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Subject: Relationship issues

Some people never really learn. They keep repeating old mistakes and will never change. There are very few cases of someone drinking and driving by the walls of prison.

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Subject: Relationship issues

There is no set answer, so we say "maybe". The history of inmates getting released and leaving their significant other almost immediately after the release is a puzzling fact that we are not sure why it is so. But, we know that it is an overwhelmingly high statistic. Depending on how long the incarceration period was will skew the statistics. The short time inmate doesn't have the longevity to become institutionalized. Inmates in long-term incarceration begin to rely on the

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Subject: Relationship issues

Without knowing the facts, we do know that inmates are pretty good at explaining things in a way that always make them the victim rather than the problem. You man has gone in more than once, this puts him in the category of someone that doesn't yet get it. Inmates do not get "screwed over" by their loved ones on the outside, more likely the inmate did something to make that jilted person cynical and vindictive because it is them

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Subject: Relationship issues

He has to want to change. You are not the problem. If you think that you are going to change him, you are wrong. He has now been in the system which makes it easy to get caught up in something else (because they are now watching him more closely) and the future is going to be tougher than before this charge. If you see that he is willing to cut off all ties to his old friends and stop

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Subject: Relationship issues

It is not our place to determine whether you are a good girlfriend. You have to be at peace with your decision to stay. If you are going to ride it out until the end with himi, just know there are going to be some rough spots along the way. Be prepared and feel free to write back as often as possible over the coming months if you need questions answered.

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Subject: Relationship issues

Writing letters is sort of a lost art these days - it takes effort. If you were our girl, we would want to hear about everything you're doing. We would really want you to send us sexy pictures of yourself and even share sexy talk or sexy stories to keep our spirits high. We are not trying to be creepy, but he probably misses you and thinks about you all the time. Try relationship stuff where you can make him

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Subject: Relationship issues

This happens more that people know. If it were me, I'd want to know so that in the two years I would be prepared for a life without you. If he cannot stay in your home, he needs to have a plan for where he will go when he's released. If you spring it on him when he's released and he is counting on living there it is going to be a mess. The stress would be overwhelming for him

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Subject: Relationship issues

There are documented cases where the staff at an institution has violated federal law and have sexual contact with an inmate (mostly consensual). However, this never ends well. The inmate gets shipped to an inconvenient location with higher security and less privileges, the staff member will do federal prison time.

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