentenciado,...

I put money on an inmates letter writing account when he writes me ba...

He only needs a postage stamp to write you back. The letter is sent to our offices in Florida and posted on your Account Dashboard. You then retrieve the letter for $1.49. Folks use our service primarily to protect their whereabouts so that their home address is not circling in the prison itself ...
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