Ask The Inmate

Bibb County GA Jail

Macon GA, Bibb County

Bleckley County Jail

Cochran GA, Bleckley County

Brantley County Jail

Nahunta GA, Brantley County

Brooks County Jail

Quitman GA, Brooks County

Bryan County GA Jail

Pembroke GA, Bryan County

Bulloch County Correctional Institution (BCCI)

Statesboro GA, Bulloch County

Burke County GA Jail

Waynesboro GA, Burke County

Butts County Jail

Jackson GA, Butts County

Calhoun County GA Jail

Morgan GA, Calhoun County

While my husband is in the South Florida Reception Center in Miami, c...

You can send him  mail, but make sure the books are coming from the publisher, like Amazon

my husband just got on a bus 2 days ago from county jail, Broward Cou...

Broward is only a one county from Miami (Dade County). They are separate institutions so the transition will take a few days before phone and visitation privileges are restored.

Can you go on dating sites in jail or email people and that kinda thi...

Only inmates that have a smartphone that was illegally smuggled to them. This is a very common occurrence, believe it or not, but it is very dangerous to have. When I first got to federal prison, the cell phones would light up like Christmas when the lights were turned off. Dozens had them and wo...

What does “Released for 51 days, Release Date: 2018-08-16&rdquo...

Some of the inmate profile data is created by the Users - sometimes the person enters "today's date" in that box.. Unless we have the person you are referring to, we wouldn't know the reason that the release date is incorrect..

Hello! Do you have to be on an approved list to call an inmate or can...

The inmates create their own call list. The only restrictions are people that were in your case (co-defendants), judges, prosecutors and victims. Otherwise, the list can be pretty vast.

How long does someone have to be in jail before you can marry them

Depends on the institution. Most inmates with short sentences are not allowed to marry. There are only a few states and federal that still allow inmates to marry. Why not wait until they get out, the ceremony will be much more memorable

How can they put a charge on you after you went to jail that they sai...

There is an affidavit from someone in law enforcement that has caused this charge to be filed. They can indict a ham sandwich if they want, doesn'r mean they are going to win.

When getting released from Yuma State Prison, The Inmate lives in Tuc...

Good question. The state will provide a bus ticket to the release destination. If the family can afford a flight, the prison staff will transport the released to the airport.

I want to send my nephew magazines and puzzle books from "INMATE...

They are al printed magazines, by the publisher and mailed to the inmate by the publisher. This is the only way they may receive them. We do not sell "digital magazines" to inmates

My daughter was on bond didn't go to court now in jail no new cha...

Missing a court appearance while on bond is a serious, serious offense. For starters, there will be no further bond until her case is heard. The bond is the "assurance that the charged will appear for every court appearance". As for the new charges, my guess is that the judge will be pr...
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